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354 lines
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.checkMFClasses Functions to Check the Type of Variables passed
to Model Frames
AIC Akaike's An Information Criterion
ARMAacf Compute Theoretical ACF for an ARMA Process
ARMAtoMA Convert ARMA Process to Infinite MA Process
Beta The Beta Distribution
Binomial The Binomial Distribution
Box.test Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box Tests
C Sets Contrasts for a Factor
Cauchy The Cauchy Distribution
Chisquare The (non-central) Chi-Squared Distribution
Distributions Distributions in the stats package
Exponential The Exponential Distribution
FDist The F Distribution
GammaDist The Gamma Distribution
Geometric The Geometric Distribution
HoltWinters Holt-Winters Filtering
Hypergeometric The Hypergeometric Distribution
IQR The Interquartile Range
KalmanLike Kalman Filtering
Logistic The Logistic Distribution
Lognormal The Log Normal Distribution
Multinomial The Multinomial Distribution
NLSstAsymptotic Fit the Asymptotic Regression Model
NLSstClosestX Inverse Interpolation
NLSstLfAsymptote Horizontal Asymptote on the Left Side
NLSstRtAsymptote Horizontal Asymptote on the Right Side
NegBinomial The Negative Binomial Distribution
Normal The Normal Distribution
PP.test Phillips-Perron Test for Unit Roots
Pair Construct a Paired-Data Object
Poisson The Poisson Distribution
SSD SSD Matrix and Estimated Variance Matrix in
Multivariate Models
SSasymp Self-Starting 'nls' Asymptotic Model
SSasympOff Self-Starting 'nls' Asymptotic Model with an
SSasympOrig Self-Starting 'nls' Asymptotic Model through
the Origin
SSbiexp Self-Starting 'nls' Biexponential Model
SSfol Self-Starting 'nls' First-order Compartment
SSfpl Self-Starting 'nls' Four-Parameter Logistic
SSgompertz Self-Starting 'nls' Gompertz Growth Model
SSlogis Self-Starting 'nls' Logistic Model
SSmicmen Self-Starting 'nls' Michaelis-Menten Model
SSweibull Self-Starting 'nls' Weibull Growth Curve Model
SignRank Distribution of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank
Smirnov Distribution of the Smirnov Statistic
StructTS Fit Structural Time Series
TDist The Student t Distribution
Tukey The Studentized Range Distribution
TukeyHSD Compute Tukey Honest Significant Differences
Uniform The Uniform Distribution
Weibull The Weibull Distribution
Wilcoxon Distribution of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic
acf Auto- and Cross- Covariance and -Correlation
Function Estimation
acf2AR Compute an AR Process Exactly Fitting an ACF
add1 Add or Drop All Possible Single Terms to a
addmargins Puts Arbitrary Margins on Multidimensional
Tables or Arrays
aggregate Compute Summary Statistics of Data Subsets
alias Find Aliases (Dependencies) in a Model
anova ANOVA Tables
anova.glm Analysis of Deviance for Generalized Linear
Model Fits
anova.lm ANOVA for Linear Model Fits
anova.mlm Comparisons between Multivariate Linear Models
ansari.test Ansari-Bradley Test
aov Fit an Analysis of Variance Model
approxfun Interpolation Functions
ar Fit Autoregressive Models to Time Series
ar.ols Fit Autoregressive Models to Time Series by OLS
arima ARIMA Modelling of Time Series
arima.sim Simulate from an ARIMA Model
arima0 ARIMA Modelling of Time Series - Preliminary
as.hclust Convert Objects to Class '"hclust"'
asOneSidedFormula Convert to One-Sided Formula
ave Group Averages Over Level Combinations of
bartlett.test Bartlett Test of Homogeneity of Variances
binom.test Exact Binomial Test
biplot Biplot of Multivariate Data
biplot.princomp Biplot for Principal Components
bw.nrd0 Bandwidth Selectors for Kernel Density
cancor Canonical Correlations
case.names Case and Variable Names of Fitted Models
chisq.test Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data
cmdscale Classical (Metric) Multidimensional Scaling
coef Extract Model Coefficients
complete.cases Find Complete Cases
confint Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters
constrOptim Linearly Constrained Optimization
contr.helmert (Possibly Sparse) Contrast Matrices
contrasts Get and Set Contrast Matrices
convolve Convolution of Sequences via FFT
cophenetic Cophenetic Distances for a Hierarchical
cor Correlation, Variance and Covariance (Matrices)
cor.test Test for Association/Correlation Between Paired
cov.wt Weighted Covariance Matrices
cpgram Plot Cumulative Periodogram
cutree Cut a Tree into Groups of Data
decompose Classical Seasonal Decomposition by Moving
delete.response Modify Terms Objects
dendrapply Apply a Function to All Nodes of a Dendrogram
dendrogram General Tree Structures
density Kernel Density Estimation
deriv Symbolic and Algorithmic Derivatives of Simple
deviance Model Deviance
df.residual Residual Degrees-of-Freedom
diff.ts Methods for Time Series Objects
diffinv Discrete Integration: Inverse of Differencing
dist Distance Matrix Computation
dummy.coef Extract Coefficients in Original Coding
ecdf Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
eff.aovlist Compute Efficiencies of Multistratum Analysis
of Variance
effects Effects from Fitted Model
embed Embedding a Time Series
expand.model.frame Add new variables to a model frame
extractAIC Extract AIC from a Fitted Model
factanal Factor Analysis
factor.scope Compute Allowed Changes in Adding to or
Dropping from a Formula
family Family Objects for Models
family.glm Accessing Generalized Linear Model Fits
family.lm Accessing Linear Model Fits
fft Fast Discrete Fourier Transform (FFT)
filter Linear Filtering on a Time Series
fisher.test Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
fitted Extract Model Fitted Values
fivenum Tukey Five-Number Summaries
fligner.test Fligner-Killeen Test of Homogeneity of
formula Model Formulae
formula.nls Extract Model Formula from 'nls' Object
friedman.test Friedman Rank Sum Test
ftable Flat Contingency Tables
ftable.formula Formula Notation for Flat Contingency Tables
getInitial Get Initial Parameter Estimates
glm Fitting Generalized Linear Models
glm.control Auxiliary for Controlling GLM Fitting
hclust Hierarchical Clustering
heatmap Draw a Heat Map
identify.hclust Identify Clusters in a Dendrogram
influence.measures Regression Deletion Diagnostics
integrate Integration of One-Dimensional Functions
interaction.plot Two-way Interaction Plot
is.empty.model Test if a Model's Formula is Empty
isoreg Isotonic / Monotone Regression
kernapply Apply Smoothing Kernel
kernel Smoothing Kernel Objects
kmeans K-Means Clustering
kruskal.test Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test
ks.test Kolmogorov-Smirnov Tests
ksmooth Kernel Regression Smoother
lag Lag a Time Series
lag.plot Time Series Lag Plots
line Robust Line Fitting
listof A Class for Lists of (Parts of) Model Fits
lm Fitting Linear Models
lm.fit Fitter Functions for Linear Models
lm.influence Regression Diagnostics
loadings Print Loadings in Factor Analysis
loess Local Polynomial Regression Fitting
loess.control Set Parameters for 'loess'
logLik Extract Log-Likelihood
loglin Fitting Log-Linear Models
lowess Scatter Plot Smoothing
ls.diag Compute Diagnostics for 'lsfit' Regression
ls.print Print 'lsfit' Regression Results
lsfit Find the Least Squares Fit
mad Median Absolute Deviation
mahalanobis Mahalanobis Distance
make.link Create a Link for GLM Families
makepredictcall Utility Function for Safe Prediction
manova Multivariate Analysis of Variance
mantelhaen.test Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Squared Test for
Count Data
mauchly.test Mauchly's Test of Sphericity
mcnemar.test McNemar's Chi-squared Test for Count Data
median Median Value
medpolish Median Polish (Robust Two-way Decomposition) of
a Matrix
model.extract Extract Components from a Model Frame
model.frame Extracting the Model Frame from a Formula or
model.matrix Construct Design Matrices
model.tables Compute Tables of Results from an 'aov' Model
monthplot Plot a Seasonal or other Subseries from a Time
mood.test Mood Two-Sample Test of Scale
na.action NA Action
na.contiguous Find Longest Contiguous Stretch of non-NAs
na.fail Handle Missing Values in Objects
naprint Adjust for Missing Values
naresid Adjust for Missing Values
nextn Find Highly Composite Numbers
nlm Non-Linear Minimization
nlminb Optimization using PORT routines
nls Nonlinear Least Squares
nls.control Control the Iterations in 'nls'
nobs Extract the Number of Observations from a Fit
numericDeriv Evaluate Derivatives Numerically
offset Include an Offset in a Model Formula
oneway.test Test for Equal Means in a One-Way Layout
optim General-purpose Optimization
optimize One Dimensional Optimization
order.dendrogram Ordering or Labels of the Leaves in a
p.adjust Adjust P-values for Multiple Comparisons
pairwise.prop.test Pairwise comparisons for proportions
pairwise.t.test Pairwise t tests
pairwise.table Tabulate p values for pairwise comparisons
pairwise.wilcox.test Pairwise Wilcoxon Rank Sum Tests
plot.HoltWinters Plot function for '"HoltWinters"' objects
plot.acf Plot Autocovariance and Autocorrelation
plot.density Plot Method for Kernel Density Estimation
plot.isoreg Plot Method for 'isoreg' Objects
plot.lm Plot Diagnostics for an 'lm' Object
plot.ppr Plot Ridge Functions for Projection Pursuit
Regression Fit
plot.profile Plotting Functions for 'profile' Objects
plot.profile.nls Plot a 'profile.nls' Object
plot.spec Plotting Spectral Densities
plot.stepfun Plot Step Functions
plot.stl Methods for STL Objects
plot.ts Plotting Time-Series Objects
poisson.test Exact Poisson tests
poly Compute Orthogonal Polynomials
power Create a Power Link Object
power.anova.test Power Calculations for Balanced One-Way
Analysis of Variance Tests
power.prop.test Power Calculations for Two-Sample Test for
power.t.test Power calculations for one and two sample t
ppoints Ordinates for Probability Plotting
ppr Projection Pursuit Regression
prcomp Principal Components Analysis
predict Model Predictions
predict.Arima Forecast from ARIMA fits
predict.HoltWinters Prediction Function for Fitted Holt-Winters
predict.glm Predict Method for GLM Fits
predict.lm Predict method for Linear Model Fits
predict.loess Predict LOESS Curve or Surface
predict.nls Predicting from Nonlinear Least Squares Fits
predict.smooth.spline Predict from Smoothing Spline Fit
preplot Pre-computations for a Plotting Object
princomp Principal Components Analysis
print.power.htest Print Methods for Hypothesis Tests and Power
Calculation Objects
print.ts Printing and Formatting of Time-Series Objects
printCoefmat Print Coefficient Matrices
profile Generic Function for Profiling Models
profile.glm Method for Profiling 'glm' Objects
profile.nls Method for Profiling 'nls' Objects
proj Projections of Models
prop.test Test of Equal or Given Proportions
prop.trend.test Test for trend in proportions
qbirthday Probability of coincidences
qqnorm Quantile-Quantile Plots
quade.test Quade Test
quantile Sample Quantiles
r2dtable Random 2-way Tables with Given Marginals
rWishart Random Wishart Distributed Matrices
read.ftable Manipulate Flat Contingency Tables
rect.hclust Draw Rectangles Around Hierarchical Clusters
relevel Reorder Levels of Factor
reorder.default Reorder Levels of a Factor
reorder.dendrogram Reorder a Dendrogram
replications Number of Replications of Terms
reshape Reshape Grouped Data
residuals Extract Model Residuals
runmed Running Medians - Robust Scatter Plot Smoothing
scatter.smooth Scatter Plot with Smooth Curve Fitted by
screeplot Scree Plots
sd Standard Deviation
se.contrast Standard Errors for Contrasts in Model Terms
selfStart Construct Self-starting Nonlinear Models
setNames Set the Names in an Object
shapiro.test Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test
sigma Extract Residual Standard Deviation 'Sigma'
simulate Simulate Responses
smooth Tukey's (Running Median) Smoothing
smooth.spline Fit a Smoothing Spline
smoothEnds End Points Smoothing (for Running Medians)
sortedXyData Create a 'sortedXyData' Object
spec.ar Estimate Spectral Density of a Time Series from
AR Fit
spec.pgram Estimate Spectral Density of a Time Series by a
Smoothed Periodogram
spec.taper Taper a Time Series by a Cosine Bell
spectrum Spectral Density Estimation
splinefun Interpolating Splines
start Encode the Terminal Times of Time Series
stat.anova GLM ANOVA Statistics
stats-deprecated Deprecated Functions in Package 'stats'
stats-package The R Stats Package
step Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm
stepfun Step Functions - Creation and Class
stl Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess
summary.aov Summarize an Analysis of Variance Model
summary.glm Summarizing Generalized Linear Model Fits
summary.lm Summarizing Linear Model Fits
summary.manova Summary Method for Multivariate Analysis of
summary.nls Summarizing Non-Linear Least-Squares Model Fits
summary.princomp Summary method for Principal Components
supsmu Friedman's SuperSmoother
symnum Symbolic Number Coding
t.test Student's t-Test
termplot Plot Regression Terms
terms Model Terms
terms.formula Construct a terms Object from a Formula
terms.object Description of Terms Objects
time Sampling Times of Time Series
toeplitz Create Symmetric and Asymmetric Toeplitz Matrix
ts Time-Series Objects
ts.plot Plot Multiple Time Series
ts.union Bind Two or More Time Series
tsSmooth Use Fixed-Interval Smoothing on Time Series
tsdiag Diagnostic Plots for Time-Series Fits
tsp Tsp Attribute of Time-Series-like Objects
uniroot One Dimensional Root (Zero) Finding
update Update and Re-fit a Model Call
update.formula Model Updating
var.test F Test to Compare Two Variances
varimax Rotation Methods for Factor Analysis
vcov Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a
Fitted Model Object
weighted.mean Weighted Arithmetic Mean
weighted.residuals Compute Weighted Residuals
weights Extract Model Weights
wilcox.test Wilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Tests
window Time (Series) Windows
xtabs Cross Tabulation