A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U W misc
ComplexHeatmap-package | Make complex heatmaps |
add.AdditiveUnit | Horizontally Add Heatmaps or Annotations to a Heatmap List |
AdditiveUnit | Constructor Method for AdditiveUnit Class |
AdditiveUnit-class | Class for Concatenating Heatmaps and Annotations |
add_heatmap | Method dispatch page for add_heatmap |
add_heatmap-method | Add Heatmap to the Heatmap List |
add_heatmap-method | Add Annotations or Heatmaps as a Heatmap List |
add_heatmap-method | Add heatmaps and row annotations to the heatmap list |
adjust_dend_by_x | Adjust the Positions of nodes/leaves in the Dendrogram |
adjust_heatmap_list | Adjust Heatmap List |
adjust_heatmap_list-method | Adjust Heatmap List |
alter_graphic | Automatically generate alter_fun |
AnnotationFunction | Constructor of AnnotationFunction Class |
AnnotationFunction-class | The AnnotationFunction Class |
annotation_axis_grob | Grob for Annotation Axis |
annotation_legend_size | Size of the Annotation Legends |
annotation_legend_size-method | Size of the Annotation Legends |
anno_barplot | Barplot Annotation |
anno_block | Block annotation |
anno_boxplot | Boxplot Annotation |
anno_customize | Customized annotation |
anno_density | Density Annotation |
anno_empty | Empty Annotation |
anno_histogram | Histogram Annotation |
anno_horizon | Horizon chart Annotation |
anno_image | Image Annotation |
anno_joyplot | Joyplot Annotation |
anno_lines | Lines Annotation |
anno_link | Link Annotation |
anno_mark | Link annotation with labels |
anno_numeric | Numeric labels annotation |
anno_oncoprint_barplot | Barplot Annotation for oncoPrint |
anno_points | Points Annotation |
anno_simple | Simple Annotation |
anno_summary | Summary Annotation |
anno_text | Text Annotation |
anno_textbox | Text box annotations |
anno_zoom | Zoom annotation |
attach_annotation | Attach heatmap annotations to the heatmap |
attach_annotation-method | Attach heatmap annotations to the heatmap |
bar3D | Draw 3D bars |
bin_genome | Bin the genome |
c.ColorMapping | Concatenate A List of ColorMapping objects |
c.HeatmapAnnotation | Concatenate Heatmap Annotations |
cluster_between_groups | Cluster only between Groups |
cluster_within_group | Cluster within and between Groups |
ColorMapping | Constructor Method for ColorMapping Class |
ColorMapping-class | Class for Color Mapping |
color_mapping_legend | Draw Legend Based on Color Mapping |
color_mapping_legend-method | Draw Legend Based on Color Mapping |
columnAnnotation | Construct Column Annotations |
column_dend | Method dispatch page for column_dend |
column_dend-method | Get Column Dendrograms from a Heatmap |
column_dend-method | Get Column Dendrograms from a hHeatmap List |
column_order | Method dispatch page for column_order |
column_order-method | Get Column Order from a Aeatmap List |
column_order-method | Get Column Order from a Heatmap List |
comb_degree | Degrees of the Combination sets |
comb_name | Names of the Combination sets |
comb_size | Sizes of the Combination sets |
compare_heatmap | Compare heatmaps between stats::heatmap() and ComplexHeatmap::heatmap() |
compare_heatmap.2 | Compare heatmaps between gplots::heatmap.2() and ComplexHeatmap::heatmap() |
compare_pheatmap | Compare heatmaps between pheatmap::pheatmap() and ComplexHeatmap::pheatmap() |
complement_size | Complement Set Size |
component_height | Method dispatch page for component_height |
component_height-method | Heights of Heatmap Components |
component_height-method | Height of Heatmap List Components |
component_width | Method dispatch page for component_width |
component_width-method | Widths of Heatmap Components |
component_width-method | Width of Heatmap List Components |
copy_all | Method dispatch page for copy_all |
copy_all-method | Copy the AnnotationFunction Object |
copy_all-method | Copy the SingleAnnotation object |
decorate_annotation | Decorate Heatmap Annotation |
decorate_column_dend | Decorate Heatmap Column Dendrograms |
decorate_column_names | Decorate Heatmap Column Names |
decorate_column_title | Decorate Heatmap Column Titles |
decorate_dend | Decorate Heatmap Dendrograms |
decorate_dimnames | Decorate Heatmap Dimension Names |
decorate_heatmap_body | Decorate Heatmap Bodies |
decorate_row_dend | Decorate Heatmap Row Dendrograms |
decorate_row_names | Decorate Heatmap Row Names |
decorate_row_title | Decorate Heatmap Row Titles |
decorate_title | Decorate Heatmap Titles |
default_axis_param | The Default Parameters for Annotation Axis |
default_get_type | Default get_type for oncoPrint() |
dendrogramGrob | Grob for Dendrogram |
dend_heights | Height of the Dendrograms |
dend_xy | Coordinates of the Dendrogram |
densityHeatmap | Visualize Density Distribution by Heatmap |
dim.Heatmap | Dimension of the Heatmap |
dist2 | Calculate Pairwise Distance from a Matrix |
draw | Method dispatch page for draw |
draw-method | Draw the AnnotationFunction Object |
draw-method | Draw a Single Heatmap |
draw-method | Draw the Heatmap Annotations |
draw-method | Draw a list of heatmaps |
draw-method | Draw the Legends |
draw-method | Draw the Single Annotation |
draw_annotation | Draw Heatmap Annotations on the Heatmap |
draw_annotation-method | Draw Heatmap Annotations on the Heatmap |
draw_annotation_legend | Draw legends for All Annotations |
draw_annotation_legend-method | Draw legends for All Annotations |
draw_dend | Draw Heatmap Dendrograms |
draw_dend-method | Draw Heatmap Dendrograms |
draw_dimnames | Draw row names or column names |
draw_dimnames-method | Draw row names or column names |
draw_heatmap_body | Draw Heatmap Body |
draw_heatmap_body-method | Draw Heatmap Body |
draw_heatmap_legend | Draw legends for All Heatmaps |
draw_heatmap_legend-method | Draw legends for All Heatmaps |
draw_heatmap_list | Draw the List of Heatmaps |
draw_heatmap_list-method | Draw the List of Heatmaps |
draw_title | Method dispatch page for draw_title |
draw_title-method | Draw Heatmap Title |
draw_title-method | Draw Heatmap List Title |
Extract.AnnotationFunction | Subset an AnnotationFunction Object |
Extract.comb_mat | Subset the Combination Matrix |
Extract.gridtext | Subset method of gridtext class |
Extract.Heatmap | Subset a Heatmap |
Extract.HeatmapAnnotation | Subset the HeatmapAnnotation object |
Extract.HeatmapList | Subset a HeatmapList object |
Extract.SingleAnnotation | Subset an SingleAnnotation Object |
extract_comb | Extract Elements in a Combination set |
frequencyHeatmap | Visualize Frequency Distribution by Heatmap |
full_comb_code | Full set of code of combination sets |
getXY_in_parent_vp | Convert XY in a Parent Viewport |
get_color_mapping_list | Get a List of ColorMapping objects |
get_color_mapping_list-method | Get a List of ColorMapping objects |
get_legend_param_list | Get a List of Annotation Legend Parameters |
get_legend_param_list-method | Get a List of Annotation Legend Parameters |
grid.annotation_axis | Draw Annotation Axis |
grid.boxplot | Draw a Single Boxplot |
grid.dendrogram | Draw the Dendrogram |
grid.draw.Legends | Draw the Legends |
grid.textbox | Draw multiple texts in a box |
gt_render | Mark the text for the rendering by gridtext package |
Heatmap | Constructor method for Heatmap class |
Heatmap-class | Class for a Single Heatmap |
Heatmap3D | 3D Heatmap |
HeatmapAnnotation | Constructor Method for HeatmapAnnotation class |
HeatmapAnnotation-class | Class for Heatmap Annotations |
HeatmapList | Constructor method for HeatmapList class |
HeatmapList-class | Class for a list of heatmaps |
heatmap_legend_size | Size of the Heatmap Legends |
heatmap_legend_size-method | Size of the Heatmap Legends |
height.AnnotationFunction | Height of the AnnotationFunction Object |
height.Heatmap | Height of the Heatmap |
height.HeatmapAnnotation | Height of the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
height.HeatmapList | Height of the Heatmap List |
height.Legends | Height of the Legends |
height.SingleAnnotation | Height of the SingleAnnotation object |
height<-.AnnotationFunction | Assign the Height to the AnnotationFunction Object |
height<-.HeatmapAnnotation | Assign the Height to the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
height<-.SingleAnnotation | Assign the Height to the SingleAnnotation Object |
heightAssign.AnnotationFunction | Assign the Height to the AnnotationFunction Object |
heightAssign.HeatmapAnnotation | Assign the Height to the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
heightAssign.SingleAnnotation | Assign the Height to the SingleAnnotation Object |
heightDetails.annotation_axis | Height for annotation_axis Grob |
heightDetails.legend | Grob height for packed_legends |
heightDetails.legend_body | Grob height for legend_body |
heightDetails.packed_legends | Grob height for packed_legends |
heightDetails.textbox | Height for textbox grob |
ht_global_opt | Global Options for Heatmaps |
ht_opt | Global Options for Heatmaps |
ht_size | Calculate the width and height of the heatmaps |
is_abs_unit | Test Whether it is an Absolute Unit |
Legend | Make a Single Legend |
Legends | Constructor method for Legends class |
Legends-class | The Class for Legends |
length.HeatmapAnnotation | Number of Annotations |
length.HeatmapList | Length of the HeatmapList object |
list_components | List All Heatmap Components |
list_to_matrix | Convert a List of Sets to a Binary Matrix |
make_column_cluster | Make Cluster on Columns |
make_column_cluster-method | Make Cluster on Columns |
make_comb_mat | Make a Combination Matrix for UpSet Plot |
make_layout | Method dispatch page for make_layout |
make_layout-method | Make the Layout of a Single Heatmap |
make_layout-method | Make Layout for the Heatmap List |
make_row_cluster | Make Cluster on Rows |
make_row_cluster-method | Make Cluster on Rows |
map_to_colors | Map Values to Colors |
map_to_colors-method | Map Values to Colors |
max_text_height | Maximum Height of Text |
max_text_width | Maximum Width of Text |
merge_dendrogram | Merge Dendrograms |
names.HeatmapAnnotation | Annotation Names |
names.HeatmapList | Names of the heatmaps/annotations |
names<-.HeatmapAnnotation | Assign Annotation Names |
namesAssign.HeatmapAnnotation | Assign Annotation Names |
ncol.Heatmap | Number of Columns in the Heatmap |
nobs.AnnotationFunction | Number of Observations |
nobs.HeatmapAnnotation | Number of Observations |
nobs.SingleAnnotation | Number of Observations |
normalize_comb_mat | Normalize a list of combination matrice |
normalize_genomic_signals_to_bins | Overlap genomic signals to the genomic bins |
nrow.Heatmap | Number of Rows in the Heatmap |
oncoPrint | Make oncoPrint |
order.comb_mat | Order of the Combination Sets |
packLegend | Pack Legends |
pct_v_pct | Vertically Add Heatmaps or Annotations to a Heatmap List |
pheatmap | Translate pheatmap::pheatmap to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap |
pindex | Get Values in a Matrix by Pair-wise Indices |
plot.Heatmap | Draw heatmap |
plot.HeatmapAnnotation | Draw heatmap annotations |
plot.HeatmapList | Draw heatmap |
prepare | Prepare the Heatmap |
prepare-method | Prepare the Heatmap |
print.comb_mat | Print the comb_mat Object |
restore_matrix | Restore the index vector to index matrix in layer_fun |
re_size | Resize the Width or Height of Heatmap Annotations |
re_size-method | Resize the Width or Height of Heatmap Annotations |
rowAnnotation | Construct Row Annotations |
row_anno_barplot | Barplots as Row Annotation |
row_anno_boxplot | Boxplots as Row Annotation |
row_anno_density | Density as Row Annotation |
row_anno_histogram | Histograms as Row Annotation |
row_anno_points | Points as Row Annotation |
row_anno_text | Text as Row Annotation |
row_dend | Method dispatch page for row_dend |
row_dend-method | Get Row Dendrograms from a Heatmap |
row_dend-method | Get Row Dendrograms from a Heatmap List |
row_order | Method dispatch page for row_order |
row_order-method | Get Row Order from a Heatmap |
row_order-method | Get Row Order from a Heatmap List |
set_component_height | Set Height of Heatmap Component |
set_component_height-method | Set Height of Heatmap Component |
set_component_width | Set Width of Heatmap Component |
set_component_width-method | Set Width of Heatmap Component |
set_name | Set Names |
set_name<- | Modify Set Names |
set_nameAssign | Modify Set Names |
set_size | Set Sizes |
show | Method dispatch page for show |
show-method | Print the AnnotationFunction Object |
show-method | Print the ColorMapping Object |
show-method | Draw the Single Heatmap with Defaults |
show-method | Print the HeatmapAnnotation object |
show-method | Draw a list of heatmaps with default parameters |
show-method | Print the SingleAnnotation object |
SingleAnnotation | Constructor Method for SingleAnnotation Class |
SingleAnnotation-class | Class for a Single Annotation |
size.AnnotationFunction | Size of the AnnotationFunction Object |
size.HeatmapAnnotation | Size of the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
size.SingleAnnotation | Size of the SingleAnnotation Object |
size<-.AnnotationFunction | Assign the Size to the AnnotationFunction Object |
size<-.HeatmapAnnotation | Assign the Size to the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
size<-.SingleAnnotation | Assign the Size to the SingleAnnotation Object |
sizeAssign.AnnotationFunction | Assign the Size to the AnnotationFunction Object |
sizeAssign.HeatmapAnnotation | Assign the Size to the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
sizeAssign.SingleAnnotation | Assign the Size to the SingleAnnotation Object |
smartAlign2 | Adjust positions of rectanglar shapes |
str.comb_mat | str method |
subset_gp | Subset a gpar Object |
subset_matrix_by_row | Subset the Matrix by Rows |
subset_no | Do not do subseting |
subset_vector | Subset the vector |
summary.Heatmap | Print the Summary of a Heatmap |
summary.HeatmapList | Summary of a Heatmap List |
t.comb_mat | Transpost the Combination Matrix |
test_alter_fun | Test alter_fun for oncoPrint() |
textbox_grob | A simple grob for the word cloud |
unify_mat_list | Unify a List of Matrix |
UpSet | Make the UpSet plot |
upset_left_annotation | UpSet Left Annotation |
upset_right_annotation | Default UpSet Right Annotation |
upset_top_annotation | Default UpSet Top Annotation |
width.AnnotationFunction | Width of the AnnotationFunction Object |
width.Heatmap | Width of the Heatmap |
width.HeatmapAnnotation | Width of the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
width.HeatmapList | Width of the Heatmap List |
width.Legends | Width of the Legends |
width.SingleAnnotation | Width of the SingleAnnotation Object |
width<-.AnnotationFunction | Assign the Width to the AnnotationFunction Object |
width<-.HeatmapAnnotation | Assign the Width to the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
width<-.SingleAnnotation | Assign the Width to the SingleAnnotation Object |
widthAssign.AnnotationFunction | Assign the Width to the AnnotationFunction Object |
widthAssign.HeatmapAnnotation | Assign the Width to the HeatmapAnnotation Object |
widthAssign.SingleAnnotation | Assign the Width to the SingleAnnotation Object |
widthDetails.annotation_axis | Width for annotation_axis Grob |
widthDetails.legend | Grob width for packed_legends |
widthDetails.legend_body | Grob width for legend_body |
widthDetails.packed_legends | Grob width for packed_legends |
widthDetails.textbox | Width for textbox grob |
%v% | Vertically Add Heatmaps or Annotations to a Heatmap List |
+.AdditiveUnit | Horizontally Add Heatmaps or Annotations to a Heatmap List |
[.AnnotationFunction | Subset an AnnotationFunction Object |
[.comb_mat | Subset the Combination Matrix |
[.gridtext | Subset method of gridtext class |
[.Heatmap | Subset a Heatmap |
[.HeatmapAnnotation | Subset the HeatmapAnnotation object |
[.HeatmapList | Subset a HeatmapList object |
[.SingleAnnotation | Subset an SingleAnnotation Object |