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<title>Printing a tibble: Tracking control flow</title>
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<h1 class="title toc-ignore">Printing a tibble: Tracking control
<p>What happens when a tibble is printed? This vignette shows the actual
control flow, powered by the <a href="https://github.com/r-lib/debugme#readme">debugme package</a>. See
<code>vignette(&quot;printing&quot;)</code> for a detailed description of the
control and data flows.</p>
<p>To activate debugging, we need to set an environment variable before
loading the pillar package. As a result, debug strings in pillars code
are replaced with calls to a logging function.</p>
<p>By default, debugme also shows timestamps. This is disabled to keep
the output stable.</p>
<div class="sourceCode" id="cb1"><pre class="sourceCode r"><code class="sourceCode r"><span id="cb1-1"><a href="#cb1-1" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="fu">Sys.setenv</span>(<span class="at">DEBUGME =</span> <span class="st">&quot;!!!!pillar&quot;</span>)</span>
<span id="cb1-2"><a href="#cb1-2" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="fu">Sys.setenv</span>(<span class="at">DEBUGME_SHOW_TIMESTAMP =</span> <span class="st">&quot;no&quot;</span>)</span>
<span id="cb1-3"><a href="#cb1-3" tabindex="-1"></a></span>
<span id="cb1-4"><a href="#cb1-4" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="fu">library</span>(pillar)</span>
<span id="cb1-5"><a href="#cb1-5" tabindex="-1"></a></span>
<span id="cb1-6"><a href="#cb1-6" tabindex="-1"></a>tbl <span class="ot">&lt;-</span> tibble<span class="sc">::</span><span class="fu">tibble</span>(<span class="at">a =</span> <span class="dv">1</span><span class="sc">:</span><span class="dv">3</span>, <span class="at">b =</span> tibble<span class="sc">::</span><span class="fu">tibble</span>(<span class="at">c =</span> <span class="dv">4</span><span class="sc">:</span><span class="dv">6</span>, <span class="at">d =</span> <span class="dv">7</span><span class="sc">:</span><span class="dv">9</span>), <span class="at">e =</span> <span class="dv">10</span><span class="sc">:</span><span class="dv">12</span>)</span>
<span id="cb1-7"><a href="#cb1-7" tabindex="-1"></a><span class="fu">print</span>(tbl, <span class="at">width =</span> <span class="dv">23</span>)</span></code></pre></div>
<pre><code>#&gt; #&gt; pillar tbl_format_setup()
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-tbl_format_setup.tbl()
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_colonnade()
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar(width = 21, title = &quot;a&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar.tbl(width = 21, title = &quot;a&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_pillar(width = 21, title = &quot;a&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_pillar.tbl(width = 21, title = &quot;a&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-pillar(title = &quot;a&quot;, width = 21)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_title(x = &quot;a&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_type(class(x) = &quot;integer&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-pillar_shaft(class(x) = &quot;integer&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = 21, class = NULL)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_typ&gt;&gt;, width = 5L, min_width = 5L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar(width = 15, title = &quot;b&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar.tbl(width = 15, title = &quot;b&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar(width = 15, title = &lt;chr: &quot;b$&quot;, &quot;c&quot;&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar.tbl(width = 15, title = &lt;chr: &quot;b$&quot;, &quot;c&quot;&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_pillar(width = 15, title = &quot;b$c&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_pillar.tbl(width = 15, title = &quot;b$c&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-pillar(title = &quot;b$c&quot;, width = 15)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_title(x = &quot;b$c&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_type(class(x) = &quot;integer&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-pillar_shaft(class(x) = &quot;integer&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = 15, class = NULL)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;&gt;, width = 3L, min_width = 3L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_typ&gt;&gt;, width = 5L, min_width = 5L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar(width = 9, title = &lt;chr: &quot;$&quot;, &quot;d&quot;&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar.tbl(width = 9, title = &lt;chr: &quot;$&quot;, &quot;d&quot;&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_pillar(width = 9, title = &quot;$d&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_pillar.tbl(width = 9, title = &quot;$d&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-pillar(title = &quot;$d&quot;, width = 9)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_title(x = &quot;$d&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_type(class(x) = &quot;integer&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-pillar_shaft(class(x) = &quot;integer&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = 9, class = NULL)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;&gt;, width = 2L, min_width = 2L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_typ&gt;&gt;, width = 5L, min_width = 5L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;, &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;&gt;, width = &lt;int: 3L, 2L&gt;, min_width = &lt;int: 3L, 2L&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_typ&gt;, &lt;pllr_typ&gt;&gt;, width = &lt;int: 5L, 5L&gt;, min_width = &lt;int: 5L, 5L&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;, &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;&gt;, width = &lt;int: 1L, 1L&gt;, min_width = &lt;int: 1L, 1L&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = NULL, class = &quot;compound_pillar&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar(width = 3, title = &quot;e&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_compound_pillar.tbl(width = 3, title = &quot;e&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_pillar(width = 3, title = &quot;e&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-ctl_new_pillar.tbl(width = 3, title = &quot;e&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-pillar(title = &quot;e&quot;, width = 3)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_title(x = &quot;e&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_type(class(x) = &quot;integer&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;, &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;, &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;&gt;, width = &lt;int: 1L, 3L, 2L&gt;, min_width = &lt;int: 1L, 3L, 2L&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_typ&gt;, &lt;pllr_typ&gt;, &lt;pllr_typ&gt;&gt;, width = &lt;int: 5L, 5L, 5L&gt;, min_width = &lt;int: 5L, 5L, 5L&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;, &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;, &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;&gt;, width = &lt;int: 1L, 1L, 1L&gt;, min_width = &lt;int: 1L, 1L, 1L&gt;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = NULL, class = &quot;compound_pillar&quot;)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = NULL, class = NULL)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_typ&gt;&gt;, width = 5L, min_width = 5L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = NULL, class = NULL)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;&gt;, width = 3L, min_width = 3L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_typ&gt;&gt;, width = 5L, min_width = 5L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = NULL, class = NULL)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_ttl&gt;&gt;, width = 2L, min_width = 2L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_typ&gt;&gt;, width = 5L, min_width = 5L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_sh_&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_rf_&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar_component(x = &lt;list: &lt;pllr_rf_&gt;&gt;, width = 1L, min_width = 1L)
#&gt; #&gt; pillar +-new_pillar(width = NULL, class = NULL)
#&gt; #&gt; # A tibble: 3 x 3
#&gt; #&gt; a b$c $d
#&gt; #&gt; &lt;int&gt; &lt;int&gt; &lt;int&gt;
#&gt; #&gt; 1 1 4 7
#&gt; #&gt; 2 2 5 8
#&gt; #&gt; 3 3 6 9
#&gt; #&gt; # … with 1 more
#&gt; #&gt; # variable: e &lt;int&gt;</code></pre>
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