896 lines
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896 lines
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# util.tcl --
# This file implements package ::Utility, which ...
# Copyright (c) 1997-8 Jeffrey Hobbs
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
## The provide goes first to prevent the recursive provide/require
## loop for subpackages
package provide ::Utility 1.0
## This assumes that all util-*.tcl files are in the same directory
if {[lsearch -exact $auto_path [file dirname [info script]]]==-1} {
lappend auto_path [file dirname [info script]]
namespace eval ::Utility {;
## Protos
namespace export -clear *
proc get_opts args {}
proc get_opts2 args {}
proc lremove args {}
proc lrandomize args {}
proc lunique args {}
proc luniqueo args {}
proc line_append args {}
proc highlight args {}
proc echo args {}
proc alias args {}
proc which args {}
proc ls args {}
proc dir args {}
proc fit_format args {}
proc validate args {}
proc allow_null_elements args {}
proc deny_null_elements args {}
}; # end of ::Utility namespace prototype headers
package require ::Utility::number
package require ::Utility::string
package require ::Utility::dump
package require ::Utility::expand
package require ::Utility::tk
namespace eval ::Utility {;
foreach namesp [namespace children [namespace current]] {
namespace import -force ${namesp}::*
# psource --
# Arguments:
# args comments
# Results:
# Returns ...
;proc psource {file namesp {import *}} {
uplevel \#0 [subst {
source $file
namespace import -force ${namesp}::$import
# get_opts --
# Processes -* named options, with or w/o possible associated value
# and returns remaining args
# Arguments:
# var variable into which option values should be stored
# arglist argument list to parse
# optlist list of valid options with default value
# typelist optional list of option types that can be used to
# validate incoming options
# nocomplain whether to complain about unknown -switches (0 - default)
# or not (1)
# Results:
# Returns unprocessed arguments.
;proc get_opts {var arglist optlist {typelist {}} {nocomplain 0}} {
upvar 1 $var data
if {![llength $optlist] || ![llength $arglist]} { return $arglist }
array set opts $optlist
array set types $typelist
set i 0
while {[llength $arglist]} {
set key [lindex $arglist $i]
if {[string match -- $key]} {
set arglist [lreplace $arglist $i $i]
} elseif {![string match -* $key]} {
} elseif {[string match {} [set akey [array names opts $key]]]} {
set akey [array names opts ${key}*]
switch [llength $akey] {
0 { ## oops, no keys matched
if {$nocomplain} {
incr i
} else {
return -code error "unknown switch '$key', must be:\
[join [array names opts] {, }]"
1 { ## Perfect, found just the right key
if {$opts($akey)} {
set val [lrange $arglist [expr {$i+1}] \
[expr {$i+$opts($akey)}]]
set arglist [lreplace $arglist $i [expr {$i+$opts($akey)}]]
if {[info exists types($akey)] && \
([string compare none $types($akey)] && \
![validate $types($akey) $val])} {
return -code error "the value for \"$akey\" is not in\
proper $types($akey) format"
set data($akey) $val
} else {
set arglist [lreplace $arglist $i [expr {$i+$opts($akey)}]]
set data($akey) 1
default { ## Oops, matches too many possible keys
return -code error "ambiguous option \"$key\",\
must be one of: [join $akey {, }]"
return $arglist
# get_opts2 --
# Process options into an array. -- short-circuits the processing
# Arguments:
# var variable into which option values should be stored
# arglist argument list to parse
# optlist list of valid options with default value
# typelist optional list of option types that can be used to
# validate incoming options
# Results:
# Returns unprocessed arguments.
;proc get_opts2 {var arglist optlist {typelist {}}} {
upvar 1 $var data
if {![llength $optlist] || ![llength $arglist]} { return $arglist }
array set data $optlist
array set types $typelist
foreach {key val} $arglist {
if {[string match -- $key]} {
set arglist [lreplace $arglist 0 0]
if {[string match {} [set akey [array names data $key]]]} {
set akey [array names data ${key}*]
switch [llength $akey] {
0 { ## oops, no keys matched
return -code error "unknown switch '$key', must be:\
[join [array names data] {, }]"
1 { ## Perfect, found just the right key
if {[info exists types($akey)] && \
![validate $types($akey) $val]} {
return -code error "the value for \"$akey\" is not in\
proper $types($akey) format"
set data($akey) $val
default { ## Oops, matches too many possible keys
return -code error "ambiguous option \"$key\",\
must be one of: [join $akey {, }]"
set arglist [lreplace $arglist 0 1]
return $arglist
# lremove --
# remove items from a list
# Arguments:
# ?-all? remove all instances of said item
# list list to remove items from
# args items to remove
# Returns:
# The list with items removed
;proc lremove {args} {
set all 0
if {[string match \-a* [lindex $args 0]]} {
set all 1
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
set l [lindex $args 0]
foreach i [join [lreplace $args 0 0]] {
if {[set ix [lsearch -exact $l $i]] == -1} continue
set l [lreplace $l $ix $ix]
if {$all} {
while {[set ix [lsearch -exact $l $i]] != -1} {
set l [lreplace $l $ix $ix]
return $l
# lrandomize --
# randomizes a list
# Arguments:
# ls list to randomize
# Returns:
# returns list in with randomized items
;proc lrandomize ls {
set res {}
while {[string compare $ls {}]} {
set i [randrng [llength $ls]]
lappend res [lindex $ls $i]
set ls [lreplace $ls $i $i]
return $res
# lunique --
# order independent list unique proc, not most efficient.
# Arguments:
# ls list of items to make unique
# Returns:
# list of only unique items, order not defined
;proc lunique ls {
foreach l $ls {set ($l) x}
return [array names {}]
# lunique --
# order independent list unique proc. most efficient, but requires
# __LIST never be an element of the input list
# Arguments:
# __LIST list of items to make unique
# Returns:
# list of only unique items, order not defined
;proc lunique __LIST {
if {[llength $__LIST]} {
foreach $__LIST $__LIST break
unset __LIST
return [info locals]
# luniqueo --
# order dependent list unique proc
# Arguments:
# ls list of items to make unique
# Returns:
# list of only unique items in same order as input
;proc luniqueo ls {
set rs {}
foreach l $ls {
if {[info exist ($l)]} { continue }
lappend rs $l
set ($l) 0
return $rs
# flist --
# list open files and sockets
# Arguments:
# pattern restrictive regexp pattern for numbers
# manum max socket/file number to search until
# Results:
# Returns ...
;proc flist {{pattern .*} {maxnum 1025}} {
set result {}
for {set i 1} {$i <= $maxnum} {incr i} {
if {![regexp $pattern $i]} { continue }
if {![catch {fconfigure file$i} conf]} {
lappend result [list file$i $conf]
if {![catch {fconfigure sock$i} conf]} {
array set c {-peername {} -sockname {}}
array set c $conf
lappend result [list sock$i $c(-peername) $c(-sockname)]
return $result
# highlight --
# searches in text widget for $str and highlights it
# If $str is empty, it just deletes any highlighting
# This really belongs in ::Utility::tk
# Arguments:
# w text widget
# str string to search for
# -nocase specifies to be case insensitive
# -regexp specifies that $str is a pattern
# -tag tagId name of tag in text widget
# -color color color of tag in text widget
# Results:
# Returns ...
;proc highlight {w str args} {
$w tag remove __highlight 1.0 end
array set opts {
-nocase 0
-regexp 0
-tag __highlight
-color yellow
set args [get_opts opts $args {-nocase 0 -regexp 0 -tag 1 -color 1}]
if {[string match {} $str]} return
set pass {}
if {$opts(-nocase)} { append pass "-nocase " }
if {$opts(-regexp)} { append pass "-regexp " }
$w tag configure $opts(-tag) -background $opts(-color)
$w mark set $opts(-tag) 1.0
while {[string compare {} [set ix [eval $w search $pass -count numc -- \
[list $str] $opts(-tag) end]]]} {
$w tag add $opts(-tag) $ix ${ix}+${numc}c
$w mark set $opts(-tag) ${ix}+1c
catch {$w see $opts(-tag).first}
return [expr {[llength [$w tag ranges $opts(-tag)]]/2}]
# best_match --
# finds the best unique match in a list of names
# The extra $e in this argument allows us to limit the innermost loop a
# little further.
# Arguments:
# l list to find best unique match in
# e currently best known unique match
# Returns:
# longest unique match in the list
;proc best_match {l {e {}}} {
set ec [lindex $l 0]
if {[llength $l]>1} {
set e [string length $e]; incr e -1
set ei [string length $ec]; incr ei -1
foreach l $l {
while {$ei>=$e && [string first $ec $l]} {
set ec [string range $ec 0 [incr ei -1]]
return $ec
# getrandfile --
# returns a random line from a file
# Arguments:
# file filename to get line from
# Results:
# Returns a line as a string
;proc getrandfile {file} {
set fid [open $file]
set data [split [read $fid] \n]
close $fid
return [lindex $data [randrng [llength $data]]]
# randrng --
# gets random number within input range
# Arguments:
# rng range to limit output to
# Returns:
# returns random number within range 0..$rng
;proc randrng {rng} {
return [expr {int($rng * rand())}]
# grep --
# cheap grep routine
# Arguments:
# exp regular expression to look for
# args files to search in
# Returns:
# list of lines that in files that matched $exp
;proc grep {exp args} {
if 0 {
## To be implemented
-count -nocase -number -names -reverse -exact
if {[string match {} $args]} return
set output {}
foreach file [eval glob $args] {
set fid [open $file]
foreach line [split [read $fid] \n] {
if {[regexp $exp $line]} { lappend output $line }
close $fid
return $output
# line_append --
# appends a string to the end of every line of data from a file
# Arguments:
# file file to get data from
# stuff stuff to append to each line
# Returns:
# file data with stuff appended to each line
;proc line_append {file stuff} {
set fid [open $file]
set data [read $fid]
catch {close $fid}
return [join [split $data \n] $stuff\n]
# alias --
# akin to the csh alias command
# Arguments:
# newcmd (optional) command to bind alias to
# args command and args being aliased
# Returns:
# If called with no args, then it dumps out all current aliases
# If called with one arg, returns the alias of that arg (or {} if none)
;proc alias {{newcmd {}} args} {
if {[string match {} $newcmd]} {
set res {}
foreach a [interp aliases] {
lappend res [list $a -> [interp alias {} $a]]
return [join $res \n]
} elseif {[string match {} $args]} {
interp alias {} $newcmd
} else {
eval interp alias [list {} $newcmd {}] $args
# echo --
# Relaxes the one string restriction of 'puts'
# Arguments:
# args any number of strings to output to stdout
# Returns:
# Outputs all input to stdout
;proc echo args { puts [concat $args] }
# which --
# tells you where a command is found
# Arguments:
# cmd command name
# Returns:
# where command is found (internal / external / unknown)
;proc which cmd {
## FIX - make namespace friendly
set lcmd [list $cmd]
if {
[string compare {} [uplevel info commands $lcmd]] ||
([uplevel auto_load $lcmd] &&
[string compare {} [uplevel info commands $lcmd]])
} {
set ocmd [uplevel namespace origin $lcmd]
# First check to see if it is an alias
# This requires two checks because interp aliases doesn't
# canonically return fully (un)qualified names
set aliases [interp aliases]
if {[lsearch -exact $aliases $ocmd] > -1} {
set result "$cmd: aliased to \"[alias $ocmd]\""
} elseif {[lsearch -exact $aliases $cmd] > -1} {
set result "$cmd: aliased to \"[alias $cmd]\""
} elseif {[string compare {} [uplevel info procs $lcmd]] || \
([string match ?*::* $ocmd] && \
[string compare {} [namespace eval \
[namespace qualifiers $ocmd] \
[list info procs [namespace tail $ocmd]]]])} {
# Here we checked if the proc that has been imported before
# deciding it is a regular command
set result "$cmd: procedure $ocmd"
} else {
set result "$cmd: command"
global auto_index
if {[info exists auto_index($cmd)]} {
# This tells you where the command MIGHT have come from -
# not true if the command was redefined interactively or
# existed before it had to be auto_loaded. This is just
# provided as a hint at where it MAY have come from
append result " ($auto_index($cmd))"
return $result
} elseif {[string compare {} [auto_execok $cmd]]} {
return [auto_execok $cmd]
} else {
return -code error "$cmd: command not found"
# ls --
# mini-ls equivalent (directory lister)
# Arguments:
# ?-all? list hidden files as well (Unix dot files)
# ?-long? list in full format "permissions size date filename"
# ?-full? displays / after directories and link paths for links
# args names/glob patterns of directories to list
# Returns:
# a directory listing
interp alias {} ::Utility::dir {} namespace inscope ::Utility ls
;proc ls {args} {
array set s {
-all 0 -full 0 -long 0
0 --- 1 --x 2 -w- 3 -wx 4 r-- 5 r-x 6 rw- 7 rwx
set args [get_opts s $args [array get s -*]]
set sep [string trim [file join . .] .]
if {[string match {} $args]} { set args . }
foreach arg $args {
if {[file isdir $arg]} {
set arg [string trimr $arg $sep]$sep
if {$s(-all)} {
lappend out [list $arg [lsort [glob -nocomplain -- $arg.* $arg*]]]
} else {
lappend out [list $arg [lsort [glob -nocomplain -- $arg*]]]
} else {
lappend out [list [file dirname $arg]$sep \
[lsort [glob -nocomplain -- $arg]]]
if {$s(-long)} {
global tcl_platform
set old [clock scan {1 year ago}]
switch -exact -- $tcl_platform(os) {
windows { set fmt "%-5s %8d %s %s\n" }
default { set fmt "%s %-8s %-8s %8d %s %s\n" }
foreach o $out {
set d [lindex $o 0]
if {[llength $out]>1} { append res $d:\n }
foreach f [lindex $o 1] {
file lstat $f st
array set st [file attrib $f]
set f [file tail $f]
if {$s(-full)} {
switch -glob $st(type) {
dir* { append f $sep }
link { append f " -> [file readlink $d$sep$f]" }
fifo { append f | }
default { if {[file exec $d$sep$f]} { append f * } }
switch -exact -- $st(type) {
file { set mode - }
fifo { set mode p }
default { set mode [string index $st(type) 0] }
set cfmt [expr {$st(mtime)>$old?{%b %d %H:%M}:{%b %d %Y}}]
switch -exact -- $tcl_platform(os) {
windows {
append mode $st(-readonly) $st(-hidden) \
$st(-system) $st(-archive)
append res [format $fmt $mode $st(size) \
[clock format $st(mtime) -format $cfmt] $f]
macintosh {
append mode $st(-readonly) $st(-hidden)
append res [format $fmt $mode $st(-creator) \
$st(-type) $st(size) \
[clock format $st(mtime) -format $cfmt] $f]
default { ## Unix is our default platform type
foreach j [split [format %o \
[expr {$st(mode)&0777}]] {}] {
append mode $s($j)
append res [format $fmt $mode $st(-owner) $st(-group) \
$st(size) \
[clock format $st(mtime) -format $cfmt] $f]
append res \n
} else {
foreach o $out {
set d [lindex $o 0]
if {[llength $out]>1} { append res $d:\n }
set i 0
foreach f [lindex $o 1] {
if {[string len [file tail $f]] > $i} {
set i [string len [file tail $f]]
set i [expr {$i+2+$s(-full)}]
## Assume we have at least 70 char cols
set j [expr {70/$i}]
set k 0
foreach f [lindex $o 1] {
set f [file tail $f]
if {$s(-full)} {
switch -glob [file type $d$sep$f] {
d* { append f $sep }
l* { append f @ }
default { if {[file exec $d$sep$f]} { append f * } }
append res [format "%-${i}s" $f]
if {[incr k]%$j == 0} {set res [string trimr $res]\n}
append res \n\n
return [string trimr $res]
# fit_format --
# This procedure attempts to format a value into a particular format string.
# Arguments:
# format - The format to fit
# val - The value to be validated
# Returns: 0 or 1 (whether it fits the format or not)
# Switches:
# -fill ?var? - Default values will be placed to fill format to spec
# and the resulting value will be placed in variable 'var'.
# It will equal {} if the match invalid
# (doesn't work all that great currently)
# -best ?var? - 'Fixes' value to fit format, placing best correct value
# in variable 'var'. If current value is ok, the 'var'
# will equal it, otherwise it removes chars from the end
# until it fits the format, then adds any fixed format
# chars to value. Can be slow (recursive tkFormat op).
# -strict - Value must be an exact match for format (format && length)
# -- - End of switches
;proc fit_format {args} {
set fill {}; set strict 0; set best {}; set result 1;
set name [lindex [info level 0] 0]
while {[string match {-*} [lindex $args 0]]} {
switch -- [string index [lindex $args 0] 1] {
b {
set best [lindex $args 1]
set args [lreplace $args 0 1]
f {
set fill [lindex $args 1]
set args [lreplace $args 0 1]
s {
set strict 1
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
- {
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
default {
return -code error "bad $name option \"[lindex $args 0]\",\
must be: -best, -fill, -strict, or --"
if {[llength $args] != 2} {
return -code error "wrong \# args: should be \"$name ?-best varname?\
?-fill varname? ?-strict? ?--? format value\""
set format [lindex $args 0]
set val [lindex $args 1]
set flen [string length $format]
set slen [string length $val]
if {$slen > $flen} {set result 0}
if {$strict} { if {$slen != $flen} {set result 0} }
if {$result} {
set regform {}
foreach c [split $format {}] {
set special 0
if {[string match {[0AaWzZ]} $c]} {
set special 1
switch $c {
0 {set fmt {[0-9]}}
A {set fmt {[A-Z]}}
a {set fmt {[a-z]}}
W {set fmt "\[ \t\r\n\]"}
z {set fmt {[A-Za-z]}}
Z {set fmt {[A-Za-z0-9]}}
} else {
set fmt $c
echo $regform $format $val
set result [string match $regform $val]
if [string compare $fill {}] {
upvar $fill fvar
if {$result} {
set fvar $val[string range $format $i end]
} else {
set fvar {}
if [string compare $best {}] {
upvar $best bvar
set bvar $val
set len [string length $bvar]
if {!$result} {
incr len -2
set bvar [string range $bvar 0 $len]
# Remove characters until it's in valid format
while {$len > 0 && ![tkFormat $format $bvar]} {
set bvar [string range $bvar 0 [incr len -1]]
# Add back characters that are fixed
while {($len<$flen) && ![string match \
{[0AaWzZ]} [string index $format [incr len]]]} {
append bvar [string index $format $len]
} else {
# If it's already valid, at least we can add fixed characters
while {($len<$flen) && ![string match \
{[0AaWzZ]} [string index $format $len]]} {
append bvar [string index $format $len]
incr len
return $result
# validate --
# This procedure validates particular types of numbers/formats
# Arguments:
# type - The type of validation (alphabetic, alphanumeric, date,
# hex, integer, numeric, real). Date is always strict.
# val - The value to be validated
# Returns: 0 or 1 (whether or not it resembles the type)
# Switches:
# -incomplete enable less precise (strict) pattern matching on number
# useful for when the number might be half-entered
# Example use: validate real 55e-5
# validate -incomplete integer -505
;proc validate {args} {
if {[string match [lindex $args 0]* "-incomplete"]} {
set strict 0
set opt *
set args [lreplace $args 0 0]
} else {
set strict 1
set opt +
if {[llength $args] != 2} {
return -code error "wrong \# args: should be\
\"[lindex [info level 0] 0] ?-incomplete? type value\""
} else {
set type [lindex $args 0]
set val [lindex $args 1]
## This is a big switch for speed reasons
switch -glob -- $type {
alphab* { # alphabetic
return [regexp -nocase "^\[a-z\]$opt\$" $val]
alphan* { # alphanumeric
return [regexp -nocase "^\[a-z0-9\]$opt\$" $val]
b* { # boolean - would be nice if it were more than 0/1
return [regexp "^\[01\]$opt\$" $val]
d* { # date - always strict
return [expr {![catch {clock scan $val}]}]
h* { # hexadecimal
return [regexp -nocase "^(0x)?\[0-9a-f\]$opt\$" $val]
i* { # integer
return [regexp "^\[-+\]?\[0-9\]$opt\$" $val]
n* { # numeric
return [regexp "^\[0-9\]$opt\$" $val]
rea* { # real
return [regexp -nocase [expr {$strict
:{^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*([0-9]\.?e[-+]?[0-9]*)?$}}] $val]
reg* { # regexp
return [expr {![catch {regexp $val {}}]}]
val* { # value
return [expr {![catch {expr {1*$val}}]}]
l* { # list
return [expr {![catch {llength $val}]}]
w* { # widget
return [winfo exists $val]
default {
return -code error "bad [lindex [info level 0] 0] type \"$type\":\
\nmust be [join [lsort {alphabetic alphanumeric date \
hexadecimal integer numeric real value \
list boolean}] {, }]"
# allow_null_elements --
# Sets up a read trace on an array to allow reading any value
# and ensure that some default exists
# Arguments:
# args comments
# Results:
# Returns ...
;proc allow_null_elements {array {default {}}} {
uplevel 1 [list trace variable $array r [list \
[namespace code ensure_default] $default]]
;proc ensure_default {val array idx op} {
upvar $array var
if {[array exists var]} {
if {![info exists var($idx)]} {
set var($idx) $val
} elseif {![info exists var]} {
set var $val
# deny_null_elements --
# Arguments:
# args comments
# Results:
# Returns ...
;proc deny_null_elements {array {default {}}} {
## FIX: should use vinfo and remove any *ensure_default* read traces
uplevel 1 [list trace vdelete $array r [list \
[namespace code ensure_default] $default]]
}; # end namespace ::Utility