library(survival) options(na.action=na.exclude) aeq <- function(x,y,...) all.equal(as.vector(x), as.vector(y), ...) # Make sure strata is retained, and that the overall variance is correct fit1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + offset(ph.ecog*0) +strata(sex), lung) fit2 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + ph.ecog +strata(sex), lung) test <- concordance(fit1, fit2, influence=1) ksex <- model.frame(fit1)[["strata(sex)"]] test1 <- concordance(fit1$y ~ fit1$linear.predictors + strata(ksex), reverse=TRUE, influence=1) test2 <- concordance(fit1$y ~ fit2$linear.predictors + strata(ksex), reverse=TRUE, influence=1) aeq(test$concordance, c(test1$concordance, test2$concordance)) aeq(diag(test$var), c(test1$var[1], test2$var[1])) aeq(test$dfbeta, cbind(test1$dfbeta, test2$dfbeta)) cvec <- c(-1, 1) aeq(cvec %*% test$var %*% cvec, sum((test1$dfbeta - test2$dfbeta)^2)) # Time weights # Start with a very small data set: aml has 23 subjects # atest1 <- concordance(Surv(time, status) ~ x, aml, ranks=TRUE) atest2 <- concordance(Surv(time, status) ~ x, aml, ranks=TRUE, timewt='S') atest3 <- concordance(Surv(time, status) ~ x, aml, ranks=TRUE, timewt='S/G') atest4 <- concordance(Surv(time, status) ~ x, aml, ranks=TRUE, timewt='n/G2') # The ranks data frame agrees for all but weights all.equal(atest1$ranks[, -3], atest2$ranks[, -3]) all.equal(atest1$ranks[, -3], atest3$ranks[, -3]) all.equal(atest1$ranks[, -3], atest4$ranks[, -3]) wt1 <- cbind(atest1$ranks[,"timewt"], atest2$ranks[,"timewt"], atest3$ranks[,"timewt"], atest4$ranks[,"timewt"]) # survfit0 adds time 0 to the curves # to break ties between censor/death for G, we need to add an offset to # the censoring times. Since time is integer, .1 works nicely s1 <- survfit0(survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1, aml)) g1 <- survfit0(survfit(Surv(time + .1*(1-status), 1-status) ~1, aml)) # The ingredients of the weights indx <- match(atest1$ranks[,"time"], s1$time) nrisk <- s1$n.risk[indx] sminus <- s1$surv[indx-1] gminus <- g1$surv[findInterval(atest1$ranks[,"time"], g1$time)] n <- nrow(aml) wt2 <- cbind(nrisk, n*sminus, n*sminus/gminus, nrisk/gminus^2) aeq(wt1, wt2) # The sum of weighted ranks should equal (C-D) for a Cox model fit tfun <- function(cfit, reverse=FALSE) { t1 <- sum(cfit$ranks$timewt * cfit$ranks$rank) t2 <- cfit$count[1] - cfit$count[2] all.equal(unname(t1), unname(t2)) } tfun(atest1) tfun(atest2) tfun(atest3) tfun(atest4) # The nafld data set has strong and early censoring (one of the only ones # in the package that does.) So it is a good check of time weights. # nfit <- coxph(Surv(futime, status) ~ male + pspline(age), nafld1) cn1 <- concordance(nfit, timewt='n', ranks=TRUE) cn2 <- concordance(nfit, timewt='S', ranks=TRUE) cn3 <- concordance(nfit, timewt='S/G', ranks=TRUE) cn4 <- concordance(nfit, timewt='n/G2', ranks=TRUE) sfit <- survfit0(survfit(Surv(futime, status) ~ 1, nafld1)) gfit <- survfit0(survfit(Surv(futime + .1*(status==0), 1-status) ~0, nafld1)) # The ingredients of the weights dtime <- cn1$ranks[, "time"] indx <- match(dtime, sfit$time) nrisk <- sfit$n.risk[indx] sminus <- sfit$surv[indx-1] gminus <- gfit$surv[findInterval(dtime, gfit$time)] n <- nrow(nafld1) wt1 <- cbind(cn1$ranks[, "timewt"], cn2$ranks[,"timewt"], cn3$ranks[, "timewt"], cn4$ranks[,"timewt"]) wt2 <- cbind(nrisk, n*sminus, n*sminus/gminus, nrisk/gminus^2) aeq(wt1, wt2) rd1 <- cn1$ranks rd2 <- cn2$ranks rd3 <- cn3$ranks all.equal(rd1[c('time', 'rank', 'casewt')], rd2[c('time', 'rank', 'casewt')]) all.equal(rd1[c('time', 'rank', 'casewt')], rd3[c('time', 'rank', 'casewt')]) tfun(cn1) tfun(cn2) tfun(cn3) tfun(cn4) # Simple check of (time1, time2) data # First a check on the fastkm2 (internal) routine test1 <- survfit(Surv(tstart, tstop, status) ~1, cgd, id=id) nr <- nrow(cgd) y <- with(cgd, Surv(tstart,tstop, status)) sort1 <- order(-cgd$tstart); sort2 <- order(-cgd$tstop, cgd$status) if (!exists("Cfastkm2")) Cfastkm2 <- survival:::Cfastkm2 # for my test env test2 <- .Call(Cfastkm2, y, rep(1.0, nr), order(-cgd$tstart)-1L, order(-cgd$tstop, cgd$status) -1L) ii <- which(test1$n.event>0) all.equal(test1$time[ii], test2$etime) all.equal(test1$n.risk[ii], test2$nrisk) all.equal(c(1, test1$surv[ii[-length(ii)]]), test2$S) # test 2 is lagged zero <- rep(0, nrow(nafld1)) test3 <- survfit(Surv(futime, status) ~1, nafld1, id=id) test4 <- with(nafld1, .Call(Cfastkm2, Surv(zero, futime, status), zero+1, -1L, order(-futime, status) -1L)) ii <- which(test3$n.event >0) all.equal(test3$time[ii], test4$etime) all.equal(test3$n.risk[ii], test4$nrisk) all.equal(c(1, test3$surv[ii[-length(ii)]]), test4$S) # test 2 is lagged # Now a check of concordance nfitx <- coxph(Surv(zero, futime, status) ~ male + pspline(age), nafld1) cn1x <- concordance(nfitx, timewt='n', ranks=TRUE) cn2x <- concordance(nfitx, timewt='S', ranks=TRUE) all.equal(cn1x$count, cn1$count) all.equal(cn2x$count, cn2$count)