align Alignment helper ctl_new_pillar Customize the appearance of simple pillars in your tibble subclass ctl_new_pillar_list Customize the appearance of compound pillars in your tibble subclass dim_desc Format dimensions format_glimpse Format a vector for horizontal printing format_type_sum Format a type summary get_extent Calculate display width glimpse Get a glimpse of your data new_ornament Helper to define the contents of a pillar new_pillar Construct a custom pillar object new_pillar_component Components of a pillar new_pillar_shaft Constructor for column data new_pillar_title Prepare a column title for formatting new_pillar_type Prepare a column type for formatting pillar Object for formatting a vector suitable for tabular display pillar-package pillar: Coloured Formatting for Columns pillar_options Package options pillar_shaft Column data style_num Styling helpers tbl_format_body Format the body of a tibble tbl_format_footer Format the footer of a tibble tbl_format_header Format the header of a tibble tbl_format_setup Set up formatting tbl_nrow Number of rows in a tbl object tbl_sum Provide a succinct summary of an object