var editor = ace.edit("notebook"); editor.setTheme("ace/theme/tomorrow"); editor.getSession().setMode('ace/mode/markdown'); editor.getSession().setUseWrapMode(true); editor.getSession().setTabSize(2); editor.getSession().setFoldStyle('markbegin'); editor.getSession().on('change', function(e) { $('#nbSrc').val(editor.getValue()).change(); }); editor.getSession().selection.on('changeSelection', function(e) { var s = editor.session.getTextRange(editor.getSelectionRange()); if (s == '') s = editor.getValue(); $('#nbSrc').val(s).change(); }); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'insertChunk', bindKey: 'Ctrl-Alt-I', exec: function(editor) { editor.insert('```{r}\n\n```\n'); editor.navigateUp(2); } }); editor.commands.addCommand({ name: 'compileNotebook', bindKey: 'F4|Ctrl-Shift-H', exec: function(editor) { $('#proxy button').trigger('click'); } }); $(document).ready(function() { // may pass a url as a query string after ? in the url var h =; function setSrc(msg) { if (msg) { alert('unable to read URL ' + h + '\n\nusing default R Markdown example'); } $('#nbSrc').val(editor.getValue()); $('#proxy button').trigger('click'); } var w = Math.max($(window).width()/2, 300); $('#notebook').width(w - 10); $('#nbOut').css('left', w + 10 + 'px'); if (h) { $.get(h, {}, function(res) { var data =, str = data.content; if (typeof(str) != 'string') return(setSrc(true)); if (data.encoding == 'base64') { str = str.replace(/\n/g, ''); str = decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob( str ))); } if (str) { editor.setValue(str); editor.gotoLine(1); setSrc(false); } else setSrc(true); }, 'jsonp') .error(function() { setSrc(true); }); } else setSrc(false); })