as_coverage Convert a counters object to a coverage object as_coverage_with_tests Clean and restructure counter tests for a coverage object azure Run covr on a package and output the result so it is available on Azure Pipelines code_coverage Calculate coverage of code directly codecov Run covr on a package and upload the result to coverage_to_list Convert a coverage dataset to a list coveralls Run covr on a package and upload the result to coveralls covr-package covr: Test coverage for packages covr.record_tests Record Test Traces During Coverage Execution environment_coverage Calculate coverage of an environment exclusions Exclusions file_coverage Calculate test coverage for sets of files file_report A coverage report for a specific file function_coverage Calculate test coverage for a specific function. gitlab Run covr on package and create report for GitLab has_srcref Is the source bound to the expression in_covr Determine if code is being run in covr is_covr_count_call Is the expression a call to covr:::count is_current_test_finished Returns TRUE if we've moved on from test reflected in .current_test new_test_counter Initialize a new test counter for a coverage trace package_coverage Calculate test coverage for a package percent_coverage Provide percent coverage of package print.coverage Print a coverage object report Display covr results using a standalone report tally_coverage Tally coverage by line or expression to_cobertura Create a Cobertura XML file to_sonarqube Create a SonarQube Generic XML file for test coverage according to Based on cobertura.R truncate_call Truncate call objects to limit the number of arguments value Retrieve the value from an object zero_coverage Provide locations of zero coverage