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#### Tools for Package Testing --- in Matrix, sourced by ./test-tools.R
#### -------------------------
## to be used as, e.g.,
## source(system.file("test-tools-1.R", package="Matrix"), keep.source=FALSE)
### ------- Part I -- unrelated to "Matrix" classes ---------------
identical3 <- function(x,y,z) identical(x,y) && identical (y,z)
identical4 <- function(a,b,c,d) identical(a,b) && identical3(b,c,d)
identical5 <- function(a,b,c,d,e) identical(a,b) && identical4(b,c,d,e)
identical6 <- function(a,b,c,d,e,f) identical(a,b) && identical5(b,c,d,e,f)
identical7 <- function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)identical(a,b) && identical6(b,c,d,e,f,g)
require(tools)#-> assertError() and assertWarning()
assertWarningAtLeast <- function(expr, verbose=getOption("verbose"))
tools::assertCondition(expr, "error", "warning", verbose=verbose)
##' [ from R's demo(error.catching) ]
##' We want to catch *and* save both errors and warnings, and in the case of
##' a warning, also keep the computed result.
##' @title tryCatch both warnings and errors
##' @param expr
##' @return a list with 'value' and 'warning', where
##' 'value' may be an error caught.
##' @author Martin Maechler
tryCatch.W.E <- function(expr)
w.handler <- function(w){ # warning handler
W <<- w
list(value = withCallingHandlers(tryCatch(expr, error = function(e) e),
warning = w.handler),
warning = W)
##' Is 'x' a valid object of class 'class' ?
isValid <- function(x, class) isTRUE(validObject(x, test=TRUE)) && is(x, class)
##' Signal an error (\code{\link{stop}}), if \code{x} is not a valid object
##' of class \code{class}.
##' @title Stop if Not a Valid Object of Given Class
##' @param x any \R object
##' @param class character string specifying a class name
##' @return \emph{invisibly}, the value of \code{\link{validObject}(x)}, i.e.,
##' \code{TRUE}; otherwise an error will have been signalled
##' @author Martin Maechler, March 2015
stopifnotValid <- function(x, class) {
if(!is(x, class))
stop(sprintf("%s is not of class \"%s\"",
deparse(substitute(x)), class), call. = FALSE)
## Some (sparse) Lin.Alg. algorithms return 0 instead of NA, e.g.
## qr.coef(<sparseQR>, y).
## For those cases, need to compare with a version where NA's are replaced by 0
mkNA.0 <- function(x) { x[is.na(x)] <- 0 ; x }
##' ... : further arguments passed to all.equal() such as 'check.attributes'
is.all.equal <- function(x,y, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)
isTRUE(all.equal(x,y, tolerance=tol, ...))
is.all.equal3 <- function(x,y,z, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)
is.all.equal(x,y, tol=tol, ...) && is.all.equal(y,z, tol=tol, ...)
is.all.equal4 <- function(x,y,z,u, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)
is.all.equal3(x,y,z, tol=tol, ...) && isTRUE(all.equal(z,u, tolerance=tol, ...))
## A version of all.equal() for the slots
all.slot.equal <- function(x,y, ...) {
slts <- slotNames(x)
for(sl in slts) {
aeq <- all.equal(slot(x,sl), slot(y,sl), ...)
if(!identical(TRUE, aeq))
return(paste("slot '",sl,"': ", aeq, sep=''))
## all.equal() for list-coercible objects -- apart from *some* components
all.equal.X <- function(x,y, except, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)
.trunc <- function(x) {
ll <- as.list(x)
ll[ - match(except, names(ll), nomatch = 0L)]
all.equal(.trunc(x), .trunc(y), tolerance = tol, ...)
## e.g. in lme4:
## all.equal.X(env(m1), env(m2), except = c("call", "frame"))
## The relative error typically returned by all.equal:
if(!exists("relErr", mode="function"))## use sfsmisc::relErr if {sfsmisc} is attached:
relErr <- function(target, current) { ## make this work for 'Matrix' ==> no mean() ..
n <- length(current)
if(length(target) < n)
target <- rep(target, length.out = n)
sum(abs(target - current)) / sum(abs(target))
##' Compute the signed relative error between target and current vector -- vectorized
##' @title Relative Error (:= 0 when absolute error == 0)
##' @param target numeric, possibly scalar
##' @param current numeric of length() a multiple of length(target)
##' @return *vector* of the same length as current
##' @author Martin Maechler
##' @note OUTDATED/SUPERSEDED by sfsmisc::relErrV() which deals with Inf, denormalized, ...
##' ==> define it only if it does not exist visibly at this point:
if(!exists("relErrV", mode="function"))
relErrV <- function(target, current) {
n <- length(target <- as.vector(target))
## assert( <length current> is multiple of <length target>) :
if(length(current) %% n)
stop("length(current) must be a multiple of length(target)")
RE <- current
RE[] <- 0
fr <- current/target
neq <- is.na(current) | (current != target)
RE[neq] <- 1 - fr[neq]
##' @title Number of correct digits: Based on relErrV(), recoding "Inf" to 'zeroDigs'
##' @param target numeric vector of "true" values
##' @param current numeric vector of "approximate" values
##' @param zeroDigs how many correct digits should zero error give
##' @return basically -log10 (| relErrV(target, current) | )
##' @author Martin Maechler, Summer 2011 (for 'copula')
nCorrDigits <- function(target, current, zeroDigs = 16) {
stopifnot(zeroDigs >= -log10(.Machine$double.eps))# = 15.65
RE <- relErrV(target, current)
r <- -log10(abs(RE))
r[RE == 0] <- zeroDigs
r[is.na(RE) | r < 0] <- 0 # no correct digit, when relErr is NA
## is.R22 <- (paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep=".") >= "2.2")
pkgRversion <- function(pkgname)
sub("^R ([0-9.]+).*", "\\1", packageDescription(pkgname)[["Built"]])
showSys.time <- function(expr, ...) {
## prepend 'Time' for R CMD Rdiff
st <- system.time(expr, ...)
writeLines(paste("Time", capture.output(print(st))))
showProc.time <- local({ ## function + 'pct' variable
pct <- summary(proc.time())# length 3, shorter names
function(final="\n", ind=TRUE) { ## CPU elapsed __since last called__
ot <- pct ; pct <<- summary(proc.time())
delta <- (pct - ot)[ind]
## 'Time' *not* to be translated: tools::Rdiff() skips its lines!
cat('Time', paste0("(",paste(names(delta),collapse=" "),"):"), delta, final)
##' A version of sfsmisc::Sys.memGB() which should never give an error
##' ( ~/R/Pkgs/sfsmisc/R/unix/Sys.ps.R )
##' TODO: on Windows, with memory.size() & memory.limit() defunct, how do I get it ????
Sys.memGB <- function(kind = "MemTotal", ## "MemFree" is typically more relevant
NA.value = 2.10201) {
if(!file.exists(pf <- "/proc/meminfo"))
return(if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
NA.value ## memory.limit() / 1000 ## no longer with R 4.2.0
mm <- tryCatch(drop(read.dcf(pf, fields=kind)),
error = function(e) NULL)
if(is.null(mm) || any(is.na(mm)) || !all(grepl(" kB$", mm)))
## return memory in giga bytes
as.numeric(sub(" kB$", "", mm)) / (1000 * 1024)
##' @title turn an S4 object (with slots) into a list with corresponding components
##' @param obj an R object with a formal class (aka "S4")
##' @return a list with named components where \code{obj} had slots
##' @author Martin Maechler
S4_2list <- # <- "old" name (I like less: too hard to remember)
as.listS4 <- function(obj) {
sn <- .slotNames(obj)
## structure(lapply(sn, slot, object = obj), .Names = sn)
`names<-`(lapply(sn, slot, object = obj), sn)
assert.EQ <- function(target, current, tol = if(showOnly) 0 else 1e-15,
giveRE = FALSE, showOnly = FALSE, ...) {
## Purpose: check equality *and* show non-equality
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## showOnly: if TRUE, return (and hence typically print) all.equal(...)
T <- isTRUE(ae <- all.equal(target, current, tolerance = tol, ...))
if(showOnly) return(ae) else if(giveRE && T) { ## don't show if stop() later:
ae0 <- if(tol == 0) ae else all.equal(target, current, tolerance = 0, ...)
if(!isTRUE(ae0)) writeLines(ae0)
if(!T) stop("all.equal() |-> ", paste(ae, collapse=sprintf("%-19s","\n")))
else if(giveRE) invisible(ae0)
##' a version with other "useful" defaults (tol, giveRE, check.attr..)
assert.EQ. <- function(target, current,
tol = if(showOnly) 0 else .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
giveRE = TRUE, showOnly = FALSE, ...) {
assert.EQ(target, current, tol=tol, giveRE=giveRE, showOnly=showOnly,
check.attributes=FALSE, ...)
### ------- Part II -- related to matrices, but *not* "Matrix" -----------
add.simpleDimnames <- function(m, named=FALSE) {
stopifnot(length(d <- dim(m)) == 2)
dimnames(m) <- setNames(list(if(d[1]) paste0("r", seq_len(d[1])),
if(d[2]) paste0("c", seq_len(d[2]))),
if(named) c("Row", "Col"))
as.mat <- function(m) {
## as(., "matrix") but with no extraneous empty dimnames
d0 <- dim(m)
m <- as(m, "matrix")
if(!length(m) && is.null(d0)) dim(m) <- c(0L, 0L) # rather than (0, 1)
if(identical(dimnames(m), list(NULL,NULL)))
dimnames(m) <- NULL
assert.EQ.mat <- function(M, m, tol = if(showOnly) 0 else 1e-15,
showOnly=FALSE, giveRE = FALSE, ...) {
## Purpose: check equality of 'Matrix' M with 'matrix' m
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: M: is(., "Matrix") typically {but just needs working as(., "matrix")}
## m: is(., "matrix")
## showOnly: if TRUE, return (and hence typically print) all.equal(...)
MM <- as.mat(M) # as(M, "matrix")
if(is.logical(MM) && is.numeric(m))
storage.mode(MM) <- "integer"
attr(MM, "dimnames") <- attr(m, "dimnames") <- NULL
assert.EQ(MM, m, tol=tol, showOnly=showOnly, giveRE=giveRE, ...)
## a short cut
assert.EQ.Mat <- function(M, M2, tol = if(showOnly) 0 else 1e-15,
showOnly=FALSE, giveRE = FALSE, ...)
assert.EQ.mat(M, as.mat(M2), tol=tol, showOnly=showOnly, giveRE=giveRE, ...)
if(getRversion() <= "3.6.1" || R.version$`svn rev` < 77410)
## { methods::canCoerce() : use .class1(), not class() }
canCoerce <- function(object, Class) {
is(object, Class) ||
!is.null(selectMethod("coerce", c(methods:::.class1(object), Class),
optional = TRUE,
useInherited = c(from=TRUE, to=FALSE)))
chk.matrix <- function(M) {
## check object; including coercion to "matrix" :
cl <- class(M)
cat("class ", dQuote(cl), " [",nrow(M)," x ",ncol(M),"]; slots (",
paste(slotNames(M), collapse=","), ")\n", sep='')
dim(M) == c(nrow(M), ncol(M)),
identical(dim(m <- as(M, "matrix")), dim(M))
isOrthogonal <- function(x, tol = 1e-15) {
all.equal(diag(as(zapsmall(crossprod(x)), "diagonalMatrix")),
rep(1, ncol(x)), tolerance = tol)
## .M.DN <- Matrix:::.M.DN -- but do *NOT* want to load Matrix namespace!
## from ../R/Auxiliaries.R :
`%||%` <- function(x, orElse) if(!is.null(x)) x else orElse
.M.DN <- function(x) dimnames(x) %||% list(NULL,NULL)
dnIdentical <- function(x,y) identical (.M.DN(x), .M.DN(y))
dnIdentical3 <- function(x,y,z) identical3(.M.DN(x), .M.DN(y), .M.DN(z))
##' @title Are two matrices practically equal - including dimnames
##' @param M1, M2: two matrices to be compared, maybe of _differing_ class
##' @param tol
##' @param dimnames logical indicating if dimnames must be equal
##' @param ... passed to all.equal(M1, M2)
##' @return TRUE or FALSE
is.EQ.mat <- function(M1, M2, tol = 1e-15, dimnames = TRUE, ...) {
(if(dimnames) dnIdentical(M1,M2) else TRUE) &&
is.all.equal(unname(as(M1, "matrix")),
unname(as(M2, "matrix")), tol=tol, ...)
##' see is.EQ.mat()
is.EQ.mat3 <- function(M1, M2, M3, tol = 1e-15, dimnames = TRUE, ...) {
(if(dimnames) dnIdentical3(M1,M2,M3) else TRUE) &&
is.all.equal3(unname(as(M1, "matrix")),
unname(as(M2, "matrix")),
unname(as(M3, "matrix")), tol=tol, ...)
##' here, as it also works for qr(<base matrix>)
chkQR <- function(a,
y = seq_len(nrow(a)),## RHS: made to contain no 0
a.qr = qr(a),
tol = 1e-11, # 1e-13 failing very rarely (interesting)
Qinv.chk = !sp.rank.def,
QtQ.chk = !sp.rank.def,
verbose = getOption("Matrix.verbose", FALSE),
giveRE = verbose,
quiet = FALSE)
d <- dim(a)
stopifnot((n <- d[1]) >= (p <- d[2]), is.numeric(y))
kind <- if(is.qr(a.qr)) "qr"
else if(is(a.qr, "sparseQR")) "spQR"
else stop("unknown qr() class: ", class(a.qr))
if(!missing(verbose) && verbose) {
op <- options(Matrix.verbose = verbose)
## rank.def <- switch(kind,
## "qr" = a.qr$rank < length(a.qr$pivot),
## "spQR" = a.qr@V@Dim[1] > a.qr@Dim[1])
sp.rank.def <- (kind == "spQR") && (a.qr@V@Dim[1] > a.qr@Dim[1])
if(sp.rank.def && !quiet && (missing(Qinv.chk) || missing(QtQ.chk)))
message("is sparse *structurally* rank deficient: Qinv.chk=",
Qinv.chk,", QtQ.chk=",QtQ.chk)
if(is.na(QtQ.chk )) QtQ.chk <- !sp.rank.def
if(is.na(Qinv.chk)) Qinv.chk <- !sp.rank.def
if(Qinv.chk) { ## qr.qy and qr.qty should be inverses, Q'Q y = y = QQ' y :
if(verbose) cat("Qinv.chk=TRUE: checking Q'Q y = y = QQ' y :\n")
## FIXME: Fails for structurally rank deficient sparse a's, but never for classical
assert.EQ(drop(qr.qy (a.qr, qr.qty(a.qr, y))), y, giveRE=giveRE, tol = tol/64)
assert.EQ(drop(qr.qty(a.qr, qr.qy (a.qr, y))), y, giveRE=giveRE, tol = tol/64)
piv <- switch(kind,
"qr" = a.qr$pivot,
"spQR" = 1L + a.qr@q)# 'q', not 'p' !!
invP <- sort.list(piv)
.ckQR <- function(cmpl) { ## local function, using parent's variables
if(verbose) cat("complete = ",cmpl,": checking X = Q R P*\n", sep="")
Q <- qr.Q(a.qr, complete=cmpl) # NB: Q is already "back permuted"
R <- qr.R(a.qr, complete=cmpl)
rr <- if(cmpl) n else p
stopifnot(dim(Q) == c(n,rr),
dim(R) == c(rr,p))
assert.EQ.Mat(a, Q %*% R[, invP], giveRE=giveRE, tol=tol)
## = ===============
assert.EQ.mat(crossprod(Q), diag(rr), giveRE=giveRE, tol=tol)
## =========== ====
}## end{chkQR}