winver_ver <- function(v = NULL) { if (is.null(v)) v <- system("cmd /c ver", intern = TRUE) v2 <- grep("\\[.*\\s.*\\]", v, value = TRUE)[1] v3 <- sub("^.*\\[[^ ]+\\s+", "", v2) v4 <- sub("\\]$", "", v3) if ( stop("Failed to parse windows version") v4 } winver_wmic <- function(v = NULL) { cmd <- "wmic os get Version /value" if (is.null(v)) v <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE) v2 <- grep("=", v, value = TRUE) v3 <- strsplit(v2, "=", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2] v4 <- sub("\\s*$", "", sub("^\\s*", "", v3)) if ( stop("Failed to parse windows version") v4 } winver <- function() { ## First we try with `wmic` v <- if (Sys.which("wmic") != "") { tryCatch(winver_wmic(), error = function(e) NULL) } ## Otherwise `ver` if (is.null(v)) winver_ver() else v } if (is.null(sys.calls())) cat(winver())