1724 lines
35 KiB
1724 lines
35 KiB
base-package base-package
! Logic
!.hexmode hexmode
!.octmode octmode
!= Comparison
" Quotes
$ Extract
$.DLLInfo getLoadedDLLs
$.package_version numeric_version
$<- Extract
$<-.data.frame Extract.data.frame
$<-.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
%% Arithmetic
%*% matmult
%/% Arithmetic
%in% match
%o% outer
%x% kronecker
%||% Control
& Logic
&& Logic
&.hexmode hexmode
&.octmode octmode
' Quotes
( Paren
* Arithmetic
** Arithmetic
*.difftime difftime
+ Arithmetic
+.Date Ops.Date
+.POSIXt DateTimeClasses
- Arithmetic
-.Date Ops.Date
-.POSIXt DateTimeClasses
-> assignOps
->> assignOps
... dots
...elt dots
...length dots
...names dots
..1 dots
..2 dots
..deparseOpts deparseOpts
..getNamespace ns-internal
.Alias base-defunct
.amatch_bounds base-internal
.amatch_costs base-internal
.ArgsEnv base-internal
.Autoloaded autoload
.AutoloadEnv autoload
.BaseNamespaceEnv environment
.bincode bincode
.C Foreign
.cache_class base-internal
.Call CallExternal
.Call.graphics Foreign-internal
.check_tzones base-internal
.Class UseMethod
.class2 class
.col col
.colMeans colSums
.colSums colSums
.conflicts.OK attach
.C_R_addTaskCallback base-internal
.C_R_getbcprofcounts base-internal
.C_R_getTaskCallbackNames base-internal
.C_R_removeTaskCallback base-internal
.C_R_startbcprof base-internal
.C_R_stopbcprof base-internal
.Date base-internal
.decode_numeric_version base-internal
.Defunct Defunct
.deparseOpts deparseOpts
.Deprecated Deprecated
.detach base-internal
.Device dev
.Devices dev
.difftime base-internal
.doSortWrap base-internal
.doTrace trace
.doWrap base-internal
.Dyn.libs base-defunct
.dynLibs library.dynam
.encode_numeric_version base-internal
.expand_R_libs_env_var base-internal
.Export base-defunct
.External CallExternal
.External.graphics Foreign-internal
.External2 Foreign-internal
.find.package base-defunct
.First Startup
.First.lib base-defunct
.First.sys Startup
.fixupGFortranStderr base-internal
.fixupGFortranStdout base-internal
.format.zeros formatc
.formula2varlist base-internal
.Fortran Foreign
.F_dchdc base-internal
.F_dqrcf base-internal
.F_dqrdc2 base-internal
.F_dqrqty base-internal
.F_dqrqy base-internal
.F_dqrrsd base-internal
.F_dqrxb base-internal
.F_dtrco base-internal
.Generic UseMethod
.GenericArgsEnv base-internal
.getNamespace ns-internal
.getNamespaceInfo ns-internal
.getRequiredPackages base-internal
.getRequiredPackages2 base-internal
.GlobalEnv environment
.Group groupGeneric
.gt base-internal
.gtn base-internal
.handleSimpleError conditions
.Import base-defunct
.ImportFrom base-defunct
.Internal Internal
.internalGenerics InternalMethods
.isMethodsDispatchOn base-internal
.isOpen srcfile
.kappa_tri kappa
.knownS3Generics ns-internal
.kronecker base-internal
.Last quit
.Last.lib ns-hooks
.Last.sys quit
.Last.value Last.value
.LC.categories locales
.leap.seconds DateTimeClasses
.lib.loc base-defunct
.libPaths libPaths
.Library libPaths
.Library.site libPaths
.Machine zMachine
.makeMessage message
.make_numeric_version base-internal
.mapply mapply
.maskedMsg base-internal
.mergeExportMethods ns-internal
.mergeImportMethods ns-internal
.Method UseMethod
.noGenerics library
.NotYetImplemented notyet
.NotYetUsed notyet
.onAttach ns-hooks
.onDetach ns-hooks
.onLoad ns-hooks
.onUnload ns-hooks
.Options options
.OptRequireMethods Startup
.packages zpackages
.packageStartupMessage base-internal
.path.package base-defunct
.Platform Platform
.popath base-internal
.POSIXct base-internal
.POSIXlt base-internal
.pretty pretty
.Primitive Primitive
.primTrace base-internal
.primUntrace base-internal
.Provided base-defunct
.Random.seed Random
.rangeNum range
.readRDS base-defunct
.Renviron Startup
.rmpkg base-internal
.row row
.rowMeans colSums
.rowNamesDF<- row.names
.rowSums colSums
.row_names_info base-internal
.Rprofile Startup
.S3method S3method
.S3PrimitiveGenerics InternalMethods
.S3_methods_table ns-internal
.saveRDS base-defunct
.Script zScript
.set_row_names base-internal
.signalSimpleWarning conditions
.standard_regexps zutils
.subset base-internal
.subset2 base-internal
.sys.timezone timezones
.TAOCP1997init base-internal
.Traceback traceback
.traceback traceback
.tryResumeInterrupt conditions
.userHooksEnv userhooks
.valid.factor factor
.__H__.cbind base-defunct
.__H__.rbind base-defunct
.__S3MethodsTable__. ns-internal
/ Arithmetic
/.difftime difftime
0x1 NumericConstants
1i NumericConstants
1L NumericConstants
: Colon
:: ns-dblcolon
::: ns-dblcolon
< Comparison
<- assignOps
<<- assignOps
<= Comparison
= assignOps
== Comparison
> Comparison
>= Comparison
@ slotOp
@<- slotOp
abbreviate abbreviate
abs MathFun
acos Trig
acosh Hyperbolic
activeBindingFunction bindenv
addNA factor
addTaskCallback taskCallback
agrep agrep
agrepl agrep
alist list
all all
all.equal all.equal
all.equal.character all.equal
all.equal.default all.equal
all.equal.environment all.equal
all.equal.envRefClass all.equal
all.equal.factor all.equal
all.equal.formula all.equal
all.equal.function all.equal
all.equal.language all.equal
all.equal.list all.equal
all.equal.numeric all.equal
all.equal.POSIXt all.equal
all.equal.raw all.equal
all.names allnames
all.vars allnames
allowInterrupts conditions
any any
anyDuplicated duplicated
anyDuplicated.array duplicated
anyDuplicated.data.frame duplicated
anyDuplicated.default duplicated
anyDuplicated.matrix duplicated
anyMissing NA
anyNA NA
anyNA.data.frame NA
anyNA.numeric_version numeric_version
anyNA.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
aperm aperm
aperm.default aperm
aperm.table aperm
append append
apply apply
arccos Trig
arcsin Trig
arctan Trig
Arg complex
args args
Arithmetic Arithmetic
array array
array2DF array2DF
arrayInd which
as.array array
as.array.default array
as.call call
as.character character
as.character.condition conditions
as.character.Date as.Date
as.character.default character
as.character.error conditions
as.character.factor character
as.character.hexmode hexmode
as.character.numeric_version numeric_version
as.character.octmode octmode
as.character.POSIXt strptime
as.character.srcref srcfile
as.complex complex
as.data.frame as.data.frame
as.data.frame.array as.data.frame
as.data.frame.AsIs as.data.frame
as.data.frame.character as.data.frame
as.data.frame.complex base-deprecated
as.data.frame.data.frame as.data.frame
as.data.frame.Date base-deprecated
as.data.frame.default as.data.frame
as.data.frame.difftime base-deprecated
as.data.frame.factor base-deprecated
as.data.frame.integer base-deprecated
as.data.frame.list as.data.frame
as.data.frame.logical base-deprecated
as.data.frame.matrix as.data.frame
as.data.frame.model.matrix as.data.frame
as.data.frame.noquote base-deprecated
as.data.frame.numeric base-deprecated
as.data.frame.numeric_version base-deprecated
as.data.frame.ordered base-deprecated
as.data.frame.POSIXct base-deprecated
as.data.frame.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
as.data.frame.raw base-deprecated
as.data.frame.table table
as.data.frame.ts as.data.frame
as.data.frame.vector as.data.frame
as.Date as.Date
as.Date.character as.Date
as.Date.date as.Date
as.Date.dates as.Date
as.Date.default as.Date
as.Date.factor as.Date
as.Date.numeric as.Date
as.Date.POSIXct as.Date
as.Date.POSIXlt as.Date
as.difftime difftime
as.double double
as.double.difftime difftime
as.double.POSIXlt as.POSIXlt
as.environment as.environment
as.expression expression
as.expression.default expression
as.factor factor
as.function as.function
as.function.default as.function
as.hexmode hexmode
as.integer integer
as.list list
as.list.data.frame list
as.list.Date Dates
as.list.default list
as.list.difftime difftime
as.list.environment list
as.list.factor list
as.list.function list
as.list.numeric_version numeric_version
as.list.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
as.list.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
as.logical logical
as.logical.factor logical
as.matrix matrix
as.matrix.data.frame matrix
as.matrix.default matrix
as.matrix.noquote noquote
as.matrix.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
as.name name
as.null NULL
as.null.default NULL
as.numeric numeric
as.numeric_version numeric_version
as.octmode octmode
as.ordered factor
as.package_version numeric_version
as.pairlist list
as.POSIXct as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXct.Date as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXct.date as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXct.dates as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXct.default as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXct.numeric as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXlt as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXlt.character as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXlt.Date as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXlt.date as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXlt.dates as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXlt.default as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXlt.factor as.POSIXlt
as.POSIXlt.numeric as.POSIXlt
as.qr qr
as.raw raw
as.real base-defunct
as.single double
as.single.default double
as.symbol name
as.table table
as.table.default table
as.vector vector
as.vector.data.frame vector
as.vector.factor vector
as.vector.POSIXlt vector
asin Trig
asinh Hyperbolic
AsIs AsIs
asNamespace ns-internal
asplit asplit
asS3 isS4
asS4 isS4
assign assign
assignOps assignOps
atan Trig
atan2 Trig
atanh Hyperbolic
atomic vector
attach attach
attachNamespace ns-load
attr attr
attr.all.equal all.equal
attr<- attr
attributes attributes
attributes<- attributes
autoload autoload
autoloader autoload
Autoloads autoload
backquote Quotes
backsolve backsolve
backtick Quotes
balancePOSIXlt balancePOSIXlt
base base-package
base-defunct base-defunct
base-deprecated base-deprecated
baseenv environment
basename basename
Bessel Bessel
bessel Bessel
besselI Bessel
besselJ Bessel
besselK Bessel
besselY Bessel
beta Special
bindenv bindenv
bindingIsActive bindenv
bindingIsLocked bindenv
bindtextdomain gettext
bitwAnd bitwise
bitwNot bitwise
bitwOr bitwise
bitwShiftL bitwise
bitwShiftR bitwise
bitwXor bitwise
body body
body<- body
bquote bquote
break Control
browser browser
browserCondition browserText
browserSetDebug browserText
browserText browserText
builtins builtins
by by
by.data.frame by
by.default by
bzfile connections
c c
c.Date Dates
c.default c
c.difftime difftime
c.factor factor
c.noquote noquote
c.numeric_version numeric_version
c.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
c.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
c.warnings warnings
call call
callCC callCC
capabilities capabilities
casefold chartr
cat cat
category base-defunct
cbind cbind
cbind.data.frame cbind
ceiling Round
char.expand char.expand
character character
charmatch charmatch
charToRaw rawConversion
chartr chartr
chkDots chkDots
chol chol
chol.default chol
chol2inv chol2inv
choose Special
chooseOpsMethod chooseOpsMethod
chooseOpsMethod.default chooseOpsMethod
class class
class<- class
clearPushBack pushBack
clipboard connections
close connections
close.connection connections
close.srcfile srcfile
close.srcfilealias srcfile
closeAllConnections showConnections
closure function
code point utf8Conversion
codes base-defunct
codes.factor base-defunct
codes.ordered base-defunct
codes<- base-defunct
col col
collation Comparison
colMeans colSums
colnames colnames
colnames<- colnames
colon Colon
colSums colSums
commandArgs commandArgs
comment comment
comment<- comment
Comparison Comparison
Complex groupGeneric
complex complex
computeRestarts conditions
condition conditions
conditionCall conditions
conditionCall.condition conditions
conditionMessage conditions
conditionMessage.condition conditions
conditions conditions
conflictRules library
conflicts conflicts
Conj complex
connection connections
connections connections
Constants Constants
contributors contributors
Control Control
copyright copyright
copyrights copyright
cos Trig
cosh Hyperbolic
cospi Trig
crossprod crossprod
CStackOverflowError StackOverflows
Cstack_info Cstack_info
cummax cumsum
cummin cumsum
cumprod cumsum
cumsum cumsum
curlGetHeaders curlGetHeaders
cut cut
cut.Date cut.POSIXt
cut.default cut
cut.POSIXt cut.POSIXt
data.class data.class
data.frame data.frame
data.matrix data.matrix
Date Dates
date date
date-time DateTimeClasses
Dates Dates
DateTimeClasses DateTimeClasses
debug debug
debuggingState debug
debugonce debug
declare declare
default.stringsAsFactors base-defunct
Defunct Defunct
defunct Defunct
delay base-defunct
delayedAssign delayedAssign
deparse deparse
deparse1 deparse
Deprecated Deprecated
deprecated Deprecated
det det
detach detach
determinant det
determinant.matrix det
dget dput
diag diag
diag<- diag
diff diff
diff.Date diff
diff.default diff
diff.difftime difftime
diff.POSIXt diff
difftime difftime
digamma Special
dim dim
dim.data.frame dim
dim<- dim
dimnames dimnames
dimnames.data.frame dimnames
dimnames<- dimnames
dimnames<-.data.frame dimnames
dir list.files
dir.create files2
dir.exists files2
dirname basename
DLLInfo getLoadedDLLs
DLLInfoList getLoadedDLLs
DLLpath dynload
do.call do.call
dontCheck dontCheck
dots dots
double double
dput dput
dQuote sQuote
drop drop
droplevels droplevels
droplevels.data.frame droplevels
droplevels.factor droplevels
dump dump
duplicated duplicated
duplicated.array duplicated
duplicated.data.frame duplicated
duplicated.default duplicated
duplicated.matrix duplicated
duplicated.numeric_version numeric_version
duplicated.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
duplicated.warnings warnings
dyn.load dynload
dyn.unload dynload
dynGet get
eapply eapply
eigen eigen
else Control
emptyenv environment
enc2native Encoding
enc2utf8 Encoding
enclosure environment
encodeString encodeString
Encoding Encoding
Encoding<- Encoding
endsWith startsWith
enquote substitute
env.profile environment
environment environment
environment variables EnvVar
environment<- environment
environmentIsLocked bindenv
environmentName environment
errorCondition conditions
eval eval
eval.parent eval
evalq eval
Exec Tailcall
exists exists
exp Log
expand.grid expand.grid
expm1 Log
expression expression
expressionStackOverflowError StackOverflows
Extract Extract
extSoftVersion extSoftVersion
F logical
factor factor
factorial Special
FALSE logical
fifo connections
file connections
file path encoding UTF8filepaths
file.access file.access
file.append files
file.choose file.choose
file.copy files
file.create files
file.exists files
file.info file.info
file.link files
file.mode file.info
file.mtime file.info
file.path file.path
file.remove files
file.rename files
file.show file.show
file.size file.info
file.symlink files
files files
Filter funprog
finalizer reg.finalizer
Find funprog
find.package find.package
findInterval findInterval
findPackageEnv base-internal
findRestart conditions
finite is.finite
floor Round
flush connections
flush.connection connections
for Control
force force
forceAndCall forceAndCall
Foreign Foreign
formals formals
formals<- formals
format format
format.AsIs format
format.char base-defunct
format.data.frame format
format.Date as.Date
format.default format
format.difftime difftime
format.factor format
format.hexmode hexmode
format.info format.info
format.libraryIQR library
format.numeric_version numeric_version
format.octmode octmode
format.packageInfo library
format.POSIXct strptime
format.POSIXlt strptime
format.pval format.pval
format.summaryDefault summary
formatC formatc
formatDL formatDL
forwardsolve backsolve
function function
fuzzy matching agrep
gamma Special
gammaCody base-defunct
gc gc
gc.time gc.time
gcinfo gc
gctorture gctorture
gctorture2 gctorture
get get
get0 exists
getAllConnections showConnections
getCallingDLL getCallingDLL
getCallingDLLe getCallingDLL
getConnection showConnections
getDLLRegisteredRoutines getDLLRegisteredRoutines
getDLLRegisteredRoutines.character getDLLRegisteredRoutines
getDLLRegisteredRoutines.DLLInfo getDLLRegisteredRoutines
getElement Extract
getenv base-defunct
geterrmessage stop
getExportedValue ns-reflect
getHook userhooks
getLoadedDLLs getLoadedDLLs
getNamespace ns-reflect
getNamespaceExports ns-reflect
getNamespaceImports ns-reflect
getNamespaceInfo ns-internal
getNamespaceName ns-reflect
getNamespaceUsers ns-reflect
getNamespaceVersion ns-reflect
getNativeSymbolInfo getNativeSymbolInfo
getOption options
getRversion numeric_version
getSrcLines srcfile
getTaskCallbackNames taskCallbackNames
gettext gettext
gettextf sprintf
getwd getwd
gl gl
globalCallingHandlers conditions
globalenv environment
gregexec grep
gregexpr grep
grep grep
grepl grep
grepRaw grepRaw
group generic groupGeneric
groupGeneric groupGeneric
grouping grouping
GSC EnvVar
gsub grep
gzcon gzcon
gzfile connections
hexmode hexmode
httpclient base-defunct
I AsIs
iconv iconv
iconvlist iconv
icuGetCollate icuSetCollate
icuSetCollate icuSetCollate
identical identical
identity identity
if Control
ifelse ifelse
Im complex
importIntoEnv ns-internal
in Control
Inf is.finite
infinite is.finite
infoRDS readRDS
inherits class
integer integer
interaction interaction
interactive interactive
internal generic InternalMethods
InternalGenerics InternalMethods
InternalMethods InternalMethods
intersect sets
intersection sets
intToBits rawConversion
intToUtf8 utf8Conversion
inverse.rle rle
invisible invisible
invokeRestart conditions
invokeRestartInteractively conditions
is.array array
is.atomic is.recursive
is.call call
is.character character
is.complex complex
is.data.frame as.data.frame
is.double double
is.element sets
is.environment environment
is.expression expression
is.factor factor
is.finite is.finite
is.finite.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
is.function is.function
is.infinite is.finite
is.infinite.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
is.integer integer
is.language is.language
is.list list
is.loaded dynload
is.logical logical
is.matrix matrix
is.na NA
is.na.data.frame NA
is.na.numeric_version numeric_version
is.na.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
is.na<- NA
is.na<-.default NA
is.na<-.factor factor
is.na<-.numeric_version numeric_version
is.name name
is.nan is.finite
is.nan.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
is.null NULL
is.numeric numeric
is.numeric.Date numeric
is.numeric.difftime difftime
is.numeric.POSIXt numeric
is.numeric_version numeric_version
is.object is.object
is.ordered factor
is.package_version numeric_version
is.pairlist list
is.primitive is.function
is.qr qr
is.R base-deprecated
is.raw raw
is.real base-defunct
is.recursive is.recursive
is.single is.single
is.symbol name
is.table table
is.unsorted is.unsorted
is.vector vector
isa class
isatty showConnections
isBaseNamespace ns-internal
isdebugged debug
isFALSE Logic
isIncomplete connections
isNamespace ns-internal
isNamespaceLoaded ns-load
ISOdate ISOdatetime
ISOdatetime ISOdatetime
isOpen connections
isRestart conditions
isS4 isS4
isSeekable seek
isSymmetric isSymmetric
isSymmetric.matrix isSymmetric
isTRUE Logic
jitter jitter
julian weekday.POSIXt
julian.Date weekday.POSIXt
julian.POSIXt weekday.POSIXt
kappa kappa
kappa.default kappa
kappa.lm kappa
kappa.qr kappa
kronecker kronecker
l10n_info l10n_info
La.chol base-defunct
La.chol2inv base-defunct
La.eigen base-defunct
La.svd svd
labels labels
labels.default labels
language is.language
language object is.language
language objects is.language
lapply lapply
last.warning warnings
lazyLoad lazyload
lazyLoadDBexec lazyload
lazyLoadDBfetch base-internal
La_library La_library
La_version La_version
lbeta Special
lchoose Special
LC_ALL locales
LC_COLLATE locales
LC_CTYPE locales
LC_NUMERIC locales
LC_PAPER locales
LC_TIME locales
length length
length.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
length<- length
length<-.Date Dates
length<-.difftime difftime
length<-.factor length
length<-.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
length<-.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
lengths lengths
LETTERS Constants
letters Constants
levels levels
levels.default levels
levels<- levels
levels<-.factor levels
lfactorial Special
lgamma Special
libcurlVersion libcurlVersion
library library
library.dynam library.dynam
library.dynam.unload library.dynam
licence license
license license
list list
list.dirs list.files
list.files list.files
list2DF list2DF
list2env list2env
load load
loadedNamespaces ns-load
loadingNamespaceInfo ns-internal
loadNamespace ns-load
loadURL base-defunct
local eval
localeconv Sys.localeconv
locales locales
lockBinding bindenv
lockEnvironment bindenv
log Log
log10 Log
log1p Log
log2 Log
logb Log
Logic Logic
logical logical
long vector LongVectors
Long vectors LongVectors
long vectors LongVectors
lower.tri lower.tri
ls ls
Machine base-defunct
machine base-defunct
make.names make.names
make.unique make.unique
makeActiveBinding bindenv
manglePackageName base-defunct
Map funprog
mapply mapply
margin.table marginSums
marginSums marginSums
mat.or.vec mat.or.vec
match match
match.arg match.arg
match.call match.call
match.fun match.fun
Math groupGeneric
Math.data.frame groupGeneric
Math.Date Dates
Math.difftime difftime
Math.factor factor
Math.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
Math.POSIXt DateTimeClasses
matmult matmult
matrix matrix
matrixOps groupGeneric
max Extremes
max.col maxCol
MC_CORES options
mean mean
mean.Date Dates
mean.default mean
mean.difftime difftime
mean.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
mean.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
mem.limits base-defunct
mem.maxNSize memlimits
mem.maxVSize memlimits
memCompress memCompress
memDecompress memCompress
Memory Memory
Memory-limits Memory-limits
memory.profile memory.profile
merge merge
merge.data.frame merge
merge.default merge
message message
mget get
min Extremes
missing missing
Mod complex
mode mode
mode<- mode
month.abb Constants
month.name Constants
months weekday.POSIXt
months.Date weekday.POSIXt
months.POSIXt weekday.POSIXt
mostattributes<- attributes
mtfrm mtfrm
mtfrm.default mtfrm
mtfrm.POSIXct mtfrm
mtfrm.POSIXlt mtfrm
name name
nameOfClass class
nameOfClass.default class
names names
names.default names
names.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
names<- names
names<-.default names
names<-.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
namespaceExport ns-internal
namespaceImport ns-internal
namespaceImportClasses ns-internal
namespaceImportFrom ns-internal
namespaceImportMethods ns-internal
NaN is.finite
nargs nargs
NativeSymbol getNativeSymbolInfo
NativeSymbolInfo getNativeSymbolInfo
NA_character_ NA
NA_complex_ NA
NA_integer_ NA
NA_real_ NA
nchar nchar
NCOL nrow
ncol nrow
Negate funprog
new.env environment
next Control
NextMethod UseMethod
ngettext gettext
nlevels nlevels
nodeStackOverflowError StackOverflows
noquote noquote
norm norm
normalizePath normalizePath
NotYetImplemented notyet
NotYetUsed notyet
NROW nrow
nrow nrow
nullfile showConnections
numeric numeric
NumericConstants NumericConstants
numeric_version numeric_version
numToBits rawConversion
numToInts rawConversion
nzchar nchar
objects ls
octmode octmode
oldClass class
oldClass<- class
OlsonNames timezones
on.exit on.exit
open connections
open.connection connections
open.srcfile srcfile
open.srcfilealias srcfile
open.srcfilecopy srcfile
Ops groupGeneric
Ops.data.frame groupGeneric
Ops.Date Ops.Date
Ops.difftime difftime
Ops.factor factor
Ops.numeric_version numeric_version
Ops.ordered factor
Ops.POSIXt DateTimeClasses
option options
options options
order order
ordered factor
outer outer
package.description base-defunct
packageEvent userhooks
packageHasNamespace ns-internal
packageNotFoundError find.package
packageStartupMessage message
package_version numeric_version
packBits rawConversion
pairlist list
Paren Paren
parent.env environment
parent.env<- environment
parent.frame sys.parent
parse parse
parse.dcf base-defunct
parseNamespaceFile ns-internal
paste paste
paste0 paste
path.expand path.expand
path.package find.package
pcre_config pcre_config
pentagamma base-defunct
pi Constants
pipe connections
pipeOp pipeOp
Platform base-defunct
plot plot
pmatch pmatch
pmax Extremes
pmax.int Extremes
pmin Extremes
pmin.int Extremes
polyroot polyroot
pos.to.env pos.to.env
Position funprog
POSIXct DateTimeClasses
POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
POSIXt DateTimeClasses
pretty pretty
pretty.default pretty
prettyNum formatc
primitive Primitive
print print
print.anova.glm base-defunct
print.anova.lm base-defunct
print.AsIs AsIs
print.atomic base-defunct
print.by by
print.condition conditions
print.connection connections
print.data.frame print.dataframe
print.Date Dates
print.default print.default
print.difftime difftime
print.Dlist print
print.DLLInfo getLoadedDLLs
print.DLLInfoList getLoadedDLLs
print.DLLRegisteredRoutines getDLLRegisteredRoutines
print.eigen eigen
print.factor print
print.function print
print.hexmode hexmode
print.libraryIQR library
print.listof print
print.NativeRoutineList getDLLRegisteredRoutines
print.noquote noquote
print.numeric_version numeric_version
print.octmode octmode
print.ordered base-defunct
print.packageInfo library
print.plot base-defunct
print.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
print.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
print.proc_time proc.time
print.restart conditions
print.rle rle
print.simple.list print
print.srcfile srcfile
print.srcref srcfile
print.summary.table table
print.summary.warnings warnings
print.summaryDefault summary
print.table print
print.tabular base-defunct
print.warnings warnings
printNoClass base-defunct
prmatrix prmatrix
proc.time proc.time
prod prod
promise delayedAssign
promises delayedAssign
prop.table proportions
proportions proportions
protectStackOverflowError StackOverflows
provide base-defunct
provideDimnames dimnames
psigamma Special
pushBack pushBack
pushBackLength pushBack
q quit
qr qr
qr.coef qr
qr.default qr
qr.fitted qr
qr.Q qraux
qr.qty qr
qr.qy qr
qr.R qraux
qr.resid qr
qr.solve qr
qr.X qraux
quarters weekday.POSIXt
quarters.Date weekday.POSIXt
quarters.POSIXt weekday.POSIXt
quit quit
quote substitute
Quotes Quotes
R.home Rhome
R.Version Version
R.version Version
R.version.string Version
Random Random
Random.user Random-user
range range
range.Date range
range.default range
range.POSIXct range
rank rank
rapply rapply
raw raw
rawConnection rawConnection
rawConnectionValue rawConnection
rawShift rawConversion
rawToBits rawConversion
rawToChar rawConversion
rbind cbind
rbind.data.frame cbind
rcond kappa
Rd2pdf RdUtils
Rdconv RdUtils
Re complex
read.dcf dcf
read.table.url base-defunct
readBin readBin
readChar readChar
readline readline
readLines readLines
readRDS readRDS
readRenviron readRenviron
real base-defunct
Recall Recall
Reduce funprog
reg.finalizer reg.finalizer
regex regex
regexec grep
regexp regex
regexpr grep
RegisteredNativeSymbol getNativeSymbolInfo
registerS3method ns-internal
registerS3methods ns-internal
regmatches regmatches
regmatches<- regmatches
regular expression regex
remove rm
removeTaskCallback taskCallback
Renviron Startup
Renviron.site Startup
rep rep
rep.Date rep
rep.difftime difftime
rep.factor rep
rep.int rep
rep.numeric_version numeric_version
rep.POSIXct rep
rep.POSIXlt rep
repeat Control
replace replace
replicate lapply
rep_len rep
require library
requireNamespace ns-load
Reserved Reserved
reserved Reserved
restart base-defunct
restartDescription conditions
restartFormals conditions
retracemem tracemem
return function
returnValue trace
rev rev
rev.default rev
rle rle
rm rm
RNG Random
RNGkind Random
RNGversion Random
round Round
round.Date round.POSIXt
round.POSIXt round.POSIXt
row row
row.names row.names
row.names.data.frame row.names
row.names.default row.names
row.names<- row.names
row.names<-.data.frame row.names
row.names<-.default row.names
rowMeans colSums
rownames colnames
rownames<- colnames
rowsum rowsum
rowsum.data.frame rowsum
rowsum.default rowsum
rowSums colSums
Rprofile Startup
Rprofile.site Startup
R_compiled_by Version
R_GCTORTURE gctorture
R_HOME Rhome
R_ICU_LOCALE icuSetCollate
R_LIBS libPaths
R_LIBS_SITE libPaths
R_LIBS_USER libPaths
R_MAX_NUM_DLLS dynload
R_system_version numeric_version
S3groupGeneric groupGeneric
S3Methods UseMethod
S4 isS4
sample sample
sample.int sample
sapply lapply
save save
save.image save
save.plot base-defunct
saveRDS readRDS
scale scale
scale.default scale
scan scan
scan.url base-defunct
search search
searchpaths search
seek seek
seek.connection seek
seq seq
seq.Date seq.Date
seq.default seq
seq.int seq
seq.POSIXt seq.POSIXt
sequence sequence
sequence.default sequence
seq_along seq
seq_len seq
serialize serialize
serverSocket connections
set.seed Random
setdiff sets
setequal sets
setHook userhooks
setNamespaceInfo ns-internal
setSessionTimeLimit setTimeLimit
setTimeLimit setTimeLimit
setwd getwd
shell shell
shell.exec shell.exec
showConnections showConnections
shQuote shQuote
sign sign
signalCondition conditions
signif Round
simpleCondition conditions
simpleError conditions
simpleMessage conditions
simpleWarning conditions
simplify2array lapply
sin Trig
single double
sinh Hyperbolic
sink sink
sink.number sink
sinpi Trig
slice.index slice.index
socketAccept connections
socketConnection connections
socketSelect socketSelect
socketTimeout connections
solve solve
solve.default solve
solve.qr qr
sort sort
sort.default sort
sort.int sort
sort.list order
sort.POSIXlt sort
sort_by sort_by
sort_by.data.frame sort_by
sort_by.default sort_by
source source
source.url base-defunct
Special Special
split split
split.data.frame split
split.Date Dates
split.default split
split.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
split<- split
split<-.data.frame split
split<-.default split
sprintf sprintf
sqrt MathFun
sQuote sQuote
srcfile srcfile
srcfile-class srcfile
srcfilealias srcfile
srcfilealias-class srcfile
srcfilecopy srcfile
srcfilecopy-class srcfile
srcref srcfile
srcref-class srcfile
stackOverflowError StackOverflows
StackOverflows StackOverflows
standardGeneric standardGeneric
startsWith startsWith
Startup Startup
stderr showConnections
stdin showConnections
stdout showConnections
stop stop
stopifnot stopifnot
storage.mode mode
storage.mode<- mode
str.POSIXt DateTimeClasses
str2expression parse
str2lang parse
strftime strptime
strptime strptime
strrep strrep
strsplit strsplit
strtoi strtoi
strtrim strtrim
structure structure
strwrap strwrap
sub grep
Subscript Extract
subset subset
subset.data.frame subset
subset.default subset
subset.matrix subset
substitute substitute
substr substr
substr<- substr
substring substr
substring<- substr
sum sum
Summary groupGeneric
summary summary
summary.connection connections
Summary.data.frame groupGeneric
summary.data.frame summary
Summary.Date Dates
summary.Date Dates
summary.default summary
Summary.difftime difftime
Summary.factor factor
summary.factor summary
summary.matrix summary
Summary.numeric_version numeric_version
Summary.ordered factor
Summary.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
summary.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
Summary.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
summary.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
summary.proc_time proc.time
summary.srcfile srcfile
summary.srcref srcfile
summary.table table
summary.warnings warnings
suppressMessages message
suppressPackageStartupMessages message
suppressWarnings warning
suspendInterrupts conditions
svd svd
sweep sweep
switch switch
symbol name
symbol.C base-defunct
symbol.For base-defunct
Syntax Syntax
sys.call sys.parent
sys.calls sys.parent
Sys.chmod files2
Sys.Date Sys.time
sys.frame sys.parent
sys.frames sys.parent
sys.function sys.parent
Sys.getenv Sys.getenv
Sys.getlocale locales
Sys.getpid Sys.getpid
Sys.glob Sys.glob
Sys.info Sys.info
Sys.junction files
sys.load.image base-internal
Sys.localeconv Sys.localeconv
sys.nframe sys.parent
sys.on.exit sys.parent
sys.parent sys.parent
sys.parents sys.parent
Sys.putenv base-defunct
Sys.readlink Sys.readlink
sys.save.image base-internal
Sys.setenv Sys.setenv
Sys.setFileTime Sys.setFileTime
Sys.setLanguage gettext
Sys.setlocale locales
Sys.sleep Sys.sleep
sys.source sys.source
sys.status sys.parent
Sys.time Sys.time
Sys.timezone timezones
Sys.umask files2
Sys.unsetenv Sys.setenv
Sys.which Sys.which
system system
system.file system.file
system.test base-defunct
system.time system.time
system2 system2
T logical
t t
t.data.frame t
t.default t
table table
tabulate tabulate
Tailcall Tailcall
tan Trig
tanh Hyperbolic
tanpi Trig
tapply tapply
taskCallbackManager taskCallbackManager
tcrossprod crossprod
tempdir tempfile
tempfile tempfile
tetragamma base-defunct
textConnection textconnections
textConnectionValue textconnections
tilde tilde
tilde expansion path.expand
time interval difftime
time zone timezones
time zones timezones
timezone timezones
timezones timezones
tolower chartr
topenv ns-topenv
toString toString
toString.default toString
toupper chartr
trace trace
traceback traceback
tracemem tracemem
tracingState trace
transform transform
transform.data.frame transform
transform.default transform
Trig Trig
trigamma Special
trimws trimws
TRUE logical
trunc Round
trunc.Date round.POSIXt
trunc.POSIXt round.POSIXt
truncate seek
truncate.connection seek
try try
tryCatch conditions
tryInvokeRestart conditions
type typeof
typeof typeof
TZ timezones
TZDIR timezones
umask files2
unCfillPOSIXlt balancePOSIXlt
unclass class
undebug debug
Unicode utf8Conversion
union sets
unique unique
unique.array unique
unique.data.frame unique
unique.default unique
unique.matrix unique
unique.numeric_version numeric_version
unique.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
unique.warnings warnings
units units
units.difftime difftime
units<- units
units<-.difftime difftime
unix base-defunct
unix.time base-defunct
unlink unlink
unlist unlist
unloadNamespace ns-load
unlockBinding bindenv
unname unname
unserialize serialize
unsplit split
untrace trace
untracemem tracemem
unz connections
upper.tri lower.tri
url connections
use use
UseMethod UseMethod
UTF-8 file path UTF8filepaths
utf8ToInt utf8Conversion
validEnc validUTF8
validUTF8 validUTF8
vapply lapply
vector vector
Vectorize Vectorize
Version base-defunct
version Version
warning warning
warningCondition conditions
warnings warnings
weekdays weekday.POSIXt
weekdays.Date weekday.POSIXt
weekdays.POSIXt weekday.POSIXt
which which
which.max which.min
which.min which.min
while Control
with with
with.default with
withAutoprint source
withCallingHandlers conditions
within with
within.data.frame with
within.list with
withRestarts conditions
withVisible withVisible
write write
write.dcf dcf
write.table0 base-defunct
writeBin readBin
writeChar readChar
writeLines writeLines
xor Logic
xpdrows.data.frame dataframeHelpers
xtfrm xtfrm
xtfrm.AsIs xtfrm
xtfrm.data.frame xtfrm
xtfrm.Date xtfrm
xtfrm.default xtfrm
xtfrm.difftime xtfrm
xtfrm.factor xtfrm
xtfrm.numeric_version numeric_version
xtfrm.POSIXct xtfrm
xtfrm.POSIXlt xtfrm
xzfile connections
zapsmall zapsmall
[ Extract
[.AsIs AsIs
[.data.frame Extract.data.frame
[.Date Dates
[.difftime difftime
[.Dlist Extract
[.DLLInfoList getLoadedDLLs
[.factor Extract.factor
[.hexmode hexmode
[.listof Extract
[.noquote noquote
[.numeric_version numeric_version
[.octmode octmode
[.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
[.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
[.simple.list Extract
[.table table
[.warnings warnings
[<- Extract
[<-.data.frame Extract.data.frame
[<-.Date Dates
[<-.difftime difftime
[<-.factor Extract.factor
[<-.numeric_version numeric_version
[<-.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
[<-.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
[[ Extract
[[.data.frame Extract.data.frame
[[.Date Dates
[[.factor Extract.factor
[[.numeric_version numeric_version
[[.POSIXct DateTimeClasses
[[.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
[[<- Extract
[[<-.data.frame Extract.data.frame
[[<-.factor Extract.factor
[[<-.numeric_version numeric_version
[[<-.POSIXlt DateTimeClasses
^ Arithmetic
` Quotes
{ Paren
| Logic
|.hexmode hexmode
|.octmode octmode
|> pipeOp
|| Logic
~ tilde