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AtomicList Lists of Atomic Vectors in Natural and Rle Form
AtomicList-utils Common operations on AtomicList objects
CompressedHitsList objects
CompressedList-class CompressedList objects
DataFrameList-class List of DataFrames
Grouping-class Grouping objects
Hits-examples Examples of basic manipulation of Hits objects
IPos-class IPos objects
IPosRanges-class IPosRanges objects
IPosRanges-comparison Comparing and ordering ranges
IRanges-class IRanges and NormalIRanges objects
IRanges-constructor The IRanges constructor and supporting
IRanges-utils IRanges utility functions
IRangesList-class List of IRanges and NormalIRanges
IntegerRanges-class IntegerRanges objects
IntegerRangesList objects
MaskCollection-class MaskCollection objects
NCList-class Nested Containment List objects
RangedSelection-class Selection of ranges and columns
RleViews-class The RleViews class
RleViewsList-class List of RleViews
Views-class Views objects
ViewsList-class List of Views
coverage-methods Coverage of a set of ranges
extractList Group elements of a vector-like object into a
list-like object
extractListFragments Extract list fragments from a list-like object
findOverlaps-methods Finding overlapping ranges
inter-range-methods Inter range transformations of an
IntegerRanges, Views, IntegerRangesList, or
MaskCollection object
intra-range-methods Intra range transformations of an IRanges,
IPos, Views, RangesList, or MaskCollection
multisplit Split elements belonging to multiple groups
nearest-methods Finding the nearest range/position neighbor
range-squeezers Squeeze the ranges out of a range-based object
ranges,Rle-method Rle objects (old man page)
read.Mask Read a mask from a file
reverse reverse
setops-methods Set operations on IntegerRanges and
IntegerRangesList objects
slice-methods Slice a vector-like or list-like object
unsplit,List-method 2 methods that should be documented somewhere
Summarize views on a vector-like object with
numeric values
Vector objects (old man page)