1272 lines
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1272 lines
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## Layout routines taken from oooold code, author unkown.
## Copyright 1995-1998 Jeffrey Hobbs, jeff.hobbs@acm.org
## Last Update: 28 June 1997
package require Widget 2.0
package provide Hierarchy 2.0
## hierarchy, hierarchy_dir, hierarchy_widget
## hierarchy <window pathname> <options>
## Implements a hierarchical listbox
## hierarchy_dir <window pathname> <options>
## Implements a hierarchical listbox using a directory view structure
## for the default methods
## hierarchy_widget <window pathname> <options>
## Implements a hierarchical listbox using a widget view structure
## for the default methods
## (Any canvas option may be used with a hierarchy)
## -autoscrollbar TCL_BOOLEAN DEFAULT: 1
## Determines whether scrollbars automagically pop-up or
## are permanently there.
## -browsecmd procedure DEFAULT: noop
## A command which the widget will execute when the node is expanded
## to retrieve the children of a node. The widget and node path are
## appended to the command as a list of node names which
## form a path to the node from the root. Thus the first
## element of this list will always be the root node.
## -command procedure DEFAULT: noop
## A command which the widget will execute when the node is toggled.
## The name of the widget, the node path, and whether the children of
## the node are showing (0/1) is appended to the procedure args.
## -decoration TCL_BOOLEAN DEFAULT: 1
## If this is true, the "tree" lines are drawn.
## -expand # DEFAULT: 1
## an integer value for an initial depth to expand to.
## -font fontname DEFAULT: fixed
## The default font used for the text.
## -foreground color DEFAULT: black
## The default foreground color used for text of unselected nodes.
## -ipad # DEFAULT: 3
## The internal space added between the image and the text for a
## given node.
## -nodelook procedure DEFAULT: noop
## A command the widget will execute to get the look of a node.
## The node is appended to the command as a list of
## node-names which form a path to the node from the root.
## Thus the first element of this list will always be the
## root node. Also appended is a
## boolean value which indicates whether the node's children
## are currently displayed. This allows the node's
## look to change if it is "opened" or "closed".
## This command must return a 4-tuple list containing:
## 0. the text to display at the node
## 1. the font to use for the text
## 2. an image to display
## 3. the foreground color to use for the node
## If no font (ie. {}) is specified then
## the value from -font is used. If no image is specified
## then no image is displayed.
## The default is a command to which produces a nice look
## for a file manager.
## -paddepth # DEFAULT: 12
## The indent space added for child branches.
## -padstack # DEFAULT: 2
## The space added between two rows
## -root rootname DEFAULT: {}
## The name of the root node of the tree. Each node
## name must be unique amongst the children of each node.
## -selectbackground color DEFAULT: red
## The default background color used for the text of selected nodes.
## -selectmode (single|browse|multiple) DEFAULT: browse
## Like listbox modes, "multiple" is a mix of multiple && extended.
## -showall TCL_BOOLEAN DEFAULT: 0
## For directory nodelook, also show Unix '.' (hidden) files/dirs.
## -showfiles TCL_BOOLEAN DEFAULT: 0
## Show files as well as directories.
## -showparent string DEFAULT: {}
## For hierarchy_dir nodelook, if string != {}, then it will show that
## string which will reset the root node to its parent.
## These are the methods that the hierachical listbox object recognizes.
## (ie - hierachy .h ; .h <method> <args>)
## Any unique substring is acceptable
## configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
## cget option
## Standard tk widget routines.
## close index
## Closes the specified index (will trigger -command).
## curselection
## Returns the indices of the selected items. This differs from the
## listbox method because indices here have no implied order.
## get index ?index ...?
## Returns the node paths of the items referenced. Ranges are not
## allowed. Index specification is like that allowed by the index
## method.
## qget index ?index ...?
## As above, but the indices must be that of the item (as returned
## by the index or curselection method).
## index index
## Returns the hierarchy numerical index of the item (the numerical
## index has no implied order relative to the list items). index
## may be of the form:
## number - Specifies the element as a numerical index.
## root - specifies the root item.
## string - Specifis an item that has that text in it's node.
## @x,y - Indicates the element that covers the point in
## the listbox window specified by x and y (in pixel
## coordinates). If no element covers that point,
## then the closest element to that point is used.
## open index
## Opens the specified index (will trigger -command).
## see index
## Ensures that the item specified by the index is viewable.
## refresh
## Refreshes all open nodes
## selection option arg
## This works like the listbox selection method with the following
## exceptions:
## The selection clear option can take multiple indices, but not a range.
## No arguments to clear means clear all the selected elements.
## The selection set option can take multiple indices, but not a range.
## The key word 'all' sets the selection for all elements.
## size
## Returns the number of items in the hierarchical listbox.
## toggle index
## Toggles (open or closed) the item specified by index
## (triggers -command).
## Most Button-1 bindings on the hierarchy work in the same manner
## as those for the listbox widget, as defined by the selectmode.
## Those that vary are listed below:
## <Double-Button-1>
## Toggles a node in the hierarchy
## The megawidget creates a global array with the classname, and a
## global array which is the name of each megawidget is created. The latter
## array is deleted when the megawidget is destroyed.
## Public procs of $CLASSNAME and [string tolower $CLASSNAME] are used.
## Other procs that begin with $CLASSNAME are private. For each widget,
## commands named .$widgetname and $CLASSNAME$widgetname are created.
# Create this to make sure there are registered in auto_mkindex
# these must come before the [widget create ...]
proc Hierarchy args {}
proc hierarchy args {}
## In general, we cannot use $data(basecmd) in the construction, but the
## scrollbar commands won't be called until after it really exists as a
## proper command
widget create Hierarchy -type frame -base canvas -components {
{base canvas canvas {-relief sunken -bd 1 -highlightthickness 1 \
-yscrollcommand [list $data(yscrollbar) set] \
-xscrollcommand [list $data(xscrollbar) set]}}
{scrollbar xscrollbar sx {-orient h -bd 1 -highlightthickness 1\
-command [list $data(basecmd) xview]}}
{scrollbar yscrollbar sy {-orient v -bd 1 -highlightthickness 1\
-command [list $data(basecmd) yview]}}
} -options {
{-autoscrollbar autoScrollbar AutoScrollbar 1}
{-browsecmd browseCmd BrowseCmd {}}
{-command command Command {}}
{-decoration decoration Decoration 1}
{-expand expand Expand 1}
{-font font Font fixed}
{-foreground foreground Foreground black}
{-ipad ipad Ipad 3}
{-nodelook nodeLook NodeLook {}}
{-paddepth padDepth PadDepth 12}
{-padstack padStack PadStack 2}
{-root root Root {}}
{-selectmode selectMode SelectMode browse}
{-selectbackground selectBackground SelectBackground red}
{-state state State normal}
{-showall showAll ShowAll 0}
{-showparent showParent ShowParent {}}
{-showfiles showFiles ShowFiles 0}
proc hierarchy_dir {w args} {
uplevel [list hierarchy $w -root [pwd] \
-nodelook {namespace inscope ::Widget::Hierarchy FileLook} \
-command {namespace inscope ::Widget::Hierarchy FileActivate} \
-browsecmd {namespace inscope ::Widget::Hierarchy FileList}] \
proc hierarchy_widget {w args} {
uplevel [list hierarchy $w -root . \
-nodelook {namespace inscope ::Widget::Hierarchy WidgetLook} \
-command {namespace inscope ::Widget::Hierarchy WidgetActivate} \
-browsecmd {namespace inscope ::Widget::Hierarchy WidgetList}] \
namespace eval ::Widget::Hierarchy {;
;proc construct w {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
## Private variables
array set data [list \
hasnodelook 0 \
halfpstk [expr $data(-padstack)/2] \
width 400 \
grid $data(canvas) $data(yscrollbar) -sticky news
grid $data(xscrollbar) -sticky ew
grid columnconfig $w 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfig $w 0 -weight 1
bind $data(canvas) <Configure> [namespace code [list Resize $w %w %h]]
;proc init w {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set data(:$data(-root),showkids) 0
ExpandNodeN $w $data(-root) $data(-expand)
if {[catch {$w see $data(-root)}]} {
$data(basecmd) configure -scrollregion {0 0 1 1}
;proc configure {w args} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set truth {^(1|yes|true|on)$}
array set config { resize 0 root 0 showall 0 }
foreach {key val} $args {
switch -- $key {
-autoscrollbar {
set val [regexp -nocase $truth $val]
if {$val} {
set config(resize) 1
} else {
grid $data(xscrollbar)
grid $data(yscrollbar)
-decoration { set val [regexp -nocase $truth $val] }
-padstack { set data(halfpstk) [expr {$val/2}] }
-nodelook {
## We set this special bool val because it saves some
## computation in ExpandNode, a deeply nested proc
set data(hasnodelook) [string compare $val {}]
-root {
if {[info exists data(:$data(-root),showkids)]} {
## All data about items and selection should be
## cleared and the items deleted
foreach name [concat [array names data :*] \
[array names data S,*]] {unset data($name)}
$data(basecmd) delete all
set data(-root) $val
set config(root) 1
## Avoid setting data($key) below
-selectbackground {
foreach i [array names data S,*] {
$data(basecmd) itemconfigure [string range $i 2 end] \
-fill $val
-state {
if {![regexp {^(normal|disabled)$} $val junk val]} {
return -code error "bad state value \"$val\":\
must be normal or disabled"
-showall -
-showfiles {
set val [regexp -nocase $truth $val]
if {$val == $data($key)} continue
set config(showall) 1
set data($key) $val
if {$config(root)} {
set data(:$val,showkids) 0
ExpandNodeN $w $val $data(-expand)
} elseif {$config(showall) && [info exists data(:$data(-root),showkids)]} {
_refresh $w
} elseif {$config(resize)} {
Resize $w [winfo width $data(canvas)] [winfo height $data(canvas)]
## Cryptic source code arguments explained:
## (these, or a similar form, might appear as variables later)
## np == node path
## cnp == changed np
## knp == kids np
## xcnp == extra cnp
;proc _index { w idx } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set c $data(basecmd)
if {[string match all $idx]} {
return [$c find withtag box]
} elseif {[regexp {^(root|anchor)$} $idx]} {
return [$c find withtag box:$data(-root)]
foreach i [$c find withtag $idx] {
if {[string match rec* [$c type $i]]} { return $i }
if {[regexp {@(-?[0-9]+),(-?[0-9]+)} $idx z x y]} {
return [$c find closest [$w canvasx $x] [$w canvasy $y] 1 text]
foreach i [$c find withtag box:[lindex $idx 0]] { return $i }
return -code error "bad hierarchy index \"$idx\":\
must be current, @x,y, a number, or a node name"
;proc _selection { w args } {
if {[string match {} $args]} {
return -code error \
"wrong \# args: should be \"$w selection option args\""
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set err [catch {_index $w [lindex $args 1]} idx]
switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
an* {
## anchor
## stubbed out - too complicated to support
cl* {
## clear
set c $data(basecmd)
if {$err} {
foreach arg [array names data S,*] { unset data($arg) }
$c itemconfig box -fill {}
} else {
catch {unset data(S,$idx)}
$c itemconfig $idx -fill {}
foreach idx [lrange $args 2 end] {
if {[catch {_index $w $idx} idx]} {
catch {unset data(S,$idx)}
$c itemconfig $idx -fill {}
in* {
## includes
if {$err} {
if {[llength $args]==2} {
return -code error $idx
} else {
return -code error "wrong \# args:\
should be \"$w selection includes index\""
return [info exists data(S,$idx)]
se* {
## set
if {$err} {
if {[string compare {} $args]} return
return -code error "wrong \# args:\
should be \"$w selection set index ?index ...?\""
} else {
set c $data(basecmd); set col $data(-selectbackground)
if {[string match all [lindex $args 1]]} {
foreach i $idx { set data(S,$i) 1 }
$c itemconfig box -fill $col
} else {
set data(S,$idx) 1
$c itemconfig $idx -fill $col
foreach idx [lrange $args 2 end] {
if {![catch {_index $w $idx} idx]} {
set data(S,$idx) 1
$c itemconfig $idx -fill $col
default {
return -code error "bad selection option \"[lindex $args 0]\":\
must be clear, includes, set"
;proc _curselection {w} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set res {}
foreach i [array names data S,*] { lappend res [string range $i 2 end] }
return $res
;proc _get {w args} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set nps {}
foreach arg $args {
if {![catch {_index $w $arg} idx] && \
[string compare {} $idx]} {
set tags [$data(basecmd) gettags $idx]
if {[set i [lsearch -glob $tags box:*]]>-1} {
lappend nps [string range [lindex $tags $i] 4 end]
return $nps
;proc _qget {w args} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
## Quick get. Avoids expensive _index call
set nps {}
foreach arg $args {
set tags [$data(basecmd) itemcget $arg -tags]
if {[set i [lsearch -glob $tags box:*]]>-1} {
lappend nps [string range [lindex $tags $i] 4 end]
return $nps
;proc _see {w args} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
if {[catch {_index $w $args} idx]} {
return -code error $idx
} elseif {[string compare {} $idx]} {
set c $data(basecmd)
foreach {x y x1 y1} [$c bbox $idx] {top btm} [$c yview] {
set stk [lindex [$c cget -scrollregion] 3]
set pos [expr (($y1+$y)/2.0)/$stk - ($btm-$top)/2.0]
$c yview moveto $pos
;proc _refresh {w} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
array set expanded [array get data ":*,showkids"]
foreach i [concat [array names data :*] \
[array names data S,*]] {unset data($i)}
$data(basecmd) delete all
## -dec makes it sort in root-first order
foreach i [lsort -ascii -decreasing [array names expanded]] {
if {$expanded($i)} {
regexp {^:(.*),showkids$} $i junk np
## Quick way to remove the last element of a list
set prnt [lreplace $np end end]
## checks to get rid of dead, previously opened nodes
if {[string match {} $prnt] || ([info exists data(:$prnt,kids)] \
&& [lsearch -exact $data(:$prnt,kids) \
[lindex $np end]] != -1)} {
set data($i) 0
ExpandNode $w $np
Redraw $w $data(-root)
Resize $w [winfo width $data(canvas)] [winfo height $data(canvas)]
;proc _size {w} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
return [llength [$data(basecmd) find withtag box]]
## This will be the one called by <Double-Button-1> on the canvas,
## if -state is normal, so we have to make sure that $w is correct.
;proc _toggle { w index } {
toggle $w $index toggle
;proc _close { w index } {
toggle $w $index close
;proc _open { w index } {
toggle $w $index open
;proc toggle { w index which } {
if {[string compare Hierarchy [winfo class $w]]} {
set w [winfo parent $w]
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
if {[string match {} [set np [_get $w $index]]]} return
set np [lindex $np 0]
set old [$data(basecmd) cget -cursor]
$data(basecmd) config -cursor watch
switch $which {
close { CollapseNodeAll $w $np }
open { ExpandNodeN $w $np 1 }
toggle {
if {$data(:$np,showkids)} {
CollapseNodeAll $w $np
} else {
ExpandNodeN $w $np 1
if {[string compare {} $data(-command)]} {
uplevel \#0 $data(-command) [list $w $np $data(:$np,showkids)]
$data(basecmd) config -cursor $old
;proc Resize { w wid hgt } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set c $data(basecmd)
if {[string compare {} [set box [$c bbox image text]]]} {
set X [lindex $box 2]
if {$data(-autoscrollbar)} {
set Y [lindex $box 3]
if {$wid>$X} {
set X $wid
grid remove $data(xscrollbar)
} else {
grid $data(xscrollbar)
if {$hgt>$Y} {
set Y $hgt
grid remove $data(yscrollbar)
} else {
grid $data(yscrollbar)
$c config -scrollregion "0 0 $X $Y"
## This makes full width highlight boxes
## data(width) is the default width of boxes
if {$X>$data(width)} {
set data(width) $X
foreach b [$c find withtag box] {
foreach {x y x1 y1} [$c coords $b] { $c coords $b 0 $y $X $y1 }
} elseif {$data(-autoscrollbar)} {
grid remove $data(xscrollbar) $data(yscrollbar)
;proc CollapseNodeAll { w np } {
if {[CollapseNode $w $np]} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
Redraw $w $np
DiscardChildren $w $np
Resize $w [winfo width $data(canvas)] [winfo height $data(canvas)]
;proc ExpandNodeN { w np n } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
if {[ExpandNodeN_aux $w $np $n] || \
([string compare $data(-root) {}] && \
![string compare $data(-root) $np])} {
Redraw $w $np
Resize $w [winfo width $data(canvas)] [winfo height $data(canvas)]
;proc ExpandNodeN_aux { w np n } {
if {![ExpandNode $w $np]} { return 0 }
if {$n==1} { return 1 }
incr n -1
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
foreach k $data(:$np,kids) {
ExpandNodeN_aux $w "$np [list $k]" $n
return 1
## Private routines to collapse and expand a single node w/o redrawing
## Most routines return 0/1 to indicate if any change has occurred
;proc ExpandNode { w np } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
if {$data(:$np,showkids)} { return 0 }
set data(:$np,showkids) 1
if {![info exists data(:$np,kids)]} {
if {[string compare $data(-browsecmd) {}]} {
set data(:$np,kids) [uplevel \#0 $data(-browsecmd) [list $w $np]]
} else {
set data(:$np,kids) {}
if $data(hasnodelook) {
set data(:$np,look) [uplevel \#0 $data(-nodelook) [list $w $np 1]]
} else {
set data(:$np,look) {}
if {[string match {} $data(:$np,kids)]} {
## This is needed when there are no kids to make sure the
## look of the node will be updated appropriately
foreach {txt font img fg} $data(:$np,look) {
lappend tags box:$np box $np
set c $data(basecmd)
if {[string compare $img {}]} {
## Catch just in case the image doesn't exist
catch {
$c itemconfigure img:$np -image $img
lappend tags $img
if {[string compare $txt {}]} {
if {[string match {} $font]} { set font $data(-font) }
if {[string match {} $fg]} { set fg $data(-foreground) }
$c itemconfigure txt:$np -fill $fg -text $txt -font $font
if {[string compare $np $txt]} { lappend tags $txt }
$c itemconfigure box:$np -tags $tags
## We only want to go through once
return 0
foreach k $data(:$np,kids) {
set knp "$np [list $k]"
## Check to make sure it doesn't already exist,
## in case we are refreshing the node or something
if {![info exists data(:$knp,showkids)]} { set data(:$knp,showkids) 0 }
if $data(hasnodelook) {
set data(:$knp,look) [uplevel \#0 $data(-nodelook) [list $w $knp 0]]
} else {
set data(:$knp,look) {}
return 1
;proc CollapseNode { w np } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
if {!$data(:$np,showkids)} { return 0 }
set data(:$np,showkids) 0
if {[string match {} $data(:$np,kids)]} { return 0 }
if {[string compare $data(-nodelook) {}]} {
set data(:$np,look) [uplevel \#0 $data(-nodelook) [list $w $np 0]]
} else {
set data(:$np,look) {}
foreach k $data(:$np,kids) { CollapseNode $w "$np [list $k]" }
return 1
;proc DiscardChildren { w np } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
if {[info exists data(:$np,kids)]} {
foreach k $data(:$np,kids) {
set knp "$np [list $k]"
$data(basecmd) delete img:$knp txt:$knp box:$knp
foreach i {showkids look stkusg stack iwidth offset} {
catch {unset data(:$knp,$i)}
DiscardChildren $w $knp
unset data(:$np,kids)
## REDRAW mechanism
## 2 parts: recompute offsets of all children from changed node path
## then redraw children based on their offsets and look
;proc Redraw { w cnp } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set c $data(basecmd)
# When a node changes, the positions of a whole lot of things
# change. The size of the scroll region also changes.
$c delete decor
# Calculate the new offset locations of everything
Recompute $w $data(-root) [lrange $cnp 1 end]
# Next recursively move all the bits around to their correct positions.
# We choose an initial point (4,4) to begin at.
Redraw_aux $w $data(-root) 4 4
# Necessary to make sure find closest gets the right item
# ordering: image > text > box
after idle "catch { [list $c] raise image text; [list $c] lower box text }"
## RECOMPUTE recurses through the tree working out the relative offsets
## of children from their parents in terms of stack values.
## "cnp" is either empty or a node name which indicates where the only
## changes have occured in the hierarchy since the last call to Recompute.
## This is used because when a node is toggled on/off deep in the
## hierarchy then not all the positions of items need to be recomputed.
## The only ones that do are everything below the changed node (of
## course), and also everything which might depend on the stack usage of
## that node (i.e. everything above it). Specifically the usages of the
## changed node's siblings do *not* need to be recomputed.
;proc Recompute { w np cnp } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
# If the cnp now has only one element then
# it must be one of the children of the current node.
# We do not need to Recompute the usages of its siblings if it is.
set cnode_is_child [expr {[llength $cnp]==1}]
if {$cnode_is_child} {
set cnode [lindex $cnp 0]
} else {
set xcnp [lrange $cnp 1 end]
# Run through the children, recursively calculating their usage of
# stack real-estate, and allocating an intial placement for each child
# Values do not need to be recomputed for siblings of the changed
# node and their descendants. For the cnode itself, in the
# recursive call we set the value of cnode to {} to prevent
# any further cnode checks.
set children_stack 0
if {$data(:$np,showkids)} {
foreach k $data(:$np,kids) {
set knp "$np [list $k]"
set data(:$knp,offset) $children_stack
if {$cnode_is_child && [string match $cnode $k]} {
set data(:$knp,stkusg) [Recompute $w $knp {}]
} elseif {!$cnode_is_child} {
set data(:$knp,stkusg) [Recompute $w $knp $xcnp]
incr children_stack $data(:$knp,stkusg)
incr children_stack $data(-padstack)
## Make the image/text if they don't exist.
## Positioning occurs in Redraw_aux.
## And calculate the stack usage of our little piece of the world.
set img_height 0; set img_width 0; set txt_width 0; set txt_height 0
foreach {txt font img fg} $data(:$np,look) {
lappend tags box:$np box $np
set c $data(basecmd)
if {[string compare $img {}]} {
if {[string match {} [$c find withtag img:$np]]} {
$c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -tags [list img:$np image]
## Catch just in case the image doesn't exist
catch {
$c itemconfigure img:$np -image $img
lappend tags $img
foreach {x y img_width img_height} [$c bbox img:$np] {
incr img_width -$x; incr img_height -$y
if {[string compare $txt {}]} {
if {[string match {} [$c find withtag txt:$np]]} {
$c create text 0 0 -anchor nw -tags [list txt:$np text]
if {[string match {} $font]} { set font $data(-font) }
if {[string match {} $fg]} { set fg $data(-foreground) }
$c itemconfigure txt:$np -fill $fg -text $txt -font $font
if {[string compare $np $txt]} { lappend tags $txt }
foreach {x y txt_width txt_height} [$c bbox txt:$np] {
incr txt_width -$x; incr txt_height -$y
if {[string match {} [$c find withtag box:$np]]} {
$c create rect 0 0 1 1 -tags [list box:$np box] -outline {}
$c itemconfigure box:$np -tags $tags
## We only want to go through this once
set stack [expr {$txt_height>$img_height?$txt_height:$img_height}]
# Now reposition the children downward by "stack"
set overall_stack [expr {$children_stack+$stack}]
if {$data(:$np,showkids)} {
set off [expr {$stack+$data(-padstack)}]
foreach k $data(:$np,kids) {
set knp "$np [list $k]"
incr data(:$knp,offset) $off
# remember some facts for locating the image and drawing decor
array set data [list :$np,stack $stack :$np,iwidth $img_width]
return $overall_stack
;proc Redraw_aux {w np deppos stkpos} {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set c $data(basecmd)
$c coords img:$np $deppos $stkpos
$c coords txt:$np [expr {$deppos+$data(:$np,iwidth)+$data(-ipad)}] $stkpos
$c coords box:$np 0 [expr {$stkpos-$data(halfpstk)}] \
$data(width) [expr {$stkpos+$data(:$np,stack)+$data(halfpstk)}]
if {!$data(:$np,showkids) || [string match {} $data(:$np,kids)]} return
set minkid_stkpos 100000
set maxkid_stkpos 0
set bar_deppos [expr {$deppos+$data(-paddepth)/2}]
set kid_deppos [expr {$deppos+$data(-paddepth)}]
foreach k $data(:$np,kids) {
set knp "$np [list $k]"
set kid_stkpos [expr {$stkpos+$data(:$knp,offset)}]
Redraw_aux $w $knp $kid_deppos $kid_stkpos
if {$data(-decoration)} {
if {$kid_stkpos<$minkid_stkpos} {set minkid_stkpos $kid_stkpos}
set kid_stkpos [expr {$kid_stkpos+$data(:$knp,stack)/2}]
if {$kid_stkpos>$maxkid_stkpos} {set maxkid_stkpos $kid_stkpos}
$c create line $bar_deppos $kid_stkpos $kid_deppos $kid_stkpos \
-width 1 -tags decor
if {$data(-decoration)} {
$c create line $bar_deppos $minkid_stkpos $bar_deppos $maxkid_stkpos \
-width 1 -tags decor
## Since we give no border to the frame, all Hierarchy bindings
## will always register on the canvas widget
bind Hierarchy <Double-Button-1> {
set w [winfo parent %W]
if {[string match normal [$w cget -state]]} {
$w toggle @%x,%y
bind Hierarchy <ButtonPress-1> {
if {[winfo exists %W]} {
namespace eval ::Widget::Hierarchy \
[list BeginSelect [winfo parent %W] @%x,%y]
bind Hierarchy <B1-Motion> {
set tkPriv(x) %x
set tkPriv(y) %y
namespace eval ::Widget::Hierarchy [list Motion [winfo parent %W] @%x,%y]
bind Hierarchy <ButtonRelease-1> { tkCancelRepeat }
bind Hierarchy <Shift-1> [namespace code \
{ BeginExtend [winfo parent %W] @%x,%y }]
bind Hierarchy <Control-1> [namespace code \
{ BeginToggle [winfo parent %W] @%x,%y }]
bind Hierarchy <B1-Leave> {
set tkPriv(x) %x
set tkPriv(y) %y
namespace eval ::Widget::Hierarchy [list AutoScan [winfo parent %W]]
bind Hierarchy <B1-Enter> { tkCancelRepeat }
## Should reserve L/R U/D for traversing nodes
bind Hierarchy <Up> { %W yview scroll -1 units }
bind Hierarchy <Down> { %W yview scroll 1 units }
bind Hierarchy <Left> { %W xview scroll -1 units }
bind Hierarchy <Right> { %W xview scroll 1 units }
bind Hierarchy <Control-Up> { %W yview scroll -1 pages }
bind Hierarchy <Control-Down> { %W yview scroll 1 pages }
bind Hierarchy <Control-Left> { %W xview scroll -1 pages }
bind Hierarchy <Control-Right> { %W xview scroll 1 pages }
bind Hierarchy <Prior> { %W yview scroll -1 pages }
bind Hierarchy <Next> { %W yview scroll 1 pages }
bind Hierarchy <Control-Prior> { %W xview scroll -1 pages }
bind Hierarchy <Control-Next> { %W xview scroll 1 pages }
bind Hierarchy <Home> { %W xview moveto 0 }
bind Hierarchy <End> { %W xview moveto 1 }
bind Hierarchy <Control-slash> [namespace code \
{ SelectAll [winfo parent %W] }]
bind Hierarchy <Control-backslash> [namespace code \
{ [winfo parent %W] selection clear }]
bind Hierarchy <2> {
set tkPriv(x) %x
set tkPriv(y) %y
%W scan mark %x %y
bind Hierarchy <B2-Motion> {
%W scan dragto $tkPriv(x) %y
## These are mostly mirrored from the Listbox class bindings.
## Some of these are hacked up to be more efficient by making calls
## that require forknowledge of the megawidget structure.
# BeginSelect --
# This procedure is typically invoked on button-1 presses. It begins
# the process of making a selection in the hierarchy. Its exact behavior
# depends on the selection mode currently in effect for the hierarchy;
# see the Motif documentation for details.
# Arguments:
# w - The hierarchy widget.
# el - The element for the selection operation (typically the
# one under the pointer). Must be in numerical form.
;proc BeginSelect {w el} {
global tkPriv
if {[catch {_index $w $el} el]} return
_selection $w clear
_selection $w set $el
set tkPriv(hierarchyPrev) $el
# Motion --
# This procedure is called to process mouse motion events while
# button 1 is down. It may move or extend the selection, depending
# on the hierarchy's selection mode.
# Arguments:
# w - The hierarchy widget.
# el - The element under the pointer (must be a number).
;proc Motion {w el} {
global tkPriv
if {[catch {_index $w $el} el] || \
[string match $el $tkPriv(hierarchyPrev)]} return
switch [_cget $w -selectmode] {
browse {
_selection $w clear 0 end
if {![catch {_selection $w set $el}]} {
set tkPriv(hierarchyPrev) $el
multiple {
## This happens when a double-1 occurs and all the index boxes
## have changed
if {[catch {_selection $w includes \
$tkPriv(hierarchyPrev)} inc]} {
set tkPriv(hierarchyPrev) [_index $w $el]
if {$inc} {
_selection $w set $el
} else {
_selection $w clear $el
set tkPriv(hierarchyPrev) $el
# BeginExtend --
# This procedure is typically invoked on shift-button-1 presses. It
# begins the process of extending a selection in the hierarchy. Its
# exact behavior depends on the selection mode currently in effect
# for the hierarchy;
# Arguments:
# w - The hierarchy widget.
# el - The element for the selection operation (typically the
# one under the pointer). Must be in numerical form.
;proc BeginExtend {w el} {
if {[catch {_index $w $el} el]} return
if {[string match multiple [_cget $w -selectmode]]} {
Motion $w $el
# BeginToggle --
# This procedure is typically invoked on control-button-1 presses. It
# begins the process of toggling a selection in the hierarchy. Its
# exact behavior depends on the selection mode currently in effect
# for the hierarchy; see the Motif documentation for details.
# Arguments:
# w - The hierarchy widget.
# el - The element for the selection operation (typically the
# one under the pointer). Must be in numerical form.
;proc BeginToggle {w el} {
global tkPriv
if {[catch {_index $w $el} el]} return
if {[string match multiple [_cget $w -selectmode]]} {
_selection $w anchor $el
if {[_selection $w includes $el]} {
_selection $w clear $el
} else {
_selection $w set $el
set tkPriv(hierarchyPrev) $el
# AutoScan --
# This procedure is invoked when the mouse leaves an entry window
# with button 1 down. It scrolls the window up, down, left, or
# right, depending on where the mouse left the window, and reschedules
# itself as an "after" command so that the window continues to scroll until
# the mouse moves back into the window or the mouse button is released.
# Arguments:
# w - The hierarchy widget.
;proc AutoScan {w} {
global tkPriv
if {![winfo exists $w]} return
set x $tkPriv(x)
set y $tkPriv(y)
if {$y>=[winfo height $w]} {
$w yview scroll 1 units
} elseif {$y<0} {
$w yview scroll -1 units
} elseif {$x>=[winfo width $w]} {
$w xview scroll 2 units
} elseif {$x<0} {
$w xview scroll -2 units
} else {
#Motion $w [$w index @$x,$y]
set tkPriv(afterId) [after 50 [namespace current]::AutoScan $w]
# SelectAll
# This procedure is invoked to handle the "select all" operation.
# For single and browse mode, it just selects the root element.
# Otherwise it selects everything in the widget.
# Arguments:
# w - The hierarchy widget.
;proc SelectAll w {
if {[regexp (browse|single) [_cget $w -selectmode]]} {
_selection $w clear
_selection $w set root
} else {
_selection $w set all
# Default nodelook methods
;proc FileLook { w np isopen } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set path [eval file join $np]
set file [lindex $np end]
set bmp {}
if {[file readable $path]} {
if {[file isdirectory $path]} {
if {$isopen} {
## We know that kids will always be set by the time
## the isopen is set to 1
if {[string compare $data(:$np,kids) {}]} {
set bmp ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir_minus
} else {
set bmp ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir
} else {
set bmp ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir_plus
if 0 {
## NOTE: accurate, but very expensive
if {[string compare [FileList $w $np] {}]} {
set bmp [expr {$isopen ?\
{::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir_minus} :\
} else {
set bmp ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir
set fg \#000000
} elseif {[string compare $data(-showparent) {}] && \
[string match $data(-showparent) $file]} {
set fg \#0000FF
set bmp ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:up
} else {
set fg \#a9a9a9
if {[file isdirectory $path]} {set bmp ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir}
return [list $file $data(-font) $bmp $fg]
## FileList
# ARGS: w hierarchy widget
# np node path
# Returns: directory listing
;proc FileList { w np } {
set pwd [pwd]
if {[catch "cd \[file join $np\]"]} {
set list {}
} else {
global tcl_platform
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set str *
if {!$data(-showfiles)} { append str / }
if {$data(-showall) && [string match unix $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
## NOTE: Use of non-core lremove
if {[catch {lsort [concat [glob -nocomplain $str] \
[lremove [glob -nocomplain .$str] {. ..}]]} list]} {
return {}
} else {
## The extra catch is necessary for unusual error conditions
if {[catch {lsort [glob -nocomplain $str]} list]} {
return {}
set root $data(-root)
if {[string compare {} $data(-showparent)] && \
[string match $root $np]} {
if {![regexp {^(.:)?/+$} $root] && \
[string compare [file dir $root] $root]} {
set list [linsert $list 0 $data(-showparent)]
cd $pwd
return $list
;proc FileActivate { w np isopen } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$w data
set path [eval file join $np]
if {[file isdirectory $path]} return
if {[string compare $data(-showparent) {}] && \
[string match $data(-showparent) [lindex $np end]]} {
$w configure -root [file dir $data(-root)]
;proc WidgetLook { W np isopen } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$W data
if {$data(-showall)} {
set w [lindex $np end]
} else {
set w [join $np {}]
regsub {\.\.} $w {.} w
if {[string compare [winfo children $w] {}]} {set fg blue} {set fg black}
return [list "\[[winfo class $w]\] [lindex $np end]" {} {} $fg]
;proc WidgetList { W np } {
upvar \#0 [namespace current]::$W data
if {$data(-showall)} {
set w [lindex $np end]
} else {
set w [join $np {}]
regsub {\.\.} $w {.} w
set kids {}
foreach i [lsort [winfo children $w]] {
if {$data(-showall)} {
lappend kids $i
} else {
lappend kids [file extension $i]
return $kids
;proc WidgetActivate { w np isopen } {}
image create bitmap ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir -data {#define folder_width 16
#define folder_height 12
static char folder_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x1f, 0x80, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0xfc, 0x7f, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40,
0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0xfe, 0x7f};}
image create bitmap ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir_plus -data {#define folder_plus_width 16
#define folder_plus_height 12
static char folder_plus_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x1f, 0x80, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0xfc, 0x7f, 0x02, 0x40, 0x82, 0x40,
0x82, 0x40, 0xe2, 0x43, 0x82, 0x40, 0x82, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0xfe, 0x7f};}
image create bitmap ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:dir_minus -data {#define folder_minus_width 16
#define folder_minus_height 12
static char folder_minus_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x1f, 0x80, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20, 0xfc, 0x7f, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40,
0x02, 0x40, 0xe2, 0x43, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0x02, 0x40, 0xfe, 0x7f};}
image create bitmap ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:up -data {#define up.xbm_width 16
#define up.xbm_height 12
static unsigned char up.xbm_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00,
0x38, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x7f, 0xf0, 0x7f, 0xe0, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00};}
image create bitmap ::Widget::Hierarchy::bmp:text -data {#define text_width 15
#define text_height 14
static char text_bits[] = {
}; # end namespace ::Widget::Hierarchy