/* 'shiny' skin for Ion.RangeSlider, largely based on the 'big' skin, but with smaller dimensions, grayscale grid text, and without gradients © Posit, PBC, 2023 © RStudio, Inc, 2014 © Denis Ineshin, 2014 https://github.com/IonDen © guybowden, 2014 https://github.com/guybowden */ @import "_base"; // Both BS3 and BS4 define a border radius mixin, but just in case // we're trying to compile this without bootstrapSass @mixin border-radius-shim($radius) { @if mixin-exists("border-radius") { @include border-radius($radius); } @else { border-radius: $radius; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $font-family: $font-family-base !default; .irs { font-family: $font-family; } .irs--shiny { $name: irs !default; // Sizing controls $top: 25px !default; $line_height: 8px !default; $handle_width: 22px !default; $handle_height: 22px !default; $custom_radius: 3px !default; // "High-level" coloring $bg: $body-bg !default; $fg: color-contrast($body-bg) !default; $accent: #428bca !default; // "Low-level" coloring, borders, and fonts $line_bg: linear-gradient(to bottom, mix($bg, $fg, 87%) -50%, $bg 150%) !default; $line_bg_color: mix($bg, $fg, 93%) !default; $line_border: 1px solid mix($bg, $fg, 80%) !default; $bar_color: $accent !default; $handle_color: mix($bg, $fg, 87%) !default; $handle_color_hover: $bg !default; $handle_border: 1px solid mix($bg, $fg, 67%) !default; $handle_box_shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba($bg, 0.3) !default; $minmax_text_color: null !default; $minmax_bg_color: rgba($fg, 0.1) !default; $minmax_font_size: 10px !default; $minmax_line_height: 1.333 !default; $fromto_bg_color: $accent !default; $fromto_color: color-contrast($fromto_bg_color) !default; $fromto_font_size: 11px !default; $fromto_line_height: 1.333 !default; $grid_major_color: $fg !default; $grid_minor_color: mix($bg, $fg, 60%) !default; $grid_text_color: null !default; height: 40px; &.irs-with-grid { height: 60px; } .#{$name}-line { top: $top; height: $line_height; background: $line_bg; background-color: $line_bg_color; border: $line_border; @include border-radius-shim($line_height); // Increase the touch target area of the slider line overflow: visible; &::before { content: ""; display: block; position: relative; cursor: s-resize; // downward arrow width: 100%; height: $handle_height; top: -(($handle_height - $line_height / 2) / 2); z-index: 1; // raise touch area above grid } } .#{$name}-bar { top: $top; height: $line_height; border-top: 1px solid $bar_color; border-bottom: 1px solid $bar_color; background: $bar_color; cursor: s-resize; // downard arrow, overwritten when a range z-index: 2; &--single { @include border-radius-shim($line_height 0 0 $line_height); } // Increase the touch target area of the slider bar &::before { content: ""; display: block; position: relative; width: 100%; height: $handle_height; top: -(($handle_height - $line_height / 2) / 2); z-index: 2; // raise touch area above line touch target } } // sliderInput() doesn't currently support from_min/from_max, so this isn't relevant .#{$name}-shadow { top: 38px; height: 2px; background: rgba($fg, 0.3); @include border-radius-shim(5px); } .lt-ie9 .#{$name}-shadow { filter: alpha(opacity=30); } // .irs-slider changed to .irs-handle in v2.3.0 // https://github.com/IonDen/ion.rangeSlider/commit/c98c10d3d360aa52e997bb8e4fd371c958f78e4b#diff-91cc6fde25fe380ac2a7ac58e1538dceR140 .#{$name}-handle { top: 17px; width: $handle_width; height: $handle_height; border: $handle_border; background-color: $handle_color; box-shadow: $handle_box_shadow; border-radius: $handle_width; z-index: 2; &.type_last { // Ensure last-used handle is on top if it overlaps with another handle z-index: 3; } &.state_hover, &:hover { background: $handle_color_hover; } } .#{$name}-min, .#{$name}-max { top: 0; padding: 1px 3px; color: $minmax_text_color; text-shadow: none; background-color: $minmax_bg_color; @include border-radius-shim($custom_radius); font-size: $minmax_font_size; line-height: $minmax_line_height; } .lt-ie9 .#{$name}-min, .lt-ie9 .#{$name}-max { background: mix($bg, $fg, 80%); } .#{$name}-from, .#{$name}-to, .#{$name}-single { color: $fromto_color; text-shadow: none; padding: 1px 3px; background-color: $fromto_bg_color; @include border-radius-shim($custom_radius); font-size: $fromto_font_size; line-height: $fromto_line_height; } .lt-ie9 .#{$name}-from, .lt-ie9 .#{$name}-to, .lt-ie9 .#{$name}-single { background: mix($bg, $fg, 60%); } .#{$name}-grid { height: 27px; &-pol { background-color: $grid_major_color; } &-text { bottom: 5px; color: $grid_text_color; } &-pol.small { background-color: $grid_minor_color; } } }