16 lines
555 B
16 lines
555 B
Package: stats
Version: 4.4.2
Priority: base
Title: The R Stats Package
Author: R Core Team and contributors worldwide
Maintainer: R Core Team <do-use-Contact-address@r-project.org>
Contact: R-help mailing list <r-help@r-project.org>
Description: R statistical functions.
License: Part of R 4.4.2
Imports: utils, grDevices, graphics
Suggests: MASS, Matrix, SuppDists, methods, stats4
NeedsCompilation: yes
Encoding: UTF-8
Enhances: Kendall, coin, multcomp, pcaPP, pspearman, robustbase
Built: R 4.4.2; x86_64-w64-mingw32; 2024-10-31 16:44:13 UTC; windows