2025-01-12 04:36:52 +08:00

148 lines
2.9 KiB

<%@include file="includes/setup.md.rsp"%>
<%@string fcnname="indexByRow"%>
<% fcnname <- "<%@string name="fcnname"%>" %>
<%@meta title="${fcnname}() benchmarks"%>
<%@meta author="Henrik Bengtsson"%>
<%@meta date="2014-11-09"%>
<%@include file="${header}"%>
lfun <- local({
locals <- list()
function(txt = NULL) {
if (is.null(txt)) return(locals)
local <- list(txt)
locals <<- c(locals, local)
# <%@meta name="title"%>
This report benchmark the performance of `<%=fcnname%>()` against alternative methods:
* `indexByRow_R1()` based in `matrix(..., byrow = TRUE)`
* `indexByRow_R2()` is a modified version of `indexByRow_R1()`
where `indexByRow_R1()` and `indexByRow_R2()` are defined as in the Appendix.
indexByRow_R1 <- function(dim, idxs = NULL, ...) {
n <- prod(dim)
x <- matrix(seq_len(n), nrow = dim[2L], ncol = dim[1L], byrow = TRUE)
if (!is.null(idxs))
x <- x[idxs]
} # indexByRow_R1()
indexByRow_R2 <- function(dim, idxs = NULL, ...) {
n <- prod(dim)
if (is.null(idxs)) {
x <- matrix(seq_len(n), nrow = dim[2L], ncol = dim[1L], byrow = TRUE)
} else {
idxs <- idxs - 1
cols <- idxs %/% dim[2L]
rows <- idxs %% dim[2L]
cols + dim[1L]*rows + 1L
} # indexByRow_R2()
## Data
<% lfun(withCapture({
<%@include file="R/random-matrices.R"%>
})) %>
data <- rmatrices(mode = "index")
where `rmatrices()` is defined in the Appendix.
# data <- data[1:2]
## Results
<% for (dataLabel in names(data)) { %>
<% message(dataLabel) %>
### <%=dataLabel%> matrix
X <- data[[.dataLabel.]]
dim <- dim(X)
idxsList <- list(
'all-by-NULL' = NULL,
all = seq_len(prod(dim)),
odd = seq(from = 1, to = prod(dim), by = 2L)
<% for (ii in seq_along(idxsList)) { %>
#### Index set '<%=names(idxsList)[ii]%>'
idxs <- idxsList[[ii]]
idxsTag <- names(idxsList)[ii]
# Validate correctness
res <- list(
indexByRow = indexByRow(dim, idxs = idxs),
indexByRow_R1 = indexByRow_R1(dim, idxs = idxs),
indexByRow_R2 = indexByRow_R2(dim, idxs = idxs)
lapply(res, FUN = function(x) stopifnot(all.equal(x, res[[1]])))
stats <- microbenchmark(
indexByRow = indexByRow(dim, idxs = idxs),
indexByRow_R1 = indexByRow_R1(dim, idxs = idxs),
indexByRow_R2 = indexByRow_R2(dim, idxs = idxs),
unit = "ms"
<% benchmarkResults(stats, tags=c(dataLabel, idxsTag)) %>
<% } # for (ii ...) %>
<% } # for (dataLabel ...) %>
<%@include file="${footer}"%>
### Local functions
o Created.