2025-01-12 04:36:52 +08:00

258 lines
9.4 KiB

# covr 3.6.4
* Fix for a failing test on CRAN
# covr 3.6.3
* Updates to internal usage of `is.atomic()` to work with upcoming R release (@mmaechler , #542)
* `package_coverage()` now works correctly with ignore files when it is not run in the package root directory (@mpadge, #538)
# covr 3.6.2
# covr 3.6.1
* `to_cobertura()` is now explicit about the doctype of the resulting XML. It also sets a source path if recorded. (@mmyrte, #524)
* The internal generic `merge_coverage()` now correctly registers the S3 methods.
* The internal test for recording large calls no longer assumes R is on the system PATH.
# covr 3.6.0
* Added `covr.record_tests` option. When `TRUE`, this enables the recording of the trace of the tests being executed and adds an itemization of which tests result in the execution of each trace.
For more details see `?covr.record_tests` (@dgkf, #463, #485, #503)
* `as.data.frame()` now returns an 0 row data frame when there are no functions in a package (#427)
* `codecov()` is now more robust when `coverage` is not the output from `package_coverage()` and `token` is not provided (#456)
* `package_coverage(code = )` now accepts character vectors of length greater than 1 (@bastistician, #481)
* `package_coverage()` now handles packages with install or render time examples (#488)
* `package_coverage()` now sets the environment variable `R_TESTS` to the tests-startup.R file like R CMD check does (#420)
* `report()` now provides a more detailed error message if the `DT` and `htmltools` dependencies are not installed (#500).
* Fix `parse_gcov` bug when package is stored in directory with regex special characters, see #459
* Error/warning thrown for, respectively, missing gcov or empty parsed gcov output (@stephematician, #448)
* Support Google Cloud Build uploading reports to Codecov.io (@MarkEdmondson1234 #469)
* covr is now licensed as MIT (#454)
# covr 3.5.1
* Generated files from [cpp11](https://cpp11.r-lib.org/) are now ignored (#437)
* `codecov()` and `coveralls()` now retry failed requests before raising an error (#428, @jameslamb)
# covr 3.5.0
* `codecov()` now supports GitHub Actions for public repositories without having to specify a token.
* New `to_sonarqube()` function added to support SonarQube generic XML format (@nibant, @Delfic, #413).
# covr 3.4.0
* `codecov()` now supports GitHub Actions.
* New `in_covr()` function added to return true if code is being run by covr (#407).
* `file_coverage()`, `environment_coverage()` and `function_coverage()` now set
`R_COVR=true`, to be consistent with `package_coverage()` (#407)
# covr 3.3.2
* Fix test failures in the development version of R (4.0.0) (#400)
# covr 3.3.1
* Fix inadvertent regression in return visibility when functions are covered.
covr versions prior to 3.3.0 surrounded each statement in `{` blocks. covr
3.3.0 switched to using `({`, but this caused an inadvertent regression, as
`(` will make the result visible it is the last expression in a function.
Using `if (TRUE) {` restores the previous behavior. (#391, #392)
# covr 3.3.0
## New Features
* New `azure()` function added to make it easy to use covr on [Azure
* Work around issues related to the new curly curly syntax in rlang (#379, #377, rlang#813)
* Compiled code coverage has been improved, in particular C++ templates now
contain the merged coverage of all template instances, even if the instances
were defined in separate compilation units. (#390)
## Bugfixes and minor improvements
* `codecov()` now includes support for the flags field (#365)
* `codecov` now looks `codecov.yml` for token if `CODECOV_TOKEN` envvar is not
set (@MishaCivey #349).
* `per_line()` now does not track lines with only punctuation such as `}` or `{` (#387)
* `tally_coverage()` now includes compiled code, like it did previously (#384)
* Define the necessary coverage flags for C++14, C++17 and C++20 (#369).
* `to_cobertura()` now works with Cobertura coverage-04.dtd (@samssann, #337).
* [R6](https://github.com/r-lib/R6) class generators prefixed with `.` are now
included in coverage results (@jameslamb, #356).
* `package_coverage()` gains option `pre_clean`, set to `FALSE` to disable
cleaning of existing objects before running `package_coverage()` (@jpritikin, #375)
# 3.2.1
* Fix for regression when testing coverage of packages using mclapply (#335).
# 3.2.0
## Breaking changes
* Previously deprecated `shine()` has been removed. Instead use `report()`.
## New Features
* `file_report()` added when viewing coverage for a single file (#308).
* `display_name()` is now exported, which can be useful to filter the coverage
object by filename.
* `environment_coverage()` added, mainly so it can be used for `devtools::test_coverage_file()`.
* `gitlab()` function added to create a coverage report for GitLab using
GitLab's internal pages (@surmann, #327, #331).
* The (optional) dependency on shiny has been removed. `report()` can now be
built with only DT and htmltools installed.
## Bugfixes and minor improvements
* Fix for gcc-8 gcov output producing lines with no coverage counts in them (#328)
* `impute_srcref()` now handles `...` and drop through arguments in switch
statements (#325).
* `tally_coverage()` now avoids an error when there are NA values in the source
references (#322).
* `covr(clean = TRUE)` now cleans the temporary library as well (#144)
* `package_coverage()` now returns the end of the file if there is a test error (#319)
* `report()` now handles reports in relative paths with subdirectories correctly (#329)
* `report()` reworked to look more like codecov.io and to display the overall
coverage (#302, #307).
* DT explicitly loaded early in `report()` so that failures will occur fast if
it is not installed. (#321, @renkun-ken).
# 3.1.0 #
## Breaking changes
* `shine()` has been deprecated in favor of `report()`.
## New Features
* Add support for `.covrignore` files (#238), to exclude files from the coverage.
* Support future versions of R which do not use parse data by default (#309).
* Allow using `trace_calls()` for manually adding functions to package trace
that are not found automatically (#295, @mb706).
## Bugfixes
* Fix errors when R is not in the `PATH` (#291)
* Fix line computations when relative paths are being used (#242).
* Fix for Coveralls `Build processing error.` (#285) on pro accounts from
Travis CI (#306, @kiwiroy).
* Keep attributes of function bodies (#311, @gaborcsardi)
# 3.0.1 #
* Add an RStudio Addin for running a coverage report.
* Never use mcexit fix on windows (#223).
* Fix for a performance regression in parsing and reading parse data (#274).
* Fix `switch` support for packages, which was broken due to a bug in
how parse data is stored in packages.
* Improve behavior of `switch` coverage, it now supports default values and
fall through properly.
* Add `-p` flag to gcov command to preserve file paths. Fixes a bug where
gcov output didn't get reported when multiple compiled source files had
the same name (#271, @patperry)
# 3.0.0 #
* The covr license has been changed to GPL-3.
* Set environment variable `R_COVR=true` when covr is running (#236, #268).
* Made the gather-and-merge-results step at the end of package_coverage() more memory efficient (#226, @HenrikBengtsson).
* Support code coverage with icc (#247, @QinWang).
# 2.2.2 #
* `filter_not_package_files()` now works if a source reference does not have a filename (#254, @hughjonesd).
* Fix test broken with xml2 v1.1.0
* Filter out non-local filenames from results (#237).
* Vignette rewrite / improvements (#229, @CSJCampbell).
* Fix code that returns `structure(NULL, *)` which is deprecated in R 3.4.0 (#260, #261, @renkun-ken).
# 2.2.1 #
* Fix test broken with DT 0.2
# 2.2.0 #
* Fix tests broken with updated htmlwidgets
* Change report tab title based on filename (Chen Liang).
* Add support for cobertura XML output (@wligtenberg).
* Add mcparallel support by patching `mcparallel:::mcexit()`
automatically for packages using parallel (#195, @kforner).
# 2.1.0 #
* Add support for GitLab CI (#190, @enbrown).
* Update exclusion documentation to include line_exclusions and function
exclusions (#191).
* Support coverage of R6 methods (#174).
* Explicitly set default packages (including methods) (#183, #180)
* Set R_LIBS and R_LIBS_SITE as well as R_LIBS_USER (#188).
* Automatically exclude RcppExport files (#170).
* Memoised and Vectorized functions now able to be tracked.
# 2.0.1 #
* Support for filtering by function as well as line.
* Now tracks coverage for RC methods
* Rewrote loading and saving to support parallel code and tests including
`quit()` calls.
* Made passing code to `function_coverage()` and `package_coverage()` _not_ use
non-standard evaluation.
* `NULL` statements are analyzed for coverage (#156, @krlmlr).
* Finer coverage analysis for brace-less `if`, `while` and `for` statements (#154, @krlmlr).
* Run any combination of coverage types (#104, #133)
* Remove inconsistencies in line counts between shiny app and services (#129)
* Include header files in gcov output (#112)
* Add support for C++11 (#131)
* Always clean gcov files even on failure (#108)
* zero_coverage works with RStudio markers (#119)
* Remove the devtools dependency
# 1.3.0 #
* Set `.libPaths()` in subprocess to match those in calling process (#140, #147).
* Move devtools dependency to suggests, only needed on windows
* move htmltools to suggests
# 1.0.0 #
* Initial Release