/*! JSON.minify() v0.1 (c) Kyle Simpson MIT License */ (function(global){ if (typeof global.JSON == "undefined" || !global.JSON) { global.JSON = {}; } global.JSON.minify = function(json) { var tokenizer = /"|(\/\*)|(\*\/)|(\/\/)|\n|\r/g, in_string = false, in_multiline_comment = false, in_singleline_comment = false, tmp, tmp2, new_str = [], ns = 0, from = 0, lc, rc ; tokenizer.lastIndex = 0; while (tmp = tokenizer.exec(json)) { lc = RegExp.leftContext; rc = RegExp.rightContext; if (!in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { tmp2 = lc.substring(from); if (!in_string) { tmp2 = tmp2.replace(/(\n|\r|\s)*/g,""); } new_str[ns++] = tmp2; } from = tokenizer.lastIndex; if (tmp[0] == "\"" && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { tmp2 = lc.match(/(\\)*$/); if (!in_string || !tmp2 || (tmp2[0].length % 2) == 0) { // start of string with ", or unescaped " character found to end string in_string = !in_string; } from--; // include " character in next catch rc = json.substring(from); } else if (tmp[0] == "/*" && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { in_multiline_comment = true; } else if (tmp[0] == "*/" && !in_string && in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { in_multiline_comment = false; } else if (tmp[0] == "//" && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment) { in_singleline_comment = true; } else if ((tmp[0] == "\n" || tmp[0] == "\r") && !in_string && !in_multiline_comment && in_singleline_comment) { in_singleline_comment = false; } else if (!in_multiline_comment && !in_singleline_comment && !(/\n|\r|\s/.test(tmp[0]))) { new_str[ns++] = tmp[0]; } } new_str[ns++] = rc; return new_str.join(""); }; })(this);