2025-01-12 00:52:51 +08:00

386 lines
12 KiB

### R code from vignette source 'seriation.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: seriation.Rnw:120-123
options(scipen=3, digits=4)
### for sampling
### code chunk number 2: seriation.Rnw:1025-1026
### code chunk number 3: seriation.Rnw:1029-1035
x <- as.matrix(iris[-5])
x <- x[sample(seq_len(nrow(x))),]
d <- dist(x)
### code chunk number 4: seriation.Rnw:1041-1043
o <- seriate(d)
### code chunk number 5: seriation.Rnw:1054-1055
head(get_order(o), 15)
### code chunk number 6: pimage1
pimage(d, main = "Random")
### code chunk number 7: pimage1-2
pimage(d, o, main = "Reordered")
### code chunk number 8: seriation.Rnw:1080-1081
cbind(random = criterion(d), reordered = criterion(d, o))
### code chunk number 9: pimage2
pimage(scale(x), main = "Random", prop = FALSE)
### code chunk number 10: pimage2-2
o_2mode <- c(o, NA)
pimage(scale(x), o_2mode, main = "Reordered", prop = FALSE)
### code chunk number 11: seriation.Rnw:1130-1132
methods <- c("TSP","R2E", "ARSA", "HC", "GW", "OLO")
o <- sapply(methods, FUN = function(m) seriate(d, m))
### code chunk number 12: seriation.Rnw:1135-1137
timing <- sapply(methods, FUN = function(m) system.time(seriate(d, m)),
simplify = FALSE)
### code chunk number 13: pimage3-pre (eval = FALSE)
## o <- ser_align(o)
## for(s in o) pimage(d, s, main = get_method(s), key = FALSE)
### code chunk number 14: pimage3
o <- ser_align(o)
for(i in 1:length(o)) {
pdf(file=paste("seriation-pimage_comp_", i , ".pdf", sep=""))
pimage(d, o[[i]], main = get_method(o[[i]]), key = FALSE)
### code chunk number 15: seriation.Rnw:1266-1268
crit <- sapply(o, FUN = function(x) criterion(d, x))
### code chunk number 16: crit1
def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
m <- c("Path_length", "AR_events", "Moore_stress")
layout(matrix(seq_along(m), ncol=1))
#tmp <- apply(crit[m,], 1, dotchart, sub = m)
tmp <- lapply(m, FUN = function(i) dotchart(crit[i,], sub = i))
### code chunk number 17: seriation.Rnw:1309-1311
### code chunk number 18: seriation.Rnw:1315-1316
get_seriation_method("dist", name = "ARSA")
### code chunk number 19: seriation.Rnw:1333-1339
seriation_method_reverse <- function(x, control = NULL,
margin = seq_along(dim(x))) {
lapply(seq_along(dim(x)), function(i)
if (i %in% margin) rev(seq(dim(x)[i]))
else NA)
### code chunk number 20: seriation.Rnw:1347-1352
set_seriation_method("matrix", "New_Reverse", seriation_method_reverse,
"Reverse identity order")
set_seriation_method("array", "New_Reverse", seriation_method_reverse,
"Reverse identity order")
### code chunk number 21: seriation.Rnw:1357-1364
o <- seriate(matrix(1, ncol = 3, nrow = 4), "New_Reverse")
get_order(o, 1)
get_order(o, 2)
### code chunk number 22: seriation.Rnw:1398-1399
x <- scale(x, center = FALSE)
### code chunk number 23: seriation.Rnw:1406-1407 (eval = FALSE)
## hmap(x, margin = c(7, 4), cexCol = 1, row_labels = FALSE)
### code chunk number 24: seriation.Rnw:1417-1418 (eval = FALSE)
## hmap(x, method = "MDS")
### code chunk number 25: seriation.Rnw:1428-1433
#bitmap(file = "seriation-heatmap1.png", type = "pnggray",
# height = 6, width = 6, res = 300, pointsize=14)
pdf(file = "seriation-heatmap1.pdf")
hmap(x, margin = c(7, 4), row_labels = FALSE, cexCol = 1)
tmp <- dev.off()
### code chunk number 26: seriation.Rnw:1435-1438
pdf(file = "seriation-heatmap2.pdf")
hmap(x, method="MDS")
tmp <- dev.off()
### code chunk number 27: seriation.Rnw:1504-1506
orig_matrix <- apply(Irish[,-6], 2, rank)
### code chunk number 28: seriation.Rnw:1516-1521
o <- c(
seriate(dist(orig_matrix, "minkowski", p = 1), method = "TSP"),
seriate(dist(t(orig_matrix), "minkowski", p = 1), method = "TSP")
### code chunk number 29: seriation.Rnw:1525-1530
get_seriation_method("matrix", name = "heatmap")
o <- seriate(orig_matrix, method = "heatmap", dist_fun = function(d) dist(d, "minkowski", p = 1),
seriation_method = "TSP")
### code chunk number 30: seriation.Rnw:1535-1537 (eval = FALSE)
## bertinplot(orig_matrix)
## bertinplot(orig_matrix, o)
### code chunk number 31: bertin1
### code chunk number 32: bertin2
bertinplot(orig_matrix, o)
### code chunk number 33: binary1
bertinplot(Townships, panel = panel.tiles)
### code chunk number 34: seriation.Rnw:1614-1616
## to get consistent results
### code chunk number 35: binary2
o <- seriate_rep(Townships, method = "BEA", criterion = "ME", rep = 10)
bertinplot(Townships, o, panel = panel.tiles)
### code chunk number 36: seriation.Rnw:1655-1659
original = criterion(Townships),
reordered = criterion(Townships, o)
### code chunk number 37: seriation.Rnw:1726-1730
iris <- iris[sample(seq_len(nrow(iris))), ]
x_iris <- iris[, -5]
d_iris <- dist(x_iris, method = "euclidean")
### code chunk number 38: dissplot1 (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot original matrix
## dissplot(d_iris, method = NA)
### code chunk number 39: dissplot2 (eval = FALSE)
## ## plot reordered matrix
## dissplot(d_iris, main = "Dissimilarity plot with seriation")
### code chunk number 40: seriation.Rnw:1752-1758
pdf(file = "seriation-dissplot1.pdf")
## plot original matrix
dissplot(d_iris, method = NA)
tmp <- dev.off()
pdf(file = "seriation-dissplot2.pdf")
## plot reordered matrix
dissplot(d_iris, main = "Dissimilarity plot with seriation")
tmp <- dev.off()
### code chunk number 41: seriation.Rnw:1785-1786
### code chunk number 42: seriation.Rnw:1788-1790
l <- kmeans(x_iris, 10)$cluster
### code chunk number 43: dissplot3 (eval = FALSE)
## res <- dissplot(d_iris, labels = l,
## main = "Dissimilarity plot - standard")
### code chunk number 44: seriation.Rnw:1803-1816
pdf(file = "seriation-dissplot3.pdf")
## visualize the clustering
res <- dissplot(d_iris, labels = l,
main = "Dissimilarity plot - standard")
tmp <- dev.off()
pdf(file = "seriation-dissplot4.pdf")
## threshold
plot(res, main = "Dissimilarity plot - threshold",
threshold = 3)
tmp <- dev.off()
### code chunk number 45: seriation.Rnw:1831-1832
### code chunk number 46: seriation.Rnw:1851-1853 (eval = FALSE)
## plot(res, options = list(main = "Seriation - threshold",
## threshold = 3))
### code chunk number 47: seriation.Rnw:1867-1870
table(iris[res$order, 5], res$label)[,res$cluster_order]
### code chunk number 48: ruspini
data("ruspini", package = "cluster")
d <- dist(ruspini)
l <- kmeans(ruspini, 3)$cluster
dissplot(d, labels = l)