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%\VignetteIndexEntry{A quick overview of the S4 class system}
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\title{A quick overview of the S4 class system}
\author{Herv\'e Pag\`es\\
%\institute[FHCRC]{Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center\\
% Seattle, WA}
\date{June 2016}
\section{What is S4?}
\frametitle{The S4 class system}
\item The \textit{S4 class system} is a set of facilities
provided in R for OO programming.
\item Implemented in the \Rpackage{methods} package.
\item On a fresh \R{} session:
> sessionInfo()
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
[6] methods base
\item R also supports an older class system: the \textit{S3 class
\frametitle{A different world}
\begin{block}{The syntax}
> foo(x, ...)
> x.foo(...)
like in other OO programming languages.
\begin{block}{The central concepts}
\item The core components: \emph{classes}\footnote{also called
\emph{formal classes}, to distinguish them from the S3
classes aka \emph{old style classes}}, \emph{generic functions}
and \emph{methods}
\item The glue: \emph{method dispatch} (supports \emph{simple} and
\emph{multiple} dispatch)
\begin{block}{The result}
> ls('package:methods')
[1] "addNextMethod" "allGenerics"
[3] "allNames" "Arith"
[5] "as" "as<-"
[7] "asMethodDefinition" "assignClassDef"
[211] "testVirtual" "traceOff"
[213] "traceOn" "tryNew"
[215] "unRematchDefinition" "validObject"
[217] "validSlotNames"
\item Rich, complex, can be intimidating
\item The classes and methods we implement in our packages can be
hard to document, especially when the class hierarchy is
complicated and multiple dispatch is used
\frametitle{S4 in Bioconductor}
\item Heavily used. In BioC 3.3: 3158 classes and 22511 methods defined
in 609 packages! (out of 1211 software packages)
\item Top 10: 128 classes in \Rpackage{ChemmineOB},
98 in \Rpackage{flowCore}, 79 in \Rpackage{IRanges},
68 in \Rpackage{rsbml}, 61 in \Rpackage{ShortRead},
58 in \Rpackage{Biostrings}, 51 in \Rpackage{rtracklayer},
50 in \Rpackage{oligoClasses}, 45 in \Rpackage{flowUtils},
and 40 in \Rpackage{BaseSpaceR}.
\item For the end user: it's mostly transparent. But when something
goes wrong, error messages issued by the S4 class system can
be hard to understand. Also it can be hard to find the
documentation for a specific method.
\item Most Bioconductor packages use only a small subset of the S4
capabilities (covers 99.99\% of our needs)
\section{S4 from an end-user point of view}
\frametitle{Where do S4 objects come from?}
\begin{block}{From a dataset}
\begin{block}{From using an object constructor function}
IRanges(start=c(101, 25), end=c(110, 80))
\begin{block}{From a coercion}
m <- matrix(3:-4, nrow=2)
as(m, "Matrix")
\begin{block}{From using a specialized high-level constructor}
> library(GenomicFeatures)
> makeTxDbFromUCSC("sacCer2", tablename="ensGene")
TxDb object:
# Db type: TxDb
# Supporting package: GenomicFeatures
# Data source: UCSC
# Genome: sacCer2
# Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
# Taxonomy ID: 4932
# UCSC Table: ensGene
# UCSC Track: Ensembl Genes
\begin{block}{From using a high-level I/O function}
path_to_my_data <- system.file(
"extdata", "Data", "C1-36Firecrest", "Bustard", "GERALD")
lane1 <- readFastq(path_to_my_data, pattern="s_1_sequence.txt")
\begin{block}{Inside another object}
\frametitle{How to manipulate S4 objects?}
\begin{block}{Low-level: getters and setters}
ir <- IRanges(start=c(101, 25), end=c(110, 80))
width(ir) <- width(ir) - 5
\begin{block}{High-level: plenty of specialized methods}
qa1 <- qa(lane1, lane="lane1")
\frametitle{How to find the right man page?}
\item \Rcode{class?graphNEL} or equivalently \Rcode{?\`{}graphNEL-class\`}
for accessing the man page of a class
\item \Rcode{?qa} for accessing the man page of a generic
\item The man page for a generic might also document some or all of
the methods for this generic. The \textit{See Also:} section
might give a clue. Also using \Rcode{showMethods()} can be
\item \Rcode{?\`{}qa,ShortReadQ-method\`} to access the man page for a
particular method (might be the same man page as for the generic)
\item In doubt: \Rcode{??qa} will search the man pages of all the
installed packages and return the list of man pages that contain
the string \Rcode{qa}
\frametitle{Inspecting objects and discovering methods}
\item \Rcode{class()} and \Rcode{showClass()}
\item \Rcode{str()} for compact display of the content of an object
\item \Rcode{showMethods()} to discover methods
\item \Rcode{selectMethod()} to see the code
\section{Implementing an S4 class (in 4 slides)}
\frametitle{Class definition and constructor}
\begin{block}{Class definition}
genome="character", # a single string
snpid="character", # a character vector of length N
chrom="character", # a character vector of length N
pos="integer" # an integer vector of length N
SNPLocations <- function(genome, snpid, chrom, pos)
new("SNPLocations", genome=genome, snpid=snpid, chrom=chrom, pos=pos)
snplocs <- SNPLocations("hg19",
c("rs0001", "rs0002"),
c("chr1", "chrX"),
c(224033L, 1266886L))
\begin{block}{Defining the \Rfunction{length} method}
setMethod("length", "SNPLocations", function(x) length(x@snpid))
length(snplocs) # just testing
\begin{block}{Defining the slot getters}
setGeneric("genome", function(x) standardGeneric("genome"))
setMethod("genome", "SNPLocations", function(x) x@genome)
setGeneric("snpid", function(x) standardGeneric("snpid"))
setMethod("snpid", "SNPLocations", function(x) x@snpid)
setGeneric("chrom", function(x) standardGeneric("chrom"))
setMethod("chrom", "SNPLocations", function(x) x@chrom)
setGeneric("pos", function(x) standardGeneric("pos"))
setMethod("pos", "SNPLocations", function(x) x@pos)
genome(snplocs) # just testing
snpid(snplocs) # just testing
\begin{block}{Defining the \Rfunction{show} method}
setMethod("show", "SNPLocations",
cat(class(object), "instance with", length(object),
"SNPs on genome", genome(object), "\n")
snplocs # just testing
\begin{block}{Defining the \textit{validity method}}
function(object) {
if (!is.character(genome(object)) ||
length(genome(object)) != 1 || is.na(genome(object)))
return("'genome' slot must be a single string")
slot_lengths <- c(length(snpid(object)),
if (length(unique(slot_lengths)) != 1)
return("lengths of slots 'snpid', 'chrom' and 'pos' differ")
> snplocs@chrom <- LETTERS[1:3] # a very bad idea!
> validObject(snplocs)
Error in validObject(snplocs) :
invalid class "SNPLocations" object: lengths of slots 'snpid', 'chrom'
and 'pos' differ
\begin{block}{Defining slot setters}
setGeneric("chrom<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("chrom<-"))
setReplaceMethod("chrom", "SNPLocations",
function(x, value) {x@chrom <- value; validObject(x); x})
chrom(snplocs) <- LETTERS[1:2] # repair currently broken object
> chrom(snplocs) <- LETTERS[1:3] # try to break it again
Error in validObject(x) :
invalid class "SNPLocations" object: lengths of slots 'snpid', 'chrom'
and 'pos' differ
\begin{block}{Defining a coercion method}
setAs("SNPLocations", "data.frame",
data.frame(snpid=snpid(from), chrom=chrom(from), pos=pos(from))
as(snplocs, "data.frame") # testing
\section{Extending an existing class}
\frametitle{Slot inheritance}
\item Most of the time (but not always), the child class will have
additional slots:
geneid="character" # a character vector of length N
\item The slots from the parent class are inherited:
\item Constructor:
AnnotatedSNPs <- function(genome, snpid, chrom, pos, geneid)
SNPLocations(genome, snpid, chrom, pos),
\frametitle{Method inheritance}
\item Let's create an AnnotatedSNPs object:
snps <- AnnotatedSNPs("hg19",
c("rs0001", "rs0002"),
c("chr1", "chrX"),
c(224033L, 1266886L),
c("AAU1", "SXW-23"))
\item All the methods defined for SNPLocations objects
work out-of-the-box:
\item But sometimes they don't do the right thing:
as(snps, "data.frame") # the 'geneid' slot is ignored
\item Being a SNPLocations \emph{object} vs being a SNPLocations
is(snps, "AnnotatedSNPs") # 'snps' is an AnnotatedSNPs object
is(snps, "SNPLocations") # and is also a SNPLocations object
class(snps) # but is *not* a SNPLocations *instance*
\item Method overriding: for example we could define a \Rfunction{show}
method for AnnotatedSNPs objects. \Rfunction{callNextMethod}
can be used in that context to call the method defined for the
parent class from within the method for the child class.
\item Automatic coercion method:
as(snps, "SNPLocations")
\frametitle{Incremental validity method}
\item The \textit{validity method} for AnnotatedSNPs objects only needs
to validate what's not already validated by the \textit{validity
method} for SNPLocations objects:
function(object) {
if (length(object@geneid) != length(object))
return("'geneid' slot must have the length of the object")
\item In other words: before an AnnotatedSNPs object can be considered
valid, it must first be a valid SNPLocations object.
\section{What else?}
\begin{block}{Other important S4 features}
\item \textit{Virtual} classes: equivalent to \textit{abstract}
classes in Java
\item Class unions (see \Rcode{?setClassUnion})
\item Multiple inheritance: a powerful feature that should be used with
caution. If used inappropriately, can lead to a class hierarchy
that is very hard to maintain
\item Man pages in the \Rpackage{methods} package: \Rcode{?setClass},
\Rcode{?showMethods}, \Rcode{?selectMethod}, \Rcode{?getMethod},
\Rcode{?is}, \Rcode{?setValidity}, \Rcode{?as}
\item The \textit{Extending RangedSummarizedExperiment} section of
the \textit{SummarizedExperiment} vignette in the
\Rpackage{SummarizedExperiment} package.
\item Note: S4 is \emph{not} covered in the \textit{An Introduction
to R} or \textit{The R language definition}
\item The \emph{Writing R Extensions} manual for details about
integrating S4 classes to a package
\item The \textit{R Programming for Bioinformatics} book by Robert