{ "Main colors": { "preset": { "type": "select", "label": "Preset theme", // The inlined svg below is the info-circle Bootstrap icon https://icons.getbootstrap.com "desc": " Changing the theme preset may undo other theming changes." }, "dark-mode": { "type": "switch", "label": "Preview dark mode ", "version": {"min": 5} }, "bg": { "type": "color", "label": "Background (bg) color" }, "fg": { "type": "color", "label": "Foreground (fg) color" } }, "Accent colors": { "primary": { "type": "color", "label": "Primary color", "desc": "Links and highlighted navigation" }, "secondary": { "type": "color", "label": "Secondary", "desc": null }, "success": { "type": "color", "label": "Success", "desc": null }, "info": { "type": "color", "label": "Info", "desc": null }, "warning": { "type": "color", "label": "Warning", "desc": null }, "danger": { "type": "color", "label": "Danger", "desc": null } }, "Fonts": { "font-family-base": { "type": "str", "label": "Base font", "desc": "Try a San Serif Google Font (e.g., Prompt)." }, "font-family-monospace": { "type": "str", "label": "Code font", "desc": "Try a Monospace Google Font" }, "headings-font-family": { "type": "str", "label": "Heading font", "desc": "Try a Serif Google Font. Defaults to the base font family." }, "font-size-base": { "type": "number", "step": "0.05", "label": "Base font size", "desc": "A scalar multiple to apply to all font sizes." } }, "Options": { "enable-gradients": { "type": "bool", "label": "Gradient backgrounds", "desc": null }, "enable-shadows": { "type": "bool", "label": "Box shadows", "desc": null }, "enable-rounded": { "type": "bool", "label": "Rounded corners", "desc": null }, "enable-transitions": { "type": "bool", "label": "Transitions", "desc": null } }, "Spacing": { "spacer": { "type": "length", "label": "Spacer", "desc": "Basic unit of spacing; affects margin and padding of many (but not all) Bootstrap components." } } }