library(foreach) n <- 10 nrows <- 5 ncols <- 5 # vector example set.seed(17) x <- numeric(n) for (i in seq(along=x)) x[i] <- rnorm(1) set.seed(17) y <- foreach(icount(n), .combine='c') %do% rnorm(1) cat('results of vector example:\n') print(identical(x, y)) # list example set.seed(17) x <- vector('list', length=n) for (i in seq(length=n)) x[i] <- list(rnorm(10)) set.seed(17) y <- foreach(icount(n)) %do% rnorm(10) cat('results of list example:\n') print(identical(x, y)) # matrix example set.seed(17) cols <- vector('list', length=ncols) for (i in seq(along=cols)) cols[i] <- list(rnorm(nrows)) x <-'cbind', cols) set.seed(17) y <- foreach(icount(ncols), .combine='cbind') %do% rnorm(nrows) cat('results of matrix example:\n') dimnames(y) <- NULL print(identical(x, y)) # another matrix example set.seed(17) cols <- vector('list', length=ncols) for (i in seq(along=cols)) { r <- numeric(nrows) for (j in seq(along=r)) r[j] <- rnorm(1) cols[i] <- list(r) } x <-'cbind', cols) set.seed(17) y <- foreach(icount(ncols), .combine='cbind') %:% foreach(icount(nrows), .combine='c') %do% rnorm(1) cat('results of another matrix example:\n') dimnames(y) <- NULL print(identical(x, y)) # ragged matrix example set.seed(17) x <- vector('list', length=ncols) for (i in seq(along=x)) x[i] <- list(rnorm(i)) set.seed(17) y <- foreach(i=icount(ncols)) %do% rnorm(i) cat('results of ragged matrix example:\n') print(identical(x, y)) # another ragged matrix example set.seed(17) x <- vector('list', length=ncols) for (i in seq(along=x)) { r <- numeric(i) for (j in seq(along=r)) r[j] <- rnorm(1) x[i] <- list(r) } set.seed(17) y <- foreach(i=icount(ncols)) %:% foreach(icount(i), .combine='c') %do% rnorm(1) cat('results of another ragged matrix example:\n') print(identical(x, y)) # filtering example set.seed(17) a <- rnorm(10) # C-style approach x <- numeric(length(a)) n <- 0 for (i in a) { if (i > 0) { n <- n + 1 x[n] <- i } } length(x) <- n # Vector approach y <- a[a > 0] # foreach approach z <- foreach(i=a, .combine='c') %:% when(i > 0) %do% i cat('results of filtering example:\n') print(identical(x, y)) print(identical(x, z)) # Define a function that creates an iterator that returns chunks of a vecto ivector <- function(x, chunksize) { n <- length(x) i <- 1 nextEl <- function() { if (n <= 0) stop('StopIteration') chunks <- ceiling(n / chunksize) m <- ceiling(n / chunks) r <- seq(i, length=m) i <<- i + m n <<- n - m x[r] } obj <- list(nextElem=nextEl) class(obj) <- c('abstractiter', 'iter') obj } # another filtering example set.seed(17) a <- rnorm(10000) # Vector approach x <- a[a > 0] # foreach with vectorization, limiting vector lengths to 1000 y <- foreach(a=ivector(a, 1000), .combine='c') %do% a[a > 0] cat('results of another filtering example:\n') print(identical(x, y))