122 lines
6.4 KiB
122 lines
6.4 KiB
%s$% C-Style Formatting with 'stri_sprintf' as a
Binary Operator
%s+% Concatenate Two Character Vectors
%s<% Compare Strings with or without Collation
about_arguments Passing Arguments to Functions in 'stringi'
about_encoding Character Encodings and 'stringi'
about_locale Locales and 'stringi'
about_search String Searching
Text Boundary Analysis in 'stringi'
Character Classes in 'stringi'
about_search_coll Locale-Sensitive Text Searching in 'stringi'
about_search_fixed Locale-Insensitive Fixed Pattern Matching in
about_search_regex Regular Expressions in 'stringi'
about_stringi Fast and Portable Character String Processing
in R
stri_compare Compare Strings with or without Collation
stri_count Count the Number of Pattern Occurrences
stri_count_boundaries Count the Number of Text Boundaries
stri_datetime_add Date and Time Arithmetic
stri_datetime_create Create a Date-Time Object
stri_datetime_fields Get Values for Date and Time Fields
stri_datetime_format Date and Time Formatting and Parsing
stri_datetime_fstr Convert 'strptime'-Style Format Strings
stri_datetime_now Get Current Date and Time
stri_datetime_symbols List Localizable Date-Time Formatting Data
stri_detect Detect Pattern Occurrences
stri_dup Duplicate Strings
stri_duplicated Determine Duplicated Elements
stri_enc_detect Detect Character Set and Language
stri_enc_detect2 [DEPRECATED] Detect Locale-Sensitive Character
stri_enc_fromutf32 Convert From UTF-32
stri_enc_info Query a Character Encoding
stri_enc_isascii Check If a Data Stream Is Possibly in ASCII
stri_enc_isutf16be Check If a Data Stream Is Possibly in UTF-16 or
stri_enc_isutf8 Check If a Data Stream Is Possibly in UTF-8
stri_enc_list List Known Character Encodings
stri_enc_mark Get Declared Encodings of Each String
stri_enc_set Set or Get Default Character Encoding in
stri_enc_toascii Convert To ASCII
stri_enc_tonative Convert Strings To Native Encoding
stri_enc_toutf32 Convert Strings To UTF-32
stri_enc_toutf8 Convert Strings To UTF-8
stri_encode Convert Strings Between Given Encodings
stri_escape_unicode Escape Unicode Code Points
stri_extract_all Extract Pattern Occurrences
Extract Data Between Text Boundaries
stri_flatten Flatten a String
stri_info Query Default Settings for 'stringi'
stri_isempty Determine if a String is of Length Zero
stri_join Concatenate Character Vectors
stri_join_list Concatenate Strings in a List
stri_length Count the Number of Code Points
stri_list2matrix Convert a List to a Character Matrix
stri_locale_info Query Given Locale
stri_locale_list List Available Locales
stri_locale_set Set or Get Default Locale in 'stringi'
stri_locate_all Locate Pattern Occurrences
Locate Text Boundaries
stri_match_all Extract Regex Pattern Matches, Together with
Capture Groups
stri_na2empty Replace NAs with Empty Strings
stri_numbytes Count the Number of Bytes
stri_opts_brkiter Generate a List with BreakIterator Settings
stri_opts_collator Generate a List with Collator Settings
stri_opts_fixed Generate a List with Fixed Pattern Search
Engine's Settings
stri_opts_regex Generate a List with Regex Matcher Settings
stri_order Ordering Permutation
stri_pad_both Pad (Center/Left/Right Align) a String
stri_rand_lipsum A Lorem Ipsum Generator
stri_rand_shuffle Randomly Shuffle Code Points in Each String
stri_rand_strings Generate Random Strings
stri_rank Ranking
stri_read_lines Read Text Lines from a Text File
stri_read_raw Read Text File as Raw
stri_remove_empty Remove All Empty Strings from a Character
stri_replace_all Replace Pattern Occurrences
stri_replace_na Replace Missing Values in a Character Vector
stri_replace_rstr Convert gsub-Style Replacement Strings
stri_reverse Reverse Each String
stri_sort String Sorting
stri_sort_key Sort Keys
stri_split Split a String By Pattern Matches
stri_split_boundaries Split a String at Text Boundaries
stri_split_lines Split a String Into Text Lines
stri_sprintf Format Strings
stri_startswith Determine if the Start or End of a String
Matches a Pattern
stri_stats_general General Statistics for a Character Vector
stri_stats_latex Statistics for a Character Vector Containing
LaTeX Commands
stri_sub Extract a Substring From or Replace a Substring
In a Character Vector
stri_sub_all Extract or Replace Multiple Substrings
stri_subset Select Elements that Match a Given Pattern
stri_timezone_get Set or Get Default Time Zone in 'stringi'
stri_timezone_info Query a Given Time Zone
stri_timezone_list List Available Time Zone Identifiers
stri_trans_char Translate Characters
stri_trans_general General Text Transforms, Including
stri_trans_list List Available Text Transforms and
stri_trans_nfc Perform or Check For Unicode Normalization
stri_trans_tolower Transform Strings with Case Mapping or Folding
stri_trim_both Trim Characters from the Left and/or Right Side
of a String
stri_unescape_unicode Un-escape All Escape Sequences
stri_unique Extract Unique Elements
stri_width Determine the Width of Code Points
stri_wrap Word Wrap Text to Format Paragraphs
stri_write_lines Write Text Lines to a Text File