library(shiny) library(bslib) # Define UI for dataset viewer app ---- ui <- page_sidebar( # App title ---- title = "Reactivity", # Sidebar panel for inputs ---- sidebar = sidebar( # Input: Text for providing a caption ---- # Note: Changes made to the caption in the textInput control # are updated in the output area immediately as you type textInput( inputId = "caption", label = "Caption:", value = "Data Summary" ), # Input: Selector for choosing dataset ---- selectInput( inputId = "dataset", label = "Choose a dataset:", choices = c("rock", "pressure", "cars") ), # Input: Numeric entry for number of obs to view ---- numericInput( inputId = "obs", label = "Number of observations to view:", value = 10 ) ), # Output: Formatted text for caption ---- h3(textOutput("caption", container = span)), # Output: Verbatim text for data summary ---- verbatimTextOutput("summary"), # Output: HTML table with requested number of observations ---- tableOutput("view") ) # Define server logic to summarize and view selected dataset ---- server <- function(input, output) { # Return the requested dataset ---- # By declaring datasetInput as a reactive expression we ensure # that: # # 1. It is only called when the inputs it depends on changes # 2. The computation and result are shared by all the callers, # i.e. it only executes a single time datasetInput <- reactive({ switch( input$dataset, "rock" = rock, "pressure" = pressure, "cars" = cars ) }) # Create caption ---- # The output$caption is computed based on a reactive expression # that returns input$caption. When the user changes the # "caption" field: # # 1. This function is automatically called to recompute the output # 2. New caption is pushed back to the browser for re-display # # Note that because the data-oriented reactive expressions # below don't depend on input$caption, those expressions are # NOT called when input$caption changes output$caption <- renderText({ input$caption }) # Generate a summary of the dataset ---- # The output$summary depends on the datasetInput reactive # expression, so will be re-executed whenever datasetInput is # invalidated, i.e. whenever the input$dataset changes output$summary <- renderPrint({ dataset <- datasetInput() summary(dataset) }) # Show the first "n" observations ---- # The output$view depends on both the databaseInput reactive # expression and input$obs, so it will be re-executed whenever # input$dataset or input$obs is changed output$view <- renderTable({ head(datasetInput(), n = input$obs) }) } # Create Shiny app ---- shinyApp(ui, server)