\name{NEWS} \title{NEWS file for the rpart package} \section{Changes in version 4.1-14}{ \itemize{ \item Changed example data solder to solder.balance. The full version of the data is available in the survival package. }} \section{Changes in version 4.1-10}{ \itemize{ \item Rpart would fail with a formula having ~. - x on the right hand side. A simple bookkeeping error in creating an index. \item Added a section to the vignette on user written functions, which explains why and when one can avoid checking all 2^k splits for a categorical predictor with k levels. }} \section{Changes in version 4.1-0}{ \itemize{ \item The C and R code has been reformatted for legibility. \item The old compatibility function \code{rpconvert()} has been removed. \item The cross-validation functions allow for user interrupt at the end of evaluating each split. \item Variable \code{Reliability} in data set \code{car90} is corrected to be an ordered factor, as documented. \item Surrogate splits are now considered only if they send two or more cases \emph{with non-zero weight} each way. For numeric/ordinal variables the restriction to non-zero weights is new: for categorical variables this is a new restriction. \item Surrogate splits which improve only by rounding error over the default split are no longer returned. Where weights and missing values are present, the \code{splits} component for some of these was not returned correctly. } } \section{Changes in version 4.0-3}{ \itemize{ \item A fit of class \samp{"rpart"} now contains a component for variable \sQuote{importance}, which is reported by the \code{summary()} method. \item The \code{text()} method gains a \code{minlength} argument, like the \code{labels()} method. This adds finer control: the default remains \code{pretty = NULL}, \code{minlength = 1L}. \item The handling of fits with zero and fractional weights has been corrected: the results may be slightly different (or even substantially different when the proportion of zero weights is large). \item Some memory leaks have been plugged. \item There is a second vignette, \file{longintro.Rnw}, a version of the original Mayo Tecnical Report on \pkg{rpart}. } } \section{Changes in version 4.0-2}{ \itemize{ \item Added dataset \code{car90}, a corrected version of the S-PLUS dataset \code{car.all} (used with permission). \item This version does not use \code{paste0{}} and so works with \R 2.14.x. } } \section{Changes in version 4.0-1}{ \itemize{ \item Merged in a set of Splus code changes that had accumulated at Mayo over the course of a decade. The primary one is a change in how indexing is done in the underlying C code, which leads to a major speed increase for large data sets. Essentially, for the lower leaves all our time used to be eaten up by bookkeeping, and this was replaced by a different approach. The primary routine also uses \code{.Call{}} so as to be more memory efficient. \item The other major change was an error for asymmetric loss matrices, prompted by a user query. With L=loss asymmetric, the altered priors were computed incorrectly -- they were using L' instead of L. Upshot -- the tree would not not necessarily choose optimal splits for the given loss matrix. Once chosen, splits were evaluated correctly. The printed \dQuote{improvement} values are of course the wrong ones as well. It is interesting that for my little test case, with L quite asymmetric, the early splits in the tree are unchanged -- a good split still looks good. \item Add the \code{return.all} argument to \code{xpred.rpart()}. \item Added a set of formal tests, i.e., cases with known answers to which we can compare. \item Add a \file{usercode} vignette, explaining how to add user defined splitting functions. \item The class method now also returns the node probability. \item Add the \code{stagec} data set, used in some tests. \item The \code{plot.rpart} routine needs to store a value that will be visible to the \code{rpartco} routine at a later time. This is now done in an environment in the namespace. } } \section{Changes in version 3.1-55}{ \itemize{ \item Force use of registered symbols in R >= 2.16.0 \item Update Polish translations. \item Work on message formats. } } \section{Changes in version 3.1-54}{ \itemize{ \item Add Polish translations } } \section{Changes in version 3.1-53}{ \itemize{ \item \code{rpart}, \code{rpart.matrix}: allow backticks in formulae. \item \file{tests/backtick.R}: regession test } } \section{Changes in version 3.1-52}{ \itemize{ \item \file{src/xval.c}: ensure unused code is not compiled in. } } \section{Changes in version 3.1-51}{ \itemize{ \item Change description of \samp{margin} in \code{?plot.rpart} as suggested by Bill Venables. } }