2025-01-12 04:36:52 +08:00

97 lines
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Sweave2knitr Convert Sweave to knitr documents
all_labels Get all chunk labels in a document
all_patterns All built-in patterns
asis_output Mark an R object with a special class
cache_engines Cache engines of other languages
clean_cache Clean cache files that are probably no longer
combine_words Combine multiple words into a single string
convert_chunk_header Convert the in-header chunk option syntax to
the in-body syntax
current_input Query the current input filename
dep_auto Build automatic dependencies among chunks
dep_prev Make later chunks depend on previous chunks
download_image Download an image from the web and include it
in a document
engine_output An output wrapper for language engine output
extract_raw_output Mark character strings as raw output that
should not be converted
fig_chunk Obtain the figure filenames for a chunk
fig_path Path for figure files
hook_ffmpeg_html Hooks to create animations in HTML output
hook_movecode Some potentially useful document hooks
hook_pdfcrop Built-in chunk hooks to extend knitr
hook_plot_html Default plot hooks for different output formats
image_uri Encode an image file to a data URI
include_graphics Embed external images in 'knitr' documents
include_url Embed a URL as an HTML iframe or a screenshot
in 'knitr' documents
inline_expr Wrap code using the inline R expression syntax
is_latex_output Check the current input and output type
is_low_change Compare two recorded plots
kable Create tables in LaTeX, HTML, Markdown and
knit Knit a document
knit2html Convert markdown to HTML using knit() and
knit2pandoc Convert various input files to various output
files using 'knit()' and Pandoc
knit2pdf Convert Rnw or Rrst files to PDF
knit2wp Knit an R Markdown document and post it to
knit_child Knit a child document
knit_code The code manager to manage code in all chunks
knit_engines Engines of other languages
knit_exit Exit knitting early
knit_expand A simple macro preprocessor for templating
knit_filter Spell check filter for source documents
knit_global The global environment for evaluating code
knit_hooks Hooks for R code chunks, inline R code and
knit_meta Metadata about objects to be printed
knit_params Extract knit parameters from a document
knit_params_yaml Extract knit parameters from YAML text
knit_patterns Patterns to match and extract R code in a
knit_print A custom printing function
knit_rd Knit package documentation
knit_theme Syntax highlighting themes
knit_watch Watch an input file continuously and knit it
when it is updated
knitr-package A general-purpose tool for dynamic report
generation in R
load_cache Load the cache database of a code chunk
opts_chunk Default and current chunk options
opts_hooks Hooks for code chunk options
opts_knit Options for the knitr package
opts_template Template for creating reusable chunk options
pandoc A Pandoc wrapper to convert documents to other
pat_rnw Set regular expressions to read input documents
plot_crop Crop a plot (remove the edges) using PDFCrop or
rand_seed An unevaluated expression to return
.Random.seed if exists
raw_block Mark character strings as raw blocks in R
read_chunk Read chunks from an external script
read_rforge Read source code from R-Forge
render_html Set or get output hooks for different output
rnw2pdf Convert an 'Rnw' document to PDF
rocco Knit R Markdown using the classic Docco style
rst2pdf A wrapper for rst2pdf
set_alias Set aliases for chunk options
set_header Set the header information
set_parent Specify the parent document of child documents
sew Wrap evaluated results for output
spin Spin goat's hair into wool
spin_child Spin a child R script
stitch Automatically create a report based on an R
script and a template
vignette_engines Package vignette engines
wrap_rmd Wrap long lines in Rmd files
write_bib Generate BibTeX bibliography databases for R