2025-01-12 00:52:51 +08:00

89 lines
2.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/r --slave
library( "rjson" )
library( "utils" )
#load in any extra sources
source_files <- Sys.getenv( "R_SERVER_SOURCE" )
if( source_files != "" ) {
source_files <- strsplit( source_files, ":" )[[1]]
for( s in source_files )
source( s )
#rpc is an R object corresponding to the parsed JSON-RPC call
#returns: a JSON string with the results or error
do.rpc <- function( rpc )
rpc$params <- as.list( rpc$params )
result <- try( do.call( rpc$method, rpc$params ), silent = TRUE )
if( class( result ) == "try-error" ) {
#TODO JSON-RPC defines several erorrs (call not found, invalid params, and server error)
#if a call exists but fails, I am sending a procedure not found - when really it was found
#but had an internal error. the data contains the actual error from R
rpc_result <- list(
jsonrpc = "2.0",
error = list( code = -32601, message = "Procedure not found.", data = as.character( result ) ),
id = rpc$id
} else {
#RPC call suceeded
rpc_result <- list(
jsonrpc = "2.0",
result = result,
id = rpc$id
#return the JSON string
ret <- toJSON( rpc_result )
ret <- paste( ret, "\n", sep="" )
return( ret )
#requires R 2.5.0
process_stdin <- file("stdin", blocking = T, open = "rb" )
json_parser <- newJSONParser()
while( TRUE ) {
#TODO read in data in larger chunks
#when n > 1, readBin sometimes waits until a complete block of n chars is read - piping a flush doesn't always work when n > 1
s <- readBin( process_stdin, what = raw(), n = 1 )
#catch an OEF
if( length( s ) == 0 )
s <- rawToChar( s )
#add input to parser buffer
json_parser$addData( s )
#Optimization: JSON RPC objects MUST terminate with a `}' - no need to check if the object can be parsed otherwise (since it can't)
while( s == "}" ) {
#try to extract any JSON objects
rpc <- try( json_parser$getObject(), silent = TRUE )
if( class( rpc ) == "try-error" ) {
#an error occured
cat( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": -32700, "message": "Parse error"}, "id": null}' )
#reset JSON parser
json_parser <- newJSONParser()
#clear anything on the input
seek( process_stdin, where = 0, origin = "end" )
} else {
#not enough data is in the buffer to extract a complete JSON object
if( is.null( rpc ) )
#a valid JSON object was extracted
ret <- do.rpc( rpc )
cat( ret )
#must quit here - otherwise, we get dropped into an R shell