Kaver                   Average K-functions from Simulations
Kenvl                   Compute Envelope and Average of Simulations of
Kfn                     Compute K-fn of a Point Pattern
Psim                    Simulate Binomial Spatial Point Process
SSI                     Simulates Sequential Spatial Inhibition Point
Strauss                 Simulates Strauss Spatial Point Process
anova.trls              Anova tables for fitted trend surface objects
correlogram             Compute Spatial Correlograms
expcov                  Spatial Covariance Functions
ppgetregion             Get Domain for Spatial Point Pattern Analyses
ppinit                  Read a Point Process Object from a File
pplik                   Pseudo-likelihood Estimation of a Strauss
                        Spatial Point Process
ppregion                Set Domain for Spatial Point Pattern Analyses
predict.trls            Predict method for trend surface fits
prmat                   Evaluate Kriging Surface over a Grid
semat                   Evaluate Kriging Standard Error of Prediction
                        over a Grid
surf.gls                Fits a Trend Surface by Generalized
surf.ls                 Fits a Trend Surface by Least-squares
trls.influence          Regression diagnostics for trend surfaces
trmat                   Evaluate Trend Surface over a Grid
variogram               Compute Spatial Variogram