2025-01-12 04:36:52 +08:00

44 lines
2.2 KiB

accordion Create a vertically collapsing accordion
accordion_panel_set Dynamically update accordions
as_fill_carrier Test and/or coerce fill behavior
bind_task_button Bind 'input_task_button' to 'ExtendedTask'
bootswatch_themes Obtain a list of all available bootswatch
breakpoints Define breakpoint values
bs_add_variables Add low-level theming customizations
bs_current_theme Obtain the currently active theme at render
bs_dependency Themeable HTML components
bs_get_variables Retrieve Sass variable values from the current
bs_global_theme Global theming
bs_remove Remove or retrieve Sass code from a theme
bs_theme Create a Bootstrap theme
bs_theme_dependencies Compile Bootstrap Sass with (optional) theming
bs_theme_preview Preview a Bootstrap theme
builtin_themes Obtain a list of all available built-in 'bslib'
card A Bootstrap card component
card_body Card items
font_face Helpers for importing web fonts
input_dark_mode Dark mode input control
input_switch Switch input control
input_task_button Button for launching longer-running operations
layout_column_wrap Column-first uniform grid layouts
layout_columns Responsive 12-column grid layouts
nav-items Navigation items
nav_select Dynamically update nav containers
navset Navigation containers
page Modern Bootstrap page layouts
page_fillable A screen-filling page layout
page_navbar Multi-page app with a top navigation bar
page_sidebar A sidebar page (i.e., dashboard)
popover Add a popover to a UI element
run_with_themer Theme customization UI
sidebar Sidebar layouts
theme_bootswatch Obtain a theme's Bootswatch theme name
theme_version Obtain a theme's Bootstrap version
tooltip Add a tooltip to a UI element
value_box Value box
versions Available Bootstrap versions