.BasicFunsList          List of Builtin and Special Functions
Classes                 S4 Class Documentation
Classes_Details         Class Definitions
Documentation           Using and Creating On-line Documentation for
                        Classes and Methods
GenericFunctions        Tools for Managing Generic Functions
Introduction            Basic use of S4 Methods and Classes
                        Class '"LinearMethodsList"'
LocalReferenceClasses   Localized Objects based on Reference Classes
                        Classes to Represent Method Definitions
MethodWithNext-class    Class '"MethodWithNext"'
Methods                 S4 Class Documentation
MethodsList-class       Class '"MethodsList"', Defunct Representation
                        of Methods
Methods_Details         General Information on Methods
                        Methods for Non-Generic Functions in Other
Methods_for_S3          Methods For S3 and S4 Dispatch
                        A Vector of Object Names, with associated
                        Package Names
ReferenceClasses        Objects With Fields Treated by Reference
S3Part                  S4 Classes that Contain S3 Classes
S4groupGeneric          S4 Group Generic Functions
SClassExtension-class   Class to Represent Inheritance (Extension)
as                      Force an Object to Belong to a Class
callGeneric             Call the Current Generic Function from a Method
callNextMethod          Call an Inherited Method
canCoerce               Can an Object be Coerced to a Certain S4 Class?
cbind2                  Combine two Objects by Columns or Rows
character-class         Classes Corresponding to Basic Data Types
className               Class names including the corresponding package
                        Class Objects
classesToAM             Compute an Adjacency Matrix for Superclasses of
                        Class Definitions
dotsMethods             The Use of '...' in Method Signatures
envRefClass-class       Class '"envRefClass"'
environment-class       Class '"environment"'
evalSource              Use Function Definitions from a Source File
                        without Reinstalling a Package
findClass               Find Class Definitions
findMethods             Description of the Methods Defined for a
                        Generic Function
fixPre1.8               Fix Objects Saved from R Versions Previous to
genericFunction-class   Generic Function Objects
getClass                Get Class Definition
getMethod               Get or Test for the Definition of a Method
getPackageName          The Name associated with a Given Package
hasArg                  Look for an Argument in the Call
implicitGeneric         Manage Implicit Versions of Generic Functions
inheritedSlotNames      Names of Slots Inherited From a Super Class
initialize-methods      Methods to Initialize New Objects from a Class
is                      Is an Object from a Class?
isSealedMethod          Check for a Sealed Method or Class
language-class          Classes to Represent Unevaluated Language
                        Create a Class Definition
method.skeleton         Create a Skeleton File for a New Method
methods-package         Formal Methods and Classes
new                     Generate an Object from a Class
nonStructure-class      A non-structure S4 Class for basic types
promptClass             Generate a Shell for Documentation of a Formal
promptMethods           Generate a Shell for Documentation of Formal
removeMethod            Remove a Method
representation          Construct a Representation or a Prototype for a
                        Class Definition
selectSuperClasses      Super Classes (of Specific Kinds) of a Class
setAs                   Methods for Coercing an Object to a Class
setClass                Create a Class Definition
setClassUnion           Classes Defined as the Union of Other Classes
setGeneric              Create a Generic Version of a Function
setGroupGeneric         Create a Group Generic Version of a Function
setIs                   Specify a Superclass Explicitly
setLoadActions          Set Actions For Package Loading
setMethod               Create and Save a Method
setOldClass             Register Old-Style (S3) Classes and Inheritance
show                    Show an Object
showMethods             Show all the methods for the specified
                        function(s) or class
signature-class         Class '"signature"' For Method Definitions
slot                    The Slots in an Object from a Formal Class
structure-class         Classes Corresponding to Basic Structures
testInheritedMethods    Test for and Report about Selection of
                        Inherited Methods
traceable-class         Classes Used Internally to Control Tracing
validObject             Test the Validity of an Object