2025-01-12 04:36:52 +08:00

87 lines
1.8 KiB

<%@include file="includes/setup.md.rsp"%>
<%@string colname="colOrderStats"%>
<%@string rowname="rowOrderStats"%>
<%@meta title="${colname}() and ${rowname}() benchmarks"%>
<%@meta author="Henrik Bengtsson"%>
<%@meta date="2014-06-09"%>
<%@include file="${header}"%>
use("Biobase", how = "load")
rowQ <- Biobase::rowQ
# <%@meta name="title"%>
This report benchmark the performance of <%=colname%>() and <%=rowname%>() against alternative methods.
## Alternative methods
* apply() + quantile(..., type = 3L)
* Biobase::rowQ()
<% for (mode in c("integer", "double")) { %>
## Data type "<%=mode%>"
### Data
<%@include file="R/random-matrices.R"%>
data <- rmatrices(mode = mode)
### Results
<% for (dataLabel in names(data)) { %>
<% mprintf("%s: %s\n", mode, dataLabel) %>
#### <%=dataLabel%> <%=mode%> matrix
X <- data[[.dataLabel.]]
probs <- 0.3
which <- round(probs*nrow(X))
colStats <- microbenchmark(
colOrderStats = colOrderStats(X, which = which, na.rm = FALSE),
"apply+quantile" = apply(X, MARGIN = 2L, FUN = quantile, probs = probs, na.rm = FALSE, type = 3L),
"rowQ(t(X))" = rowQ(t(X), which = which),
unit = "ms"
X <- t(X)
rowStats <- microbenchmark(
rowOrderStats = rowOrderStats(X, which = which, na.rm = FALSE),
"apply+quantile" = apply(X, MARGIN = 1L, FUN = quantile, probs = probs, na.rm = FALSE, type = 3L),
rowQ = rowQ(X, which = which),
unit = "ms"
<% crBenchmarkResults(colStats, rowStats, tags=c(mode, dataLabel)) %>
<% } # for (dataLabel ...) %>
<% } # for (mode ...) %>
<%@include file="${footer}"%>
o Created.