library(httr) # Facebook requires a https redirect url, which there's no general way # to generate for a localhost url. Instead we'll use device flow: # # 1. Register an application at # Make sure Product > Facebook login > Settings > Login from Devices = Yes. # Record your app_id and client token below. app_id <- "314363036052185" client_token <- "14b30b3ca83057c5a77ade469b496a26" access_token <- paste0(app_id, "|", client_token) # 2. Request a user code: device_url <- "" resp <- POST(device_url, body = list( access_token = access_token, scope = "public_profile" # change this as needed )) stop_for_status(resp) request <- content(resp, type = "application/json") message("Go to <", request$verification_uri, "> and enter ", request$user_code) poll <- function(code) { poll_url <- "" POST(poll_url, body = list( access_token = access_token, code = code )) } keep_waiting <- function(resp) { content <- content(resp, type = "application/json") if (!"error" %in% names(content)) { return(FALSE) } content$error$error_subcode == 1349174 } cat("Waiting for confirmation") while (keep_waiting(resp <- poll(request$code))) { cat(".") Sys.sleep(request$interval) } cat("\n") stop_for_status(resp) token <- content(resp)$access_token # 3. Use API req <- GET("", query = list( fields = "name,picture", access_token = token )) stop_for_status(req) str(content(req))