library(shiny) # div nbSrc takes source code from div notebook (via Ace editor), and div nbOut # holds results from knitr shinyUI( bootstrapPage( tags$head( tags$title('An R Notebook in Shiny'), tags$script(src = '', type = 'text/javascript', charset = 'utf-8'), tags$link(rel = 'stylesheet', type = 'text/css', href = 'ace-shiny.css'), tags$script(src = '//', type = 'text/javascript'), tags$script(src = '//', type = 'text/javascript'), tags$link(rel = 'stylesheet', type = 'text/css', href = '//'), tags$script(src = '//', type = 'text/javascript') ), div(id = 'notebook', title = 'Compile notebook: F4\nInsert chunk: Ctrl+Alt+I', paste(c('This is an example taken from the **knitr** package. Press `F4` or `Ctrl+Shift+H` to compile it, and `Ctrl+Alt+I` to insert a code chunk.', '', readLines(system.file('examples', 'knitr-minimal.Rmd', package = 'knitr'))), collapse = '\n')), tags$textarea(id = 'nbSrc', style = 'display: none;'), tags$script(src = 'ace-shiny.js', type = 'text/javascript'), htmlOutput('nbOut'), div(id = 'proxy', submitButton('Knit Notebook')) ) )