Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming

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Documentation for package ‘promises’ version 1.3.2

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%...!% Promise pipe operators
%...>% Promise pipe operators
%...T!% Promise pipe operators
%...T>% Promise pipe operators
as.promise Coerce to a promise
catch Access the results of a promise
finally Access the results of a promise
future_promise 'future' promise
future_promise_queue 'future' promise
is.promise Coerce to a promise
is.promising Coerce to a promise
new_promise_domain Promise domains
pipes Promise pipe operators
promise Create a new promise object
promise_all Combine multiple promise objects
promise_map Promise-aware lapply/map
promise_race Combine multiple promise objects
promise_reduce Promise-aware version of Reduce
promise_reject Create a resolved or rejected promise
promise_resolve Create a resolved or rejected promise
then Access the results of a promise
with_promise_domain Promise domains