Changes in version 1.0.5

* fixed a bug when value contains space


Changes in version 1.0.4

* fixed a bug of logical options (wrong variable was used)


Changes in version 1.0.3

* fixed a bug of setting "verbose!" and with TRUE for verbose as default


Changes in version 1.0.1

* fixed a bug of testng folders
* directly use .md files under solaris


Changes in version 1.0.0

* Re-implement options by reference class.
* Support specification by a template.
* Support help message of sub options.


Changes in version 0.1.8

* `qq()`/`qqcat()`: multiple text templates can be specified.


Changes in version 0.1.7

* update dependency of GlobalOptions package
* `code.pattern` can be a vector that all patterns are searched.
* add `get_scriptdir()`
* cat_format_line(): first wrap text into a variable then print it out


Changes in version 0.1.6

* logical options can have default values.
* add `cat_strwrap` option in `qq.options()`
* text are properly wrapped for the command message
* add `script_name` option to set alternative script name


Changes in version 0.1.5

* head and foot of the message are properly wrapped.
* qqcat: text are wrapped with fixed width per line by default


Changes in version 0.1.4

* add `head` and `foot` arguments in `GetoptLong()` which set the head and foot
  of the help message
* change vignette format to Rmd


Changes in version 0.1.3

* use `interactive()` to test whether under command-line mode
* update according to testthat 1.0.0


Changes in version 0.1.2

* update option functons with new version of GlobalOptions
* set `source()` as internal

Changes in version 0.1.1

* add `source` which also allow specifying arguments in interactive session.

Changes in version 0.1.0

* depends on `methods` package
* add `GetOptions` which is the same as `GetoptLong`

Changes in version 0.0.9

* modified tests according to changes of `GlobalOptions` package

Changes in version 0.0.8

* check atomic vector in `qq`
* If the interpolated variable is equal to NULL, it will be converted to "".

Changes in version 0.0.7

* vignettes are rendered by knitr
* use `GlobalOptions` package to take care of the global settings
* default value can be set to NULL if it is optional
* if the option is designed as named list and has default value. Elements that are 
  not specified on command-line will be kept with their default values.

Changes in version 0.0.6

* default value can be set as a list if the option is specified as opt=[sifo]%

Changes in version 0.0.5

* use a global variable which is a flag of whether it is under command-line or not.
* If in interactive session and there is error, the session will be quite while
  throw error instead.

Changes in version 0.0.4

* add `cat_prefix` argument in `qqcat` which is prior than `options('cat_prefix')`
  and not globally effective.

Changes in version 0.0.3

* If command-line variable is a list, enforce the order of names of elements to 
  be alphabetical (in testing file, tag=%i).
* `help` and `version` will not be exported.

Changes in version 0.0.2

* add `collapse` option in `qq` so that `qq` can return a vector instead of
  only collapsing them into one string.

Changes in version 0.0.1

* the first release