useDynLib(S4Vectors) import(methods) importFrom(utils, head, tail, head.matrix, tail.matrix, getS3method, stack) importFrom(stats, cov, cor, median, quantile, smoothEnds, runmed, window, "window<-", aggregate, na.omit, na.exclude, complete.cases, setNames, terms) importFrom(stats4, summary, update) import(BiocGenerics) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export S4 classes ### exportClasses( character_OR_NULL, vector_OR_factor, atomic, LLint, integer_OR_LLint, RectangularData, NSBS, Annotated, DataFrame_OR_NULL, Vector, vector_OR_Vector, Hits, SelfHits, SortedByQueryHits, SortedByQuerySelfHits, Rle, integer_OR_raw, Factor, List, list_OR_List, SimpleList, HitsList, SortedByQueryHitsList, DataFrame, DFrame, DataFrameFactor, TransposedDataFrame, Pairs, expression_OR_function, FilterRules, FilterMatrix ) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export S3 methods ### S3method(aggregate, Vector) S3method(anyDuplicated, NSBS) S3method(anyDuplicated, Vector) S3method(anyDuplicated, Rle) S3method(as.character, LLint) S3method(, DataFrame) S3method(, Vector) S3method(, Hits) S3method(as.integer, LLint) S3method(as.list, Rle) S3method(as.list, SimpleList) S3method(as.list, TransposedDataFrame) S3method(as.list, Vector) S3method(as.logical, LLint) S3method(as.matrix, Vector) S3method(as.numeric, LLint) S3method(as.vector, Rle) S3method(cbind, RectangularData) S3method(cbind, List) S3method(cbind, DataFrame) S3method(diff, Rle) S3method(droplevels, Rle) S3method(droplevels, Factor) S3method(droplevels, List) S3method(duplicated, Vector) S3method(duplicated, DataFrame) S3method(head, LLint) S3method(head, RectangularData) S3method(head, Vector) S3method(intersect, Vector) S3method(levels, Rle) S3method(mean, Rle) S3method(median, Rle) S3method(quantile, Rle) S3method(rbind, RectangularData) S3method(rev, Vector) S3method(rev, Rle) S3method(setdiff, Vector) S3method(setequal, Vector) S3method(sort, Vector) S3method(sort, Rle) S3method(sort, List) S3method(sort, DataFrame) S3method(subset, Vector) S3method(summary, Vector) S3method(summary, Hits) S3method(summary, Rle) S3method(t, Hits) S3method(t, HitsList) S3method(t, DataFrame) S3method(t, TransposedDataFrame) S3method(tail, LLint) S3method(tail, RectangularData) S3method(tail, Vector) S3method(transform, Vector) S3method(transform, DataFrame) S3method(union, Vector) S3method(unique, Vector) S3method(unique, DataFrame) S3method(window, LLint) S3method(window, Vector) ### We also export them thru the export() directive so that (a) they can be ### called directly, (b) tab-completion on the name of the generic shows them, ### and (c) methods() doesn't asterisk them. export( aggregate.Vector, anyDuplicated.NSBS, anyDuplicated.Vector, anyDuplicated.Rle, as.character.LLint,,,, as.integer.LLint, as.list.Rle, as.list.SimpleList, as.list.TransposedDataFrame, as.list.Vector, as.logical.LLint, as.matrix.Vector, as.numeric.LLint, as.vector.Rle, cbind.RectangularData, cbind.List, cbind.DataFrame, diff.Rle, droplevels.Rle, droplevels.Factor, droplevels.List, duplicated.Vector, duplicated.DataFrame, head.LLint, head.RectangularData, head.Vector, intersect.Vector, levels.Rle, mean.Rle, median.Rle, quantile.Rle, rbind.RectangularData, rev.Vector, rev.Rle, setdiff.Vector, setequal.Vector, sort.Vector, sort.Rle, sort.List, sort.DataFrame, subset.Vector, summary.Vector, summary.Hits, summary.Rle, t.Hits, t.HitsList, t.DataFrame, t.TransposedDataFrame, tail.LLint, tail.RectangularData, tail.Vector, transform.Vector, transform.DataFrame, union.Vector, unique.Vector, unique.DataFrame, window.LLint, window.Vector ) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export S4 methods for generics NOT defined in this package ### exportMethods( ## Methods for generics defined in the base package: length, names, "names<-", dim, nrow, ncol, dimnames, "dimnames<-",, anyNA, as.logical, as.integer, as.numeric, as.complex, as.character, as.raw, as.factor, as.list,, as.matrix, as.table, "[", "[<-", subset, rev, rep,, c, append, "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", "<", ">", "Ops", "Summary", "!", match, duplicated, unique, anyDuplicated, "%in%", order, sort, is.unsorted, rank, xtfrm, merge, t, by, nchar, substr, substring, levels, "levels<-", droplevels, "[[", "[[<-", "$", "$<-", lengths, split, eval, with, within, expand.grid, ## Methods for generics defined in the methods package: coerce, show, ## Methods for generics defined in the utils package: head, tail, stack, ## Methods for generics defined in the stats package: var, cov, cor, sd, window, aggregate, na.omit, na.exclude, complete.cases, ## Methods for generics defined in the stats4 package: summary, ## Methods for generics defined in the BiocGenerics package: rownames, "rownames<-", colnames, "colnames<-", rbind, cbind, lapply, sapply, Reduce, Filter, unlist, unname,, union, intersect, setdiff, setequal, xtabs, start, end, width, grep, grepl, updateObject ) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export non-generic functions ### export( ## S4-utils.R: I, setValidity2, new2, setMethods, ## show-utils.R: coolcat, get_showHeadLines, set_showHeadLines, get_showTailLines, set_showTailLines, printAtomicVectorInAGrid, cbind_mcols_for_display, makePrettyMatrixForCompactPrinting, makeClassinfoRowForCompactPrinting, ## utils.R: wmsg, .Call2, ## normarg-utils.R: isTRUEorFALSE, isSingleInteger, isSingleNumber, isSingleString, isSingleNumberOrNA, isSingleStringOrNA, recycleIntegerArg, recycleNumericArg, recycleLogicalArg, recycleCharacterArg, recycleArg, fold, ## LLint-class.R: is.LLint, as.LLint, LLint, ## subsetting-utils.R: normalizeSingleBracketSubscript, normalizeDoubleBracketSubscript, ## integer-utils.R: isSequence, toListOfIntegerVectors, orderIntegerPairs, matchIntegerPairs, selfmatchIntegerPairs, duplicatedIntegerPairs, orderIntegerQuads, matchIntegerQuads, selfmatchIntegerQuads, duplicatedIntegerQuads, ## character-utils.R: safeExplode, svn.time, ## RectangularData-class.R: combineUniqueCols, ## Hits-class.R: queryHits, subjectHits, queryLength, subjectLength, countQueryHits, countSubjectHits, Hits, SelfHits, selectHits, breakTies, remapHits, isSelfHit, isRedundantHit, ## Factor-class.R: Factor, ## List-class.R: List, pc, ## List-utils.R: endoapply, mendoapply, ## SimpleList-class.R: SimpleList, ## HitsList-class.R: HitsList, ## DataFrame-class.R: DataFrame, make_zero_col_DFrame, ## DataFrameFactor-class: DataFrameFactor, ## Pairs-class.R: Pairs, ## FilterRules-class.R: FilterRules, FilterMatrix ) ### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ### Export S4 generics defined in S4Vectors, and corresponding methods ### export( ## show-utils.R: classNameForDisplay, showAsCell, makeNakedCharacterMatrixForDisplay, ## bindROWS.R: bindROWS, bindCOLS, ## isSorted.R: isConstant, isSorted, isStrictlySorted, ## subsetting-utils.R: NSBS, normalizeSingleBracketReplacementValue, extractROWS, replaceROWS, mergeROWS, extractCOLS, replaceCOLS, getListElement, setListElement, ## character-utils.R: unstrsplit, ## RectangularData-class.R: vertical_slot_names, horizontal_slot_names, ROWNAMES, "ROWNAMES<-", combineRows, combineCols, ## Annotated-class.R: metadata, "metadata<-", ## Vector-class.R: parallel_slot_names, parallelVectorNames, elementMetadata, mcols, values, "elementMetadata<-", "mcols<-", "values<-", rename, as.env, ## Vector-comparison.R: pcompare, sameAsPreviousROW, selfmatch, findMatches, countMatches, ## Hits-class.R: from, to, nLnode, nRnode, nnode, countLnodeHits, countRnodeHits, ## Rle-class.R: runLength, "runLength<-", runValue, "runValue<-", nrun, Rle, findRun, decode, ## Rle-utils.R: runsum, runmean, runwtsum, runq, ## Factor-class.R: FactorToClass, unfactor, ## List-class.R: elementType, elementNROWS, isEmpty, ## List-comparison.R: pcompareRecursively, ## splitAsList.R: relistToClass, splitAsList, ## List-utils.R: revElements, ## HitsList-class.R: space, ## DataFrame-utils.R: transform, ## Pairs-class.R: first, "first<-", second, "second<-", zipup, zipdown, ## FilterRules-class.R: active, "active<-", evalSeparately, subsetByFilter, params, filterRules, ## mstack-methods.R mstack, ## expand-methods.R expand, ## shiftApply-methods.R: shiftApply ) ### Exactly the same list as above. exportMethods( classNameForDisplay, showAsCell, makeNakedCharacterMatrixForDisplay, bindROWS, bindCOLS, isConstant, isSorted, isStrictlySorted, NSBS, normalizeSingleBracketReplacementValue, extractROWS, replaceROWS, getListElement, setListElement, unstrsplit, vertical_slot_names, horizontal_slot_names, ROWNAMES, "ROWNAMES<-", combineRows, combineCols, metadata, "metadata<-", parallel_slot_names, parallelVectorNames, elementMetadata, mcols, values, "elementMetadata<-", "mcols<-", "values<-", rename, as.env, pcompare, sameAsPreviousROW, selfmatch, findMatches, countMatches, from, to, nLnode, nRnode, nnode, countLnodeHits, countRnodeHits, runLength, "runLength<-", runValue, "runValue<-", nrun, Rle, findRun, runsum, runmean, runwtsum, runq, FactorToClass, unfactor, elementType, elementNROWS, isEmpty, pcompareRecursively, relistToClass, splitAsList, revElements, space, transform, first, "first<-", second, "second<-", zipup, zipdown, active, "active<-", evalSeparately, subsetByFilter, params, filterRules, mstack, expand, shiftApply )