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gtools 3.9.5 - 2023-11-20
- make `checkRVersion()` robust to internet failure/CRAN outages
gtools 3.9.4 - 2022-11-27
- correct `stars.pval` code/doc mismatch (GH #13)
- remove spurious `browser()` call in `lastAdd`
gtools 3.9.3 - 2022-07-08
- maintainer switch to Ben Bolker
- removed `assignEdgewise`/`unByteCodeAssign` (uses CRAN-deprecated `unlockBindings()` call)
gtools 3.9.2 - 2021-06-03
Bug fixes:
- Fix missing man page and export for `combinations` and `permutations`.
Behind the scenes:
- Fixed more spelling/typographical errors, mostly in `NEWS.md`.
- Speed up `checkRVersion` by removing checks for versions 2.x and 3.x.
gtools 3.9.1 - 2021-06-01
Bug fixes:
- Use valid HTTP request for example in `setTCPNoDelay` to prevent
errors when running tests.
Behind the scenes:
- Fixed numerous spelling/typographical errors.
- Update obsolete http URLs to https
gtools 3.9.0 - 2021-05-31
New functions:
- New `script_file` and `script_path` functions to obtain the
directory or full path to the currently executing script.
- New 'stat_mode` function to calculate the statistical mode (most
frequently occurring value).
- New `capwords` function to apply title capitalization rules to a
character vector.
- Move `baseOf` from `gplots` as requested by Steffen Möller. #2
New parameters:
- Add `scientific` parameter to `mixedsort` and `mixedorder` to
control whether numbers in scientific notation are recognized.
Resolved #7.
- Enhance `invalid` to detect `try-error` objects. #6
Bug fixes:
- Add support for R version 4 to `checkRVersion`. Resolved #5.
- Correct bug in `lastAdd` by explicitly checking for a `.Last` of
mode function.
Behind the scenes:
- Modernize package code by using `roxygen2` for documentation and
managing the NAMESPACE.
- Modernize C function registration.
- Replace http URLs with `https` and resolve broken links.
- Add github actions to automated testing
- Use pkgdown to generate HTML documentation.
- Use `styler` package to standardize R code formatting.
gtools 3.8.2 - 2020-03-23
Minor changes to support R 4.0
gtools 3.8.1 - 2018-06-21
Behind the scenes:
- Remove softlinks per request from Uwe Ligges
gtools 3.8.0 - 2018-06-20
New functions:
- spit_path(): converts a file path into a vector of path components
- baseOf(): Transform an integer to an array of base-n digits
Behind the scenes:
- Update C calls to use correct 'PACKAGE=' parameter.
- Explicitly register C routines used by the package
- Update link for taxise::taxize_capwords in gtools::capwords man page
- Corrections to typographical errors
gtools 3.7.0 - 2017-06-14
New functions:
- Add capwords() function to apply standard capitalization rules
to a character string.
- Add 'con' argument to ask() to allow specification of the
connection to query for input. For use under RStudio, use
ask(..., con=file('stdin')).
- R/na.replace.R, man/na.replace.Rd: na.replace() now
accepts a function to provide the replacement value.
- smartbind() has a new argument 'list' to pass a list of data frames,
/instead of/in addition to/ data frames as arguments.
- Internal changes to bring code up to current CRAN guidelines.
Bug Fixes:
- smartbind() now works properly with empty column names
- Correct error in smartbind() when column types don't
- Fix bug in smartbind's handling of factor levels.
- Improve assignment of default names in smartbind().
- loadedPackages() to return data silently so that the results
don't get printed twice.
gtools 3.5.0 - 2015-04-28
New Functions:
- New roman2int() function to convert roman numerals to integers
without the range restriction of utils::as.roman().
- New asc() and chr() functions to convert between ASCII codes and
characters. (Based on the 'Data Debrief' blog entry for 2011-03-09
at http://datadebrief.blogspot.com/2011/03/ascii-code-table-in-r.html).
- New unByteCode() and unByteCodeAssign() functions to convert a
byte-code function to an interpreted code function.
- New assignEdgewise() function for making assignments into locked
environments. (Used by unByteCodeAssign().)
- mixedsort() and mixedorder() now have arguments 'decreasing',
'na.last', and 'blank.last' arguments to control sort ordering.
- mixedsort() and mixedorder() now support Roman numerals via the
arguments 'numeric.type', and 'roman.case'. (Request by David
Winsemius, suggested code changes by Henrik Bengtsson.)
- speed up mixedorder() (and hence mixedsort()) by moving
suppressWarnings() outside of lapply loops. (Suggestion by Henrik
- The 'q' argument to quantcut() now accept an integer
indicating the number of equally spaced quantile groups to
create. (Suggestion and patch submitted by Ryan C. Thompson.)
Bug fixes:
- Removed stray browser() call in smartbind().
- ddirichlet(x, alpha) was incorrectly returning NA when for any i,
x[i]=0 and alpha[i]=1. (Bug report by John Nolan.)
Other changes:
- Correct typographical errors in package description.
gtools 3.4.2 - 2015-04-06
New features:
- New function loadedPackages() to display name, version, and path of
loaded packages (package namespaces).
- New function: na.replace() to replace missing values within a
vector with a specified value.`
Bug fixes:
- Modify keywords() to work properly in R 3.4.X and later.
gtools 3.4.1 - 2014-05-27
Bug fixes:
- smartbind() now converts all non-atomic type columns (except factor)
to type character instead of generating an opaque error message.
Other changes:
- the argument to ASCIIfy() is now named 'x' instead of 'string'.
- minor formatting changes to ASCIIfy() man page.
gtools 3.4.0 - 2014-04-14
New features:
- New ASCIIfy() function to converts character vectors to ASCII
representation by escaping them as \x00 or \u0000 codes.
Contributed by Arni Magnusson.
gtools 3.3.1 - 2014-03-01
Bug fixes:
- 'mixedorder' (and hence 'mixedsort') not properly handling
single-character strings between numbers, so that '1a2' was being
handled as a single string rather than being properly handled as
c('1', 'a', '2').
gtools 3.3.0 - 2014-02-11
New features:
- Add the getDependencies() function to return a list of dependencies
for the specified package(s). Includes arguments to control whether
these dependencies should be constructed using information from
locally installed packages ('installed', default is TRUE), available
CRAN packages ('available', default is TRUE) and whether to include
base ('base', default=FALSE) and recommended ('recommended', default
is FALSE) packages.
Bug fixes:
- binsearch() was returning the wrong endpoint & value when the found
value was at the upper endpoint.
gtools 3.2.1 - 2014-01-13
Bug fixes:
- Resolve circular dependency with gdata
gtools 3.2.0 - 2014-01-11
New features:
- The keywords() function now accepts a function or function name as
an argument and will return the list of keywords associated with the
named function.
- New function stars.pval() which will generate p-value significance
symbols ('***', '**', etc.)
Bug fixes:
- R/mixedsort.R: mixedorder() was failing to correctly handle numbers
including decimals due to a faulty regular expression.
Other changes:
- capture() and sprint() are now defunct.
gtools 3.1.1 - 2013-11-06
Bug fixes:
- Fix problem with mixedorder/mixedsort when there is zero or one
elements in the argument vector.
gtools 3.1.0 - 2013-09-22
Major changes:
- The function 'addLast()' (deprecated since gtools 3.0.0) is no
longer available, and has been marked defunct.
Bug fixes:
- Modified 'mixedorder()' to use Use 'suppressWarnings() instead of
'options(warn=-1)'. This will avoid egregious warning messages when
called from within a nested environment, such as when run from
within 'knitr'
gtools 3.0.0 - 2013-07-06
Major changes:
- The function 'addLast()' has been deprecated because it directly
manipulates the global environment, which is expressly prohibited by
the CRAN policies.
- A new function, 'lastAdd()' has been created to replace 'addLast()'.
The name has been changed because the two functions require
different syntax. 'addLast()' was used like this:
byeWorld <- function() cat("\nGoodbye World!\n")
The new 'lastAdd()' function is used like this:
byeWorld <- function() cat("\nGoodbye World!\n")
.Last <- lastAdd(byeWorld)
Bug fixes:
- Update checkRVersion() to work with R version 3.0.0 and later.
Other changes:
- Remove cross-reference to (obsolete?) `moc` package
- The function 'assert()' (deprecated since gtools 2.5.0) is no longer
available and has been marked defunct.
gtools 2.7.1 - 2013-03-17
Bug fixes:
- smartbind() was not properly handling factor columns when the first
data frame did not include the relevant column.
gtools 2.7.0 - 2012-06-19
New features:
- smartbind() has a new 'sep' argument to allow specification of the
character(s) used to separate components of constructed column names
- smartbind() has a new 'verbose' argument to provide details on how
columns are being processed
Bug fixes:
- smartbind() has been enhanced to improve handling of factor and
ordered factor columns.
gtools 2.6.2 - 2011-09-28
New features:
- Add 'fill' argument to smartbind() to specify a value to use for
missing entries.
gtools 2.6.1
New features:
- Add newVersionAvailable() function to compare running and latest
available R versions.
- Add keywords() function to show $RHOME/doc/KEYWORDS file
Bug fixes:
- Correct windows make flags as suggested by Brian Ripley.
- Update Greg's email address and fix Rd syntax errors
gtools 2.5.0
New features:
- Add checkRVersion() function to determine if a newer version of R is
- Deprecated assert() in favor of base::stopifnot
Bug fixes:
- Fix bug in binsearch() identified by 2.6.0 R CMD CHECK
Other changes:
- Improve text explanation of how defmacro() and strmacro() differ from
- Update definitions of odd() and even() to use modulus operator
instead of division.
gtools 2.4.0
- Add binsearch() function, previously in the genetics() package.
gtools 2.3.1
- Add ask() function to prompt the user and collect a single response.
gtools 2.3.0
- Update email address for Greg
- Add new 'smartbind' function, which combines data frames
efficiently, even if they have different column names.
gtools 2.2.3
- setTCPNoDelay now compiles & works properly on Windows
gtools 2.2.2
- src/setTCPNoDelay.c: Add C source code for setTCPNoDelay.
- NAMESPACE: Add UseDynLib to NAMESPACE so the shared library gets
properly loaded.
- Updated Greg's email address.
gtools 2.2.1
- New function 'addLast' that adds functions to R's .Last() so
that they will be executed when R is terminating.
- New function setTCPNoDelay() that allows the TCP_NODELAY flag to
be changed on socket objects.
gtools 2.1.0
- Added assert.R (and documentation)
- Added the defmacro() function, extracted from Lumley T. "Programmer's Niche:
Macros in {R}", R News, 2001, Vol 1, No. 3, pp 11--13,
- Added DESCRIPTION and removed DESCRIPTION.in