2025-01-12 04:36:52 +08:00

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R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
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> library(foreign)
> read.S("mySobj")
factor ints floats
1 a 1 1.1
2 bc 2 1.2
3 def 3 1.3
> data.restore("dumpdata", print = TRUE)
"myobj": structure
[1] "dumpdata"
> print(myobj)
factor ints floats logs
1 a NA 1.1 TRUE
2 bc 2 1.2 NA
3 def 3 1.3 FALSE
> data.restore("tsdumpdata", print = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
"sunspot": structure
sunspot structure 3
.Data numeric 37
.Tsp numeric 3
class character 2
"carbon.dioxide": structure
carbon.dioxide structure 3
.Data numeric 384
.Tsp numeric 3
class character 2
[1] "tsdumpdata"
> sunspot
Time Series:
Start = 1936
End = 1972
Frequency = 1
[1] 40 115 100 80 60 40 23 10 10 25 75 145 130 130 80 65 20 10 5
[20] 10 60 190 180 175 120 50 35 20 10 15 30 60 105 105 105 80 65
> utils::str(carbon.dioxide)
Time-Series [1:384] from 1959 to 1991: 315 316 316 318 318 ...
> carbon.dioxide[1:60]
[1] 315.42 316.32 316.49 317.56 318.13 318.00 316.39 314.66 313.68 313.18
[11] 314.66 315.43 316.27 316.81 317.42 318.87 319.87 319.43 318.01 315.75
[21] 314.00 313.68 314.84 316.03 316.73 317.54 318.38 319.31 320.42 319.61
[31] 318.42 316.64 314.83 315.15 315.95 316.85 317.78 318.40 319.53 320.41
[41] 320.85 320.45 319.44 317.25 316.12 315.27 316.53 317.53 318.58 318.92
[51] 319.70 321.22 322.08 321.31 319.58 317.61 316.05 315.83 316.91 318.20
> q()