## Copyright (C) 2010 - 2019 Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois ## ## This file is part of Rcpp. ## ## Rcpp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## Rcpp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Rcpp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. if (Sys.getenv("RunAllRcppTests") != "yes") exit_file("Set 'RunAllRcppTests' to 'yes' to run.") Rcpp::sourceCpp("cpp/Vector.cpp") # test.RawVector <- function(){ funx <- raw_ expect_equal( funx(), as.raw(0:9), info = "RawVector(int)" ) # test.RawVector.REALSXP <- function(){ funx <- raw_REALSXP expect_equal( funx(as.raw(0:9)), as.raw(2*0:9), info = "RawVector( RAWSXP) " ) # test.ExpressionVector <- function(){ funx <- expression_ ex <- parse( text = "rnorm; rnorm(10)" ) ## get rid of the srcref stuff so that we can compare ## more easily attributes(ex) <- NULL expect_equal( funx(), ex , info = "ExpressionVector" ) # test.ExpressionVector.variadic <- function(){ funx <- expression_variadic ex <- parse( text = "rnorm; rnorm(10)" ) attributes(ex) <- NULL expect_equal( funx(), ex , info = "ExpressionVector (using variadic templates) " ) # test.ExpressionVector.parse <- function( ){ funx <- expression_parse code <- funx() results <- eval( code ) expect_equal( results, 1:10, info = "ExpressionVector parsing" ) # test.ExpressionVector.parse.error <- function(){ funx <- expression_parseerror expect_error( funx(), info = "parse error" ) # test.ExpressionVector.eval <- function(){ funx <- expression_eval expect_equal( funx(), 1:10, info = "ExpressionVector::eval" ) # test.ExpressionVector.eval.env <- function(){ funx <- expression_evalenv e <- new.env() e[["x"]] <- sample(1:10) expect_equal( funx(e), 1:10, info = "ExpressionVector::eval in specific environment" ) # test.ComplexVector <- function(){ funx <- complex_ expect_equal( funx(), 0:9*(1+1i), info = "ComplexVector" ) # test.ComplexVector.CPLXSXP <- function(){ funx <- complex_CPLXSXP vv = (0:9)*(1+1i) ## not working - funx changes its argument ##expect_equal( funx(vv), 2*vv, info = "ComplexVector( CPLXSXP) " ) expect_equal( funx((0:9)*(1+1i)), 2*(0:9)*(1+1i), info = "ComplexVector( CPLXSXP) " ) # test.ComplexVector.INTSXP <- function(){ funx <- complex_INTSXP vv <- 0L:9L expect_equal( funx(vv), (2+0i)*vv, info = "ComplexVector( INTSXP) " ) # test.ComplexVector.REALSXP <- function(){ funx <- complex_REALSXP vv <- as.numeric(0:9) expect_equal( funx(vv), (3+0i)*vv, info = "ComplexVector( REALSXP) " ) # test.IntegerVector <- function(){ fun <- integer_ctor expect_equal( fun(), 0:9, info = "IntegerVector" ) # test.IntegerVector.INTSXP_ <- function(){ fun <- integer_INTSXP expect_equal( fun(0:9), 2*0:9, info = "IntegerVector( INTSXP) " ) # test.IntegerVector.Dimension.constructor <- function(){ fun <- integer_dimension_ctor_1 expect_equal(fun(), integer(5) , info = "IntegerVector( Dimension(5))" ) fun <- integer_dimension_ctor_2 expect_equal(fun(), matrix( 0L, ncol = 5, nrow = 5) , info = "IntegerVector( Dimension(5,5))" ) fun <- integer_dimension_ctor_3 expect_equal(fun(), array( 0L, dim = c(2,3,4) ) , info = "IntegerVector( Dimension(2,3,4))" ) # test.IntegerVector.range.constructors <- function(){ fun <- integer_range_ctor_1 expect_equal( fun(), 0:3, info = "assign(int*, int*)" ) fun <- integer_range_ctor_2 expect_equal( fun(), 0:3, info = "assign(int*, int*)" ) # test.IntegerVector.names.set <- function(){ fun <- integer_names_set expect_equal(names(fun()), c("foo", "bar"), info = "Vector::names" ) # test.IntegerVector.names.get <- function(){ fun <- integer_names_get expect_equal(fun( c("foo" = 1L, "bar" = 2L) ), c("foo", "bar"), info = "Vector::names get" ) # test.IntegerVector.names.indexing <- function(){ fun <- integer_names_indexing x <- c( "foo" = 1L, "bar" = 2L ) expect_equal( fun( x ), 1L, info = "IntegerVector names based indexing" ) # test.IntegerVector.push.back <- function(){ fun <- integer_push_back expect_equal( fun(1:4), 1:5, info = "IntegerVector push back" ) x <- 1:4 names(x) <- letters[1:4] target <- 1:5 names(target) <- c( letters[1:4], "") expect_equal( fun(x), target, info = "IntegerVector push back names" ) # test.IntegerVector.push.front <- function(){ fun <- integer_push_front expect_equal( fun(1:4), c(5L,1:4), info = "IntegerVector push front" ) x <- 1:4 names(x) <- letters[1:4] target <- c( 5L, 1:4 ) names(target) <- c( "", letters[1:4]) expect_equal( fun(x), target, info = "IntegerVector push front names" ) # test.IntegerVector.insert <- function(){ fun <- integer_insert expect_equal( fun(1:4), c(5L,1L, 7L, 2:4), info = "IntegerVector insert" ) x <- 1:4 names(x) <- letters[1:4] target <- c( 5L, 1L, 7L, 2:4 ) names(target) <- c( "", "a", "", letters[2:4]) expect_equal( fun(x), target, info = "IntegerVector insert names" ) # test.IntegerVector.erase <- function(){ fun <- integer_erase expect_equal( fun(1:4), c(1L, 2L, 4L), info = "IntegerVector erase" ) x <- 1:4 names(x) <- letters[1:4] target <- c(1L, 2L, 4L) names(target) <- c( "a", "b", "d" ) expect_equal( fun(x), target, info = "IntegerVector erase" ) # test.IntegerVector.erase.range <- function(){ x <- y <- 1:10 names(y) <- letters[1:10] res <- integer_erase_range( x, y ) expect_equal( res[[1L]], c(1:5, 10L) , info = "IntegerVector erase range unnamed" ) z <- y[-(6:9)] expect_equal( res[[2L]], z , info = "IntegerVector erase range named" ) # test.IntegerVector.erase.range.2 <- function(){ x <- y <- 1:10 names(y) <- letters[1:10] res <- integer_erase_range_2( x, y ) expect_equal( res[[1L]], 1L , info = "IntegerVector erase range 2 unnamed" ) expect_equal( res[[2L]], c("a" = 1L ) , info = "IntegerVector erase range 2 named" ) # test.IntegerVector.erase.range.2 <- function(){ x <- y <- as.list(1:10) names(y) <- letters[1:10] res <- List_erase_range_2( x, y ) expect_equal( res[[1L]], list( 1L ) , info = "List erase range 2 unnamed" ) expect_equal( res[[2L]], list("a" = 1L ) , info = "List erase range 2 named" ) # test.IntegerVector.erase2 <- function(){ expect_equal( integer_erase2(1:4), c(1L, 3L, 4L), info = "IntegerVector erase2" ) x <- 1:4 names(x) <- letters[1:4] target <- c(1L, 3L, 4L) names(target) <- c( "a", "c", "d" ) expect_equal( integer_erase2(x), target, info = "IntegerVector erase2" ) # test.IntegerVector.fill <- function(){ fun <- integer_fill x <- 1:10 expect_equal( fun(x), rep(10L, 10 ), info = "IntegerVector.fill" ) # test.IntegerVector.zero <- function( ){ fun <- integer_zero expect_equal( fun(), integer(0), info = "IntegerVector(0)" ) # test.IntegerVector.create.zero <- function( ){ fun <- integer_create_zero expect_equal( fun(), integer(0), info = "IntegerVector::create()" ) # test.IntegerVector.create <- function(){ fun <- integer_create_ expect_equal( fun(), list( c( 10L, 20L) , c(foo = 20L, bar = 30L) ), info = "IntegerVector::create" ) # test.IntegerVector.clone <- function(){ x <- 1:10 fun <- integer_clone_ y <- fun(x) expect_equal( x, 1:10, info = "clone" ) expect_equal( y, 10:1, info = "clone" ) # test.NumericVector <- function(){ funx <- numeric_ expect_equal( funx(), as.numeric(0:9), info = "NumericVector(int)" ) # test.NumericVector.REALSXP <- function(){ funx <- numeric_REALSXP expect_equal( funx(as.numeric(0:9)), 2*0:9, info = "NumericVector( REALSXP) " ) # test.NumericVector.import <- function(){ funx <- numeric_import expect_equal( funx(), 0:9, info = "IntegerVector::import" ) # test.NumericVector.import.transform <- function(){ funx <- numeric_importtransform expect_equal( funx(), (0:9)^2, info = "NumericVector::import_transform" ) # test.List <- function(){ fun <- list_ctor expect_equal( fun(), as.list( 2*0:9), info = "GenericVector" ) # test.List.template <- function(){ fun <- list_template_ expect_equal(fun(), list( "foo", 10L, 10.2, FALSE), info = "GenericVector" ) # test.List.VECSXP <- function(){ fun <- list_VECSXP_ expect_equal( fun(list(1,2)), list(1,2), info = "GenericVector( VECSXP) " ) # test.List.matrix.indexing <- function(){ fun <- list_matrix_indexing_1 ## a matrix of integer vectors x <- structure( lapply( 1:16, function(x) seq.int(x) ), dim = c( 4, 4) ) expect_equal( fun(x), diag(x), info = "matrix indexing 1" ) fun <- list_matrix_indexing_2 expect_equal(diag(fun(x)), rep(list("foo"), 4) , info = "matrix indexing lhs" ) ## drop dimensions dim(x) <- NULL expect_error( fun(x) , info = "not a matrix" ) # test.List.Dimension.constructor <- function(){ fun <- list_Dimension_constructor_1 expect_equal(fun(), rep(list(NULL),5) , info = "List( Dimension(5))" ) fun <- list_Dimension_constructor_2 expect_equal(fun(), structure( rep( list(NULL), 25), dim = c(5,5) ), info = "List( Dimension(5,5))" ) fun <- list_Dimension_constructor_3 expect_equal(fun(), array( rep(list(NULL)), dim = c(2,3,4) ) , info = "List( Dimension(2,3,4))" ) # test.List.iterator <- function() { fun <- list_iterator_ data <- list( x = letters, y = LETTERS, z = 1:4 ) expect_equal(fun( data, length ), list( x = 26L, y = 26L, z = 4L), info = "c++ version of lapply" ) # test.List.name.indexing <- function(){ fun <- list_name_indexing d <- data.frame( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10] ) expect_equal( fun( d ), sum(1:10), info = "List names based indexing" ) # test.List.push.back <- function(){ fun <- list_push_back d <- list( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10] ) expect_equal(fun( d ), list( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10], 10L, foo = "bar" ), info = "List.push_back" ) # test.List.push.front <- function(){ fun <- list_push_front d <- list( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10] ) expect_equal(fun(d), list( foo = "bar", 10L, x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10] ), info = "List.push_front" ) # test.List.erase <- function(){ fun <- list_erase d <- list( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10] ) expect_equal(fun(d), list( y = letters[1:10] ), info = "List.erase" ) # test.List.erase.range <- function(){ fun <- list_erase_range d <- list( x = 1:10, y = letters[1:10], z = 1:10 ) expect_equal(fun(d), list( z = 1:10 ), info = "List.erase (range version)" ) # test.List.implicit.push.back <- function(){ fun <- list_implicit_push_back expect_equal( fun(), list( foo = 10, bar = "foobar" ), info = "List implicit push back" ) # test.List.create <- function(){ fun <- list_create_ expect_equal( fun(), list( list( 10L, "foo" ), list(foo = 10L, bar = TRUE ) ), info = "List::create" ) # test.List.stdcomplex <- function(){ fun <- list_stdcomplex expect_equal(fun(), list( float = rep(0+0i, 10), double = rep(0+0i, 10) ), info = "range wrap over std::complex" ) # test.CharacterVector <- function(){ fun <- character_ctor expect_equal( fun(), rep("foo",10L), info = "CharacterVector" ) # test.CharacterVector.STRSXP <- function(){ fun <- character_STRSXP_ expect_equal( fun(letters), paste(letters,collapse="" ), info = "CharacterVector( STRSXP) " ) # test.CharacterVector.plusequals <- function(){ fun <- character_plusequals expect_equal( fun(), c("foobar", "barfoobar"), info = "StringProxy::operator+=" ) # test.CharacterVector.matrix.indexing <- function() { fun <- character_matrix_indexing x <- matrix( as.character(1:16), ncol = 4 ) expect_equal( fun(x), paste(diag(x), collapse = ""), info = "matrix indexing" ) y <- as.vector( x ) expect_error( fun(y) , info = "not a matrix" ) fun <- character_matrix_indexing_lhs expect_equal( diag(fun(x)), rep("foo", 4) , info = "matrix indexing lhs" ) # test.CharacterVector.matrix.row.iteration <- function() { x <- matrix(letters[1:16], nrow = 4) fun <- character_matrix_row_iteration_incr expect_equal( fun(x), "bfjn", info = "matrix row iteration post-incr" ) fun <- character_matrix_row_iteration_decr expect_equal( fun(x), "njf", info = "matrix row iteration post-decr" ) # test.CharacterVector.assign <- function(){ fun <- character_assign1 expect_equal( fun(), c("foo", "bar", "bling", "boom"), info = "assign(char**, char**)" ) fun <- character_assign2 expect_equal( fun(), c("foo", "bar", "bling", "boom"), info = "assign(char**, char**)" ) # test.CharacterVector.range.constructors <- function(){ fun <- character_range_ctor1 expect_equal( fun(), c("foo", "bar", "bling", "boom"), info = "assign(char**, char**)" ) fun <- character_range_ctor2 expect_equal( fun(), c("foo", "bar", "bling", "boom"), info = "assign(char**, char**)" ) # test.CharacterVector.Dimension.constructor <- function(){ fun <- character_dimension_ctor1 expect_equal(fun(), character(5), info = "CharacterVector( Dimension(5))" ) fun <- character_dimension_ctor2 expect_equal(fun(), matrix( "", ncol = 5, nrow = 5), info = "CharacterVector( Dimension(5,5))" ) fun <- character_dimension_ctor3 expect_equal(fun(), array( "", dim = c(2,3,4) ) , info = "CharacterVector( Dimension(2,3,4))" ) # test.CharacterVector.iterator <- function(){ fun <- character_iterator1 expect_equal(fun(letters), paste(letters, collapse=""), info = "CharacterVector::iterator explicit looping" ) fun <- character_iterator2 expect_equal(fun(letters), paste(letters, collapse=""), info = "CharacterVector::iterator using std::accumulate" ) # test.CharacterVector.iterator <- function(){ fun <- character_const_iterator1 expect_equal(fun(letters), paste(letters, collapse=""), info = "CharacterVector::iterator explicit looping" ) fun <- character_const_iterator2 expect_equal(fun(letters), paste(letters, collapse=""), info = "CharacterVector::iterator using std::accumulate" ) # test.CharacterVector.reverse <- function(){ fun <- character_reverse x <- c("foo", "bar", "bling") x <- fun(x) expect_equal( x, c("bling", "bar", "foo"), info = "reverse" ) x <- fun(x) expect_equal( x, c("foo", "bar", "bling"), info = "reverse" ) # test.CharacterVector.names.indexing <- function(){ fun <- character_names_indexing x <- c( foo = "foo", bar = "bar" ) expect_equal( fun(x), "foo", info = "CharacterVector names based indexing" ) # test.CharacterVector.listOf <- function() { fun <- character_listOf expect_equal(fun(list(foo=c("tic","tac","toe"), bar=c("Eenie","Meenie","Moe"))), list(foo="tictactoe", bar="EenieMeenieMoe"), info="CharacterVector from list") # test.CharacterVector.find <- function(){ fun <- character_find_ expect_equal( fun( c("bar", "foo", "bob") ), 1L, info = "support for std::find in CharacterVector" ) # test.CharacterVector.create <- function(){ fun <- character_create_ expect_equal( fun(), list( c( "foo", "bar" ), c(foo = "bar", bar = "foo" ) ), info = "CharacterVector::create" ) # test.ComplexVector.binary.operators <- function(){ fun <- complex_binary_sugar x <- (1+1i) * 1:10 y <- (2-3i) * 1:10 expect_equal(fun(x, y), list("+" = x + y, "-" = x - y, "*" = x * y, "/" = x / y), info = "complex binary operators" ) # test.ComplexVector.binary.operators <- function(){ fun <- List_extract expect_equal( fun(list(TRUE, 4)), list(TRUE, 4L) ) expect_equal( fun(list(FALSE, -4L)), list(FALSE,-4L) ) # test.factors <- function(){ fun <- factors x <- as.factor( c("c3", "c2", "c1") ) y <- fun(x) expect_equal( y, as.character(x) ) # test.IntegerVector_int_init <- function(){ fun <- IntegerVector_int_init expect_equal( fun(), c(4L,4L), info = "IntegerVector int init regression test" ) # test.containsElementNamed <- function() { fun <- containsElementNamed x <- list( foo = 2, bla = 1:10 ) expect_equal(fun(x, "foo"), TRUE, info = "containsElementNamed with element") expect_equal(fun(x, "bar"), FALSE, info = "containsElementNamed without element") expect_equal(fun(x, ""), FALSE, info = "containsElementNamed with empty element") # test.CharacterVector.equality.operator <- function(){ res <- CharacterVectorEqualityOperator( letters, letters ) expect_equal( res, list( rep( TRUE, 26L ), rep( FALSE, 26L) ), info = 'CharacterVector element equality operator' ) # test.List.rep.ctor <- function(){ x <- 1:10 res <- List_rep_ctor(x) expected <- rep( list(x), 3 ) expect_equal( res, expected, info = "List rep constructor" ) # test.std.vector.double <- function() { fun <- stdVectorDouble x <- seq(1.0, 5.0, by=1.0) expect_equal(fun(x), 5, info = "automatic conversion of stdVectorDouble") # test.std.vector.double.const <- function() { fun <- stdVectorDoubleConst x <- seq(1.0, 5.0, by=1.0) expect_equal(fun(x), 5, info = "automatic conversion of stdVectorDoubleConst") # test.std.vector.double.ref <- function() { fun <- stdVectorDoubleRef x <- seq(1.0, 5.0, by=1.0) expect_equal(fun(x), 5, info = "automatic conversion of stdVectorDoubleRef") # test.std.vector.double.const.ref <- function() { fun <- stdVectorDoubleConstRef x <- seq(1.0, 5.0, by=1.0) expect_equal(fun(x), 5, info = "automatic conversion of stdVectorDoubleConstRef") # test.std.vector.int <- function() { fun <- stdVectorInt x <- seq(1L, 5L, by=1L) expect_equal(fun(x), 5, info = "automatic conversion of stdVectorInt") # test.std.vector.int.const <- function() { fun <- stdVectorIntConst x <- seq(1L, 5L, by=1L) expect_equal(fun(x), 5, info = "automatic conversion of stdVectorIntConst") # test.std.vector.int.ref <- function() { fun <- stdVectorIntRef x <- seq(1L, 5L, by=1L) expect_equal(fun(x), 5, info = "automatic conversion of stdVectorIntRef") # test.std.vector.int.const.ref <- function() { fun <- stdVectorIntConstRef x <- seq(1L, 5L, by=1L) expect_equal(fun(x), 5, info = "automatic conversion of stdVectorIntConstRef") # test.character.vector.const.proxy <- function(){ res <- character_vector_const_proxy( "fooo" ) expect_equal( res, "fooo", info = "CharacterVector const proxy. #32" ) # test.CharacterVector.test.const.proxy <- function(){ res <- CharacterVector_test_const_proxy( letters ) expect_equal( res, letters ) # test.sort <- function() { num <- setNames( c(1, -1, 4, NA, 5, NaN), letters[1:5] ) expect_identical( sort_numeric(num), sort(num, na.last=TRUE) ) int <- as.integer(num) expect_identical( sort_integer(int), sort(int, na.last=TRUE) ) char <- setNames( sample(letters, 5), LETTERS[1:5] ) expect_identical( sort_character(char), sort(char, na.last=TRUE) ) lgcl <- as.logical(int) expect_identical( sort_logical(lgcl), sort(lgcl, na.last=TRUE) ) # test.sort_desc <- function() { num <- setNames(c(1, -1, 4, NA, 5, NaN), letters[1:5]) expect_identical(sort_numeric_desc(num), sort(num, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) int <- as.integer(num) expect_identical(sort_integer_desc(int), sort(int, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) char <- setNames(sample(letters, 5), LETTERS[1:5]) expect_identical(sort_character_desc(char), sort(char, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) lgcl <- as.logical(int) expect_identical(sort_logical_desc(lgcl), sort(lgcl, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = FALSE)) # test.List.assign.SEXP <- function() { l <- list(1, 2, 3) other <- list_sexp_assign(l) expect_identical(l, other) # test.logical.vector.from.bool <- function() { expect_identical(logical_vector_from_bool(), TRUE) # test.logical.vector.from.bool.assign <- function() { expect_identical(logical_vector_from_bool_assign(), TRUE) # test.noprotect_vector <- function(){ x <- rnorm(10) expect_identical( noprotect_vector(x), 10L ) # test.noprotect_matrix <- function(){ x <- matrix(rnorm(10), nrow=2) expect_identical( noprotect_matrix(x), 2L ) # test.IntegerVector.accessor.with.bounds.checking <- function() { x <- seq(1L, 5L, by=1L) expect_equal(vec_access_with_bounds_checking(x, 3), 4) expect_error(vec_access_with_bounds_checking(x, 5) , info = "index out of bounds not detected" ) expect_error(vec_access_with_bounds_checking(x, -1) , info = "index out of bounds not detected" ) # test.NumericVector.print <- function() { v <- c(1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4) s <- vec_print_numeric(v) expect_equal(s, "1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4") # test.IntegerVector.print <- function() { v <- c(1, 2, 3, 4) s <-vec_print_integer(v) expect_equal(s, "1 2 3 4") # test.CharacterVector.print <- function() { v <- c("a", "b", "c", "d") s <- vec_print_character(v) expect_equal(s, '"a" "b" "c" "d"') # test.IntegerVector.subset.under.gc <- function() { x <- 1:1E6 y <- 1:1E6 gctorture(TRUE) z <- vec_subset(x, y) gctorture(FALSE) expect_equal(x[y], z) # test.CharacterVectorNoProtect <- function(){ s <- "foo" expect_equal(CharacterVectorNoProtect(s), 1L) expect_equal(s, "") # test.CharacterVectorNoProtect_crosspolicy <- function(){ s <- "foo" expect_equal(CharacterVectorNoProtect_crosspolicy(s), s) # test.ListNoProtect_crosspolicy <- function(){ data <- list(1:10) data2 <- ListNoProtect_crosspolicy(data) expect_equal(data, data2) # test.CharacterVector_test_equality <- function(){ expect_true( !CharacterVector_test_equality("foo", "bar") ) expect_true( !CharacterVector_test_equality_crosspolicy("foo", "bar") ) # https://github.com/RcppCore/Rcpp/issues/1308 # tests disabled since these could trigger UBSAN warnings / crashes #expect_warning(NumericVector_test_out_of_bounds_read(numeric(0), 0)) #expect_warning(NumericVector_test_out_of_bounds_read(numeric(1), 1)) #expect_warning(CharacterVector_test_out_of_bounds_read(character(0), 0)) #expect_warning(CharacterVector_test_out_of_bounds_read(character(1), 1))