library(markdown) # toc example mkd <- c("# Header 1", "p1", "## Header 2", "p2") cat(mark(mkd, options = "+number_sections")) cat(mark(mkd, options = "+number_sections+toc")) # hard_wrap example cat(mark("foo\nbar\n")) cat(mark("foo\nbar\n", options = "hard_wrap")) # latex math example mkd <- c( "`$x$` is inline math $x$!", "", "Display style:", "", "$$x + y$$", "", "\\begin{eqnarray} a^{2}+b^{2} & = & c^{2}\\\\ \\sin^{2}(x)+\\cos^{2}(x) & = & 1 \\end{eqnarray}" ) cat(mark(mkd)) cat(mark(mkd, options = "-latex_math")) # tables example (need 4 spaces at beginning of line here) cat(mark(" First Header | Second Header ------------- | ------------- Content Cell | Content Cell Content Cell | Content Cell ")) # but not here cat(mark(" First Header | Second Header ------------- | ------------- Content Cell | Content Cell Content Cell | Content Cell ", options = '-table')) # autolink example cat(mark("")) cat(mark("", options = "-autolink")) # strikethrough example cat(mark("~~awesome~~")) cat(mark("~~awesome~~", options = "-strikethrough")) # superscript and subscript examples cat(mark("2^10^")) cat(mark("2^10^", options = "-superscript")) cat(mark("H~2~O")) cat(mark("H~2~O", options = "-subscript")) # code blocks cat(mark('```r\n1 + 1;\n```')) cat(mark('```{.r}\n1 + 1;\n```')) cat(mark('```{.r .js}\n1 + 1;\n```')) cat(mark('```{.r .js #foo}\n1 + 1;\n```')) cat(mark('```{.r .js #foo style="color:red;"}\n1 + 1;\n```')) cat(mark('````\n```{r, echo=TRUE}\n1 + 1;\n```\n````')) # raw blocks cat(mark('```{=html}\n
raw HTML
\n```')) cat(mark('```{=latex}\nraw HTML
\n```')) # skip_html tags mkd = '\n[Hello](#)' cat(mark(mkd)) # TODO: wait for to be fixed # cat(mark(mkd, options = "tagfilter"))